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Michael Rouse mwrouse

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mwrouse / can-serial-relay.ino
Last active July 23, 2021 15:39
Arduino CAN Serial Relay
* This project is an Arduino that serves as a CAN relay to a Raspberry Pi.
* It was created because of this issue
* The Arduino is responsible for sending/receiving CAN messages and passes it along over Serial.
* We used a custom library for this, that is where the CAN class comes from, but you can replace it with whatever CAN library
* you want to use.
#include "config.h"
#include "pins.h"
mwrouse / Base64Decode.pas
Last active July 16, 2021 11:42
Inno Setup (Pascal Script) Base64 Decode
// Left shift operator for Base64Decode (Inno Setup does not support << )
function BitwiseLeftShift (input: LongInt; shiftFactor: Integer): LongInt;
exp: LongInt; // Total to multiply by
i: Integer;
//Result: LongInt;
Result := 0;
exp := 1;
mwrouse / Autocomplete.js
Last active August 25, 2024 03:49
Autocompletion for an object in the monaco editor
function ShowAutocompletion(obj) {
// Disable default autocompletion for javascript
monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.setCompilerOptions({ noLib: true });
// Helper function to return the monaco completion item type of a thing
function getType(thing, isMember) {
isMember = (isMember == undefined) ? (typeof isMember == "boolean") ? isMember : false : false; // Give isMember a default value of false
switch ((typeof thing).toLowerCase()) {
case "object":
mwrouse / classList-polyfill.js
Last active April 13, 2017 14:27
classList polyfill for IE7+ and all major browsers
* ClassList polyfill for IE7+ and all major browsers
* By: Michael Rouse
* Use:
* var my_element = document.getElementById('major-id');
* classList.add(my_element, 'new-class'); // Adds the class 'new-class' to the element
* classList.remove(my_element, 'old-class'); // Removes 'old-class' from the element's classes
* classList.contains(my_element, 'a-class'); // Returns true if the element has 'a-class' as a class
mwrouse / EventListenerPolyfill.js
Last active June 2, 2020 00:55
JavaScript addEventListener and removeEventListener polyfill for IE6+
* Event polyfill
* Michael Rouse
* December 2016
function polyfillEvent(e) {
e = e || window.event;
e.eventPhase = e.eventPhase || 0;
e.defaultPrevented = e.defaultPrevented || false;
mwrouse / ReadJSON.html
Last active March 1, 2023 14:19
Reading JSON File Input
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>File Input</title>
<input type="file" id="fileInput">
<script src="index.js"></script>
mwrouse / right-pad.js
Last active March 25, 2016 12:57
I also wrote a JavaScript padding function, except in one line
* Right Pad
* str - the string to pad
* chr - the character to use as padding
* n - the desired string length
function rpad(str, chr, n)
return ((str+='').length < n && chr) ? rpad(str + chr, chr, n) : str;
var questions = {
0: {
name: "name",
intro: true,
question: ["Hi.", "I'm Jordan Staniscia", "Might I ask what your name is?"],
answers: {
"default": {
replies: ["That's a good name.", "Names are a funny thing", "It's one of the only decisions you don't make yourself"]
"jordan staniscia": {