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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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A function for diagonal matrix traversal. (python3)
def diag_trav_mat(mat,func):
# pretend to be working with a square matrix
# extend length to the largest of the sides
n = max(len(mat),len(mat[0]))
# for the amount of diagnoals
for x in range(0, 2*n-1):
# num of elements in diagonal
el = n - abs(n-1-x)
# row (i) range, the column (j) range is the same but reversed
r = range(min(x, n-1), min(x,n-1)-el,-1)
for i,j in zip(r, reversed(r)):
# apply func to element
except IndexError:
# in case of non-square matrices
# we expect to get out of bounds
### TEST CASES ###
# test matrix n = 2
m2 = [[1,3],[2,4]]
# test matrix n = 3
m3 = [[1,3,6],[2,5,8],[4,7,9]]
# test matrix n = 4
m4 = [[1,3,6,10],[2,5,9,13],[4,8,12,15],[7,11,14,16]]
# non square test matrix n = 2 m = 3
mn23 = [[1,3,5],[2,4,6]]
# non square test matrix n = 2 m = 3
mn32 = [[1,3],[2,5],[4,6]]
# print elements
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