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Last active April 20, 2020 19:21
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Bash history with bash and git aliases expanded
Outputs history with bash and git aliases expanded.
from __future__ import print_function
import re
from subprocess import check_output
for line in check_output('bash -i -c "alias -p"', shell=True).split('\n'):
if not line.strip():
match = re.match(r"^alias (.+?)='(.+?)'\n*$", line)
for line in check_output('git config --get-regexp alias*', shell=True).split('\n'):
if not line.strip():
match = re.match(r"^alias\.(.+?) (.+)$", line)
def expand(cmd):
number, cmd = cmd.strip().split(' ', 1)
cmd = cmd.strip()
except ValueError:
# empty line
return cmd
for alias, expansion in BASH_ALIASES.items():
cmd = re.sub(r"^" + re.escape(alias) + '(\s|$)', expansion + ' ', cmd)
for alias, expansion in GIT_ALIASES.items():
cmd = re.sub(r"^git " + re.escape(alias) + "(\s|$)", "git %s " % expansion, cmd)
return " %s %s" % (number, cmd)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for line in check_output('bash -i -c "history -r; history"', shell=True).split('\n'):
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pirate commented Dec 24, 2014

aww, I wish this worked for my fish functions as well :(

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if your shell prints anything on startup (e.g. in .bashrc or .profile), this won't work for you as-is – add the following after line 13 (match = re.match(r"^alias (.+?)='(.+?)'\n*$", line)) to fix:

if match is None: continue

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