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tasdikrahman /
Last active September 15, 2024 16:13
Typical Directory structure for python tests

A Typical directory structure for running tests using unittest

Ref : stackoverflow

The best solution in my opinion is to use the unittest [command line interface][1] which will add the directory to the sys.path so you don't have to (done in the TestLoader class).

For example for a directory structure like this:



staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
lelandbatey /
Last active June 16, 2024 13:44
Whiteboard Picture Cleaner - Shell one-liner/script to clean up and beautify photos of whiteboards!


This simple script will take a picture of a whiteboard and use parts of the ImageMagick library with sane defaults to clean it up tremendously.

The script is here:

convert "$1" -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 "$2"


rvillars /
Last active February 25, 2020 09:26
[Angular Translate Bunlde] Spring bundle based translations (i18n) for AngularJS applications with angular-translate

angular-translate with Spring bundles


AngularJS itself doesn't provide any features to translate the texts of your application to different languages and switching the language right on the page. Fornutalty there is now another open-source project called angular-translate that implements the needed functionalities.

AnularJS proposes a technologiy where as much as possible application behevior is exeuted on the client (the browser). So it makes sense to hold translated texts clientside and enrich the static templates with the transalted texts there.

Spring message bundles in the opposite are a collection of serverside key=value files that hold the translated texts each for one language. A well known and widly used pattern.

andytill /
Created July 1, 2012 17:53
Creating JavaFX Controllers using Guice
* A JavaFX controller factory for constructing controllers via Guice DI. To
* install this in the {@link FXMLLoader}, pass it as a parameter to
* {@link FXMLLoader#setControllerFactory(Callback)}.
* <p>
* Once set, make sure you do <b>not</b> use the static methods on
* {@link FXMLLoader} when creating your JavaFX node.
class GuiceControllerFactory implements Callback<Class<?>, Object> {
henrik / yahoo_exchange_rates_jsonp.html
Created December 28, 2009 22:48
JavaScript to get currency exchange rates from Yahoo Finance as JSONP. No XHR!
Get exchange rate as JSONP via YQL.
YQL Console:
Query (USD to SEK): select rate,name from csv where url='' and columns='rate,name'
Example code:
<script type="text/javascript">