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Created May 20, 2023 14:47
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This script automates code coverage reports in a monorepo setup using Jest and Turborepo. It collects and merges data from each package, providing a holistic view of code quality. Assumes a setup with each package outputting coverage data in a 'coverage' folder.
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
// Params
const pathToPreviousReport = process.argv[2]
// Functions
* Reads the coverage-summary.{XXX}.json file and returns the parsed JSON object
* @param {*} pathToReport
* @returns
function readPreviousCoverageSummary(pathToReport) {
if (!pathToReport) {
console.warn('Previous coverage results were not provided.')
// Read the JSON file
const prevCoverage = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pathToReport, 'utf8'))
return prevCoverage
* Reads go through all the apps and packages and returns
* an object with the paths to the coverage-summary.json files
* @param {*} pathToReport
* @returns
* */
function getAllPathsForPackagesSummaries() {
const getDirectories = (source) =>
.readdirSync(source, { withFileTypes: true })
.filter((dirent) => dirent.isDirectory())
.map((dirent) =>
const appsPath = path.join(__dirname, 'apps')
const appsNames = getDirectories(appsPath)
const appsSummaries = appsNames.reduce((summary, appName) => {
return {
[appName]: path.join(appsPath, appName, 'coverage', 'coverage-summary.json'),
}, {})
const packagesPath = path.join(__dirname, 'packages')
const packageNames = getDirectories(packagesPath)
const packagesSummaries = packageNames.reduce((summary, packageName) => {
return {
[packageName]: path.join(packagesPath, packageName, 'coverage', 'coverage-summary.json'),
}, {})
return { ...appsSummaries, ...packagesSummaries }
* Reads all the coverage-summary.json files and returns
* an object with the total coverage for each package and the total coverage
* @param {*} packagesSummaryPaths
* @returns
* */
function readSummaryPerPackageAndCreateJoinedSummaryReportWithTotal(packagesSummaryPaths) {
return Object.keys(packagesSummaryPaths).reduce(
(summary, packageName) => {
const reportPath = packagesSummaryPaths[packageName]
if (fs.existsSync(reportPath)) {
const report = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(reportPath, 'utf8'))
const { total } = summary
Object.keys( => {
if (total[key]) {
total[key].total +=[key].total
total[key].covered +=[key].covered
total[key].skipped +=[key].skipped
total[key].pct = Number(((total[key].covered / total[key].total) * 100).toFixed(2))
} else {
total[key] = {[key] }
return { ...summary, [packageName]:, total }
return summary
{ total: {} },
* Takes the current coverage and the previous coverage and returns
* an object with the additional field pctDiff
* @param {*} packagesSummaryPaths
* @returns
* */
function creteDiffCoverageReport(currCoverage, prevCoverage = {}) {
return Object.keys(currCoverage).reduce((summary, packageName) => {
const currPackageCoverage = currCoverage[packageName]
const prevPackageCoverage = prevCoverage[packageName]
if (prevPackageCoverage) {
const coverageKeys = ['lines', 'statements', 'functions', 'branches']
coverageKeys.forEach((key) => {
const prevPct = prevPackageCoverage[key]?.pct || 0
const currPct = currPackageCoverage[key]?.pct || 0
currPackageCoverage[key] = {
pctDiff: (parseFloat(currPct) - parseFloat(prevPct)).toFixed(2),
return { ...summary, [packageName]: currPackageCoverage }
}, {})
function formatPtcWithDiff(ptc, ptcDiff) {
return appendDiff(formatDecimal(ptc), ptcDiff && formatDecimal(ptcDiff))
function formatDecimal(ptc) {
return parseFloat(ptc).toFixed(2)
function appendDiff(ptc, ptcDiff) {
if (!ptcDiff || ptcDiff === ptc) {
return ptc
return `${ptc} (${ptcDiff > 0 ? '+' : ''}${ptcDiff}%)`
* Takes the coverage report and returns an object with the
* coverage for each package and the total coverage suitable
* for the visual representation in a console table
* @param {*} coverageReport
* @returns
* */
function createCoverageReportForVisualRepresentation(coverageReport) {
return Object.keys(coverageReport).reduce((report, packageName) => {
const { lines, statements, functions, branches } = coverageReport[packageName]
return {,
[packageName]: {
lines: formatPtcWithDiff(lines.pct, lines.pctDiff),
statements: formatPtcWithDiff(statements.pct, statements.pctDiff),
functions: formatPtcWithDiff(functions.pct, functions.pctDiff),
branches: formatPtcWithDiff(branches.pct, branches.pctDiff),
}, {})
function writeCoverageReportToFile(coverageReport) {
function createDateTimeSuffix() {
const date = new Date()
return `${date.getFullYear()}-${
date.getMonth() + 1
const dir = path.join(__dirname, 'coverage')
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
JSON.stringify(coverageReport, null, 2),
// Execution Stages
// 0. Read previous coverage-total.{XXX}.json file
const prevCoverageReport = readPreviousCoverageSummary(pathToPreviousReport)
// 1. Read all coverage-total.json files && Merge them into one object
const packagesSummaryPaths = getAllPathsForPackagesSummaries()
const currCoverageReport =
// 2. Calculate diff
const diffCoverageReport = creteDiffCoverageReport(currCoverageReport, prevCoverageReport)
// 3. Create report for visual representation
const coverageReportForVisualRepresentation =
// 4. Print report
// 5. Save report to file
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Very nice.

You should consider packaging this into a github action.

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