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Created September 1, 2024 05:46
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import {cloneable, signal, Curve, Node, NodeProps, Rect, RectProps} from '@revideo/2d';
import {
} from '@revideo/core';
export interface CameraProps extends NodeProps {
* {@inheritDoc Camera.scene}
scene?: Node;
* {@inheritDoc Camera.zoom}
zoom?: SignalValue<number>;
* A node representing an orthographic camera.
* @preview
* ```tsx editor
* import {Camera, Circle, makeScene2D, Rect} from '@motion-canvas/2d';
* import {all, createRef} from '@motion-canvas/core';
* export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
* const camera = createRef<Camera>();
* const rect = createRef<Rect>();
* const circle = createRef<Circle>();
* view.add(
* <>
* <Camera ref={camera}>
* <Rect
* ref={rect}
* fill={'lightseagreen'}
* size={100}
* position={[100, -50]}
* />
* <Circle
* ref={circle}
* fill={'hotpink'}
* size={120}
* position={[-100, 50]}
* />
* </Camera>
* </>,
* );
* yield* all(
* camera().centerOn(rect(), 3),
* camera().rotation(180, 3),
* camera().zoom(1.8, 3),
* );
* yield* camera().centerOn(circle(), 2);
* yield* camera().reset(1);
* });
* ```
export class Camera extends Node {
* The scene node that the camera is rendering.
public declare readonly scene: SimpleSignal<Node, this>;
public constructor({children, ...props}: CameraProps) {
if (!this.scene()) {
this.scene(new Node({}));
if (children) {
* The zoom level of the camera.
* @defaultValue 1
public declare readonly zoom: SimpleSignal<number, this>;
protected getZoom(): number {
return 1 / this.scale.x();
protected setZoom(value: SignalValue<number>) {
this.scale(modify(value, (unwrapped) => 1 / unwrapped));
protected getDefaultZoom() {
return this.scale.x.context.getInitial();
protected *tweenZoom(
value: SignalValue<number>,
duration: number,
timingFunction: TimingFunction,
interpolationFunction: InterpolationFunction<number>,
): ThreadGenerator {
const from = this.scale.x();
yield* tween(duration, (v) => {
this.zoom(1 / interpolationFunction(from, 1 / unwrap(value), timingFunction(v)));
* Resets the camera's position, rotation and zoom level to their original
* values.
* @param duration - The duration of the tween.
* @param timingFunction - The timing function to use for the tween.
public *reset(
duration: number,
timingFunction: TimingFunction = easeInOutCubic,
): ThreadGenerator {
yield* all(
this.position(DEFAULT, duration, timingFunction),
this.zoom(DEFAULT, duration, timingFunction),
this.rotation(DEFAULT, duration, timingFunction),
* Centers the camera on the specified position without changing the zoom
* level.
* @param position - The position to center the camera on.
* @param duration - The duration of the tween.
* @param timingFunction - The timing function to use for the tween.
* @param interpolationFunction - The interpolation function to use for the
* tween.
public centerOn(
position: PossibleVector2,
duration: number,
timingFunction?: TimingFunction,
interpolationFunction?: InterpolationFunction<Vector2>,
): ThreadGenerator;
* Centers the camera on the specified node without changing the zoom level.
* @param node - The node to center the camera on.
* @param duration - The duration of the tween.
* @param timingFunction - The timing function to use for the tween.
* @param interpolationFunction - The interpolation function to use for the
* tween.
public centerOn(
node: Node,
duration: number,
timingFunction?: TimingFunction,
interpolationFunction?: InterpolationFunction<Vector2>,
): ThreadGenerator;
public *centerOn(
positionOrNode: Node | PossibleVector2,
duration: number,
timing: TimingFunction = easeInOutCubic,
interpolationFunction: InterpolationFunction<Vector2> = Vector2.lerp,
): ThreadGenerator {
const position =
positionOrNode instanceof Node
? positionOrNode.absolutePosition().transformAsPoint(this.scene().worldToLocal())
: positionOrNode;
yield* this.position(position, duration, timing, interpolationFunction);
* Makes the camera follow a path specified by the provided curve.
* @remarks
* This will not change the orientation of the camera. To make the camera
* orient itself along the curve, use {@link followCurveWithRotation} or
* {@link followCurveWithRotationReverse}.
* If you want to follow the curve in reverse, use {@link followCurveReverse}.
* @param curve - The curve to follow.
* @param duration - The duration of the tween.
* @param timing - The timing function to use for the tween.
public *followCurve(
curve: Curve,
duration: number,
timing: TimingFunction = easeInOutCubic,
): ThreadGenerator {
yield* tween(duration, (value) => {
const t = timing(value);
const point = curve.getPointAtPercentage(t).position.transformAsPoint(curve.localToWorld());
* Makes the camera follow a path specified by the provided curve in reverse.
* @remarks
* This will not change the orientation of the camera. To make the camera
* orient itself along the curve, use {@link followCurveWithRotation} or
* {@link followCurveWithRotationReverse}.
* If you want to follow the curve forward, use {@link followCurve}.
* @param curve - The curve to follow.
* @param duration - The duration of the tween.
* @param timing - The timing function to use for the tween.
public *followCurveReverse(
curve: Curve,
duration: number,
timing: TimingFunction = easeInOutCubic,
) {
yield* tween(duration, (value) => {
const t = 1 - timing(value);
const point = curve.getPointAtPercentage(t).position.transformAsPoint(curve.localToWorld());
* Makes the camera follow a path specified by the provided curve while
* pointing the camera the direction of the tangent.
* @remarks
* To make the camera follow the curve without changing its orientation, use
* {@link followCurve} or {@link followCurveReverse}.
* If you want to follow the curve in reverse, use
* {@link followCurveWithRotationReverse}.
* @param curve - The curve to follow.
* @param duration - The duration of the tween.
* @param timing - The timing function to use for the tween.
public *followCurveWithRotation(
curve: Curve,
duration: number,
timing: TimingFunction = easeInOutCubic,
) {
yield* tween(duration, (value) => {
const t = timing(value);
const {position, normal} = curve.getPointAtPercentage(t);
const point = position.transformAsPoint(curve.localToWorld());
const angle = normal.flipped.perpendicular.degrees;
* Makes the camera follow a path specified by the provided curve in reverse
* while pointing the camera the direction of the tangent.
* @remarks
* To make the camera follow the curve without changing its orientation, use
* {@link followCurve} or {@link followCurveReverse}.
* If you want to follow the curve forward, use
* {@link followCurveWithRotation}.
* @param curve - The curve to follow.
* @param duration - The duration of the tween.
* @param timing - The timing function to use for the tween.
public *followCurveWithRotationReverse(
curve: Curve,
duration: number,
timing: TimingFunction = easeInOutCubic,
) {
yield* tween(duration, (value) => {
const t = 1 - timing(value);
const {position, normal} = curve.getPointAtPercentage(t);
const point = position.transformAsPoint(curve.localToWorld());
const angle = normal.flipped.perpendicular.degrees;
protected override transformContext(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
const matrix = this.localToParent().inverse();
context.transform(matrix.a, matrix.b, matrix.c, matrix.d, matrix.e, matrix.f);
public override hit(position: Vector2): Node | null {
const local = position.transformAsPoint(this.localToParent());
return this.scene().hit(local);
protected override async drawChildren(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
(this.scene() as Camera).drawChildren(context);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
public static Stage({
}: RectProps & {cameraRef?: Reference<Camera>; scene?: Node}) {
const camera = new Camera({scene: scene, children});
return new Rect({
clip: true,
children: [camera],
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