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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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import collections
import numpy as np
Population = collections.namedtuple('Population', 'n_neurons t_rc t_ref gains biases')
SimStep = collections.namedtuple('SimStep', 'voltage refs spikes')
def generate_population(n_neurons, t_rc, t_ref, max_rate):
"""Generate a population for simulation using the given parameters."""
# Generate the max_rates for the population, and the intercepts (in range
# +/- 1)
max_rates = np.random.uniform(0, max_rate, size=n_neurons)
intercepts = np.linspace(-1., 1., n_neurons, endpoint=False)
z = 1. / (1 - np.exp((t_ref - 1./max_rates)/t_rc))
gains = (1. - z)/(intercepts - 1.)
biases = 1. - gains*intercepts
# Generate and return the population
return Population(n_neurons, t_rc, t_ref, gains, biases)
def simulate_population_step(population, in_currents, pstep, dt):
"""Simulate a population of neurons given the input current and the
previous simulation step.
# Add the biases to the input currents
in_currents += population.biases
# Calculate dV and the subsequent voltage
dv = (in_currents - pstep.voltage)*dt / population.t_rc
dv[pstep.refs < 0] = 0
voltage = pstep.voltage + dv
voltage[voltage < 0] = 0.
# Decrease refractory periods
refs = pstep.refs
refs[refs > 0.] -= 1
# Deal with spikes
spikes = voltage > 1.
voltage[spikes] = 0.
pets = np.random.rand(population.n_neurons) < (voltage - 1.)/dv
refs[spikes] = int((population.t_ref) / dt)
refs[np.all(np.vstack([spikes, pets]), axis=0)] -= 1
# Return the simulation step
return SimStep(voltage, refs, spikes)
def simulate_feedforward(population, inputs, weight_matrix, dt=0.001,
"""Simulate a feedforward connection from the spiking inputs to the
population of neurons.
`inputs` is expected to be a m-by-t matrix of input values.
assert weight_matrix.shape == (inputs.shape[0], population.n_neurons)
spike_times = [list([-1.]) for n in range(population.n_neurons)]
# Create a series of filter holder values
synaptic_filters = np.zeros(population.n_neurons)
f_m1 = np.exp(-dt/filter_tc)
f_m2 = 1. - f_m1
# For each simulation step (i.e., each column of the input) apply the input
# to the population.
pstep = SimStep(np.zeros(population.n_neurons),
np.zeros(population.n_neurons), [])
for t, inp in enumerate(inputs.T):
# Apply any spikes to the synapses to get the current contributions for
# this simulation step.
ins =
synaptic_filters *= f_m2
synaptic_filters += f_m1 * ins
# Simulate the neurons for this step
pstep = simulate_population_step(
population, np.copy(synaptic_filters), pstep, dt)
# Save the spike times
for n in np.where(pstep.spikes)[0]:
spike_times[n].append(t * dt)
# Return the spike times
return spike_times
def get_interspike_times(spike_times):
"""Get a list of interspike times for each neuron."""
interspike_times = list()
for spikes in spike_times:
[spikes[n] - spikes[n-1] for n in range(1, len(spikes))]
return interspike_times
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