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Created January 20, 2016 19:17
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"""Implementation of m-Tries for routing table minimisation.
Ahmand, S.; Mahapatra, R., "M-trie: an efficient approach to on-chip logic
minimization," in Computer Aided Design, 2004. ICCAD-2004. IEEE/ACM
International Conference on , vol., no., pp.428-435, 7-11 Nov. 2004
from collections import defaultdict
from rig.routing_table import RoutingTableEntry
from six import iteritems
import sys
def minimise(table):
"""Minimise a routing table."""
# Split the table into sub-tables with the same route.
subtables = defaultdict(list)
for entry in table:
subtables[entry.route].append((entry.key, entry.mask))
# Minimise each subtable in turn
mintables = dict()
for i, (route, keymasks) in enumerate(iteritems(subtables)):
sys.stdout.write("\r{} of {}...".format(i, len(subtables)))
trie = Node()
for key, mask in keymasks:
insert(trie, key, mask)
mintables[route] = list(trie.get_keys_and_masks())
# Return to routing table form
return [RoutingTableEntry(r, k, m) for r, kms in iteritems(mintables) for
k, m in kms]
def insert(root, key, mask):
"""Add a new key and mask pair to a trie."""
# Traverse the trie to add elements, store the queue of Nodes that we need
# to process later to ensue the trie is valid.
queue = root.traverse(key, mask)
next(queue) # We don't care about the leaf
# Visit each Node in the queue to minimise the trie
for node in queue:
# If there are any intersections between the paths beginning 0... and
# 1... then those paths should be untraversed and replaced by a path
# beginning X...
for path in node.get_paths_from_0() & node.get_paths_from_1():
next(node.traverse(*path)) # Finish the traversal
# If there are any intersections between the paths beginning 0... or
# 1... and X... then the paths beginning 0... or 1... should be
# removed.
for path in node.get_paths_from_X() & node.get_paths_from_0():
for path in node.get_paths_from_X() & node.get_paths_from_1():
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, bit=31):
"""Create an m-Trie Node which will inspect a bit of the keys and masks
during insertion.
bit : int
Index of the bit that should be inspected by this Node. If negative
then the Node is assumed to be a leaf Node.
self.bit = bit
if not self.is_leaf:
self.mask = (1 << bit) # Mask applied to keys and masks
self.mask = 0x0
self.children = dict() # Children of the Node
def is_leaf(self):
"""Return if the Node is a leaf."""
return self.bit < 0
def get_keys_and_masks(self, _key=0, _mask=0):
"""Retrieve minimised keys and masks from the trie.
(key, mask)
Minimised keys and masks.
if self.is_leaf:
# If we are a leaf we just yield the key and mask as we receive
# them
yield (_key, _mask)
# Otherwise we pass on the key and mask to the children after
# combining them with the keys and masks that lead to that child.
for (k, m), child in iteritems(self.children):
for keymask in child.get_keys_and_masks(_key | k, _mask | m):
yield keymask
def get_paths_from_X(self):
return self.get_paths_from((0, 0))
def get_paths_from_0(self):
return self.get_paths_from((0, self.mask))
def get_paths_from_1(self):
return self.get_paths_from((self.mask, self.mask))
def get_paths_from(self, child):
if child in self.children:
return set(self.children[child].get_keys_and_masks())
return set()
def traverse(self, key, mask):
"""Traverse the tree adding new Nodes when necessary.
Nodes along the path, yielded in order from leaf to root.
if self.is_leaf:
yield self
# Otherwise we determine to which child the path leads and add that
# child if it doesn't already exist before then calling the child
# to continue inserting the path.
child = (key & self.mask, mask & self.mask)
if child not in self.children:
# Add the child and instruct it to inspect the bit one less
# significant than the bit we inspect.
self.children[child] = Node(self.bit - 1)
# Insert this path into the child
for n in self.children[child].traverse(key, mask):
yield n
yield self
def untraverse(self, key, mask):
"""Remove a key and mask from the trie.
True if the child should be removed, otherwise False
if self.is_leaf:
# If this is a leaf then indicate that it is no longer needed
return True # True indicates that the child should be removed
# Otherwise we find the child that this path leads to and call on
# them to untraverse the path. If after doing so they should be
# removed we remove them.
child = (key & self.mask, mask & self.mask)
if self.children[child].untraverse(key, mask):
# Remove the child
# If we have no children left we should also be removed
return bool(self.children)
def untraverse_from_0(self, key, mask):
self.untraverse(key, mask | self.mask)
def untraverse_from_1(self, key, mask):
self.untraverse(key | self.mask, mask | self.mask)
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