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Last active September 21, 2024 03:34
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Using custom font in iOS without register to Info.plist
public class FontLoader {
private enum Error: Swift.Error {
case error(String)
/// Register fonts
/// - Parameter fonts: Font names
static func registerFonts(fonts: [String]) throws {
let bundle = Bundle(for: FontLoader.self)
let urls = fonts.compactMap({ bundle.url(forResource: $0, withExtension: "ttf") })
try urls.forEach { (url) in
let data = try Data.init(contentsOf: url)
guard let provider = CGDataProvider.init(data: data as CFData) else { throw Error.error("CGDataProvider nil") }
guard let font = CGFont.init(provider) else { throw Error.error("CGFont nil") }
var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?
guard CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont(font, &error) else {
throw error!.takeUnretainedValue()
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ZUCheema commented Jun 2, 2023

Getting actual error. duplicateName or alreadyRegistered error is common. direct casting from cfError to NSError doesn't work, we first need to cast to Error.
let cfError = error?.takeRetainedValue() if let err = (cfError as? Error) as? NSError { if err.code == CTFontManagerError.alreadyRegistered.rawValue || err.code == CTFontManagerError.duplicatedName.rawValue { } }

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muizidn commented Jun 2, 2023

Thanks. Why does that error happen? Do you install different font using similar name as system provided one?

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ZUCheema commented Jun 2, 2023 via email

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muizidn commented Jun 2, 2023

I would suggest to filter those fonts before register them. Or you can handle that for your specific use case.

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ZUCheema commented Jun 2, 2023 via email

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