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Created March 25, 2022 18:26
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package // TODO: Your Package Here
import android.content.Context
import android.text.*
import android.text.Annotation
import android.view.View
import androidx.annotation.ColorInt
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
class StyleUtil {
open class Style(open val key: String) {
data class Bold(override val key: String, val isBold: Boolean) : Style(key)
data class Underline(override val key: String, val isUnderlined: Boolean) : Style(key)
data class ForegroundColor(override val key: String, @ColorInt val color: Int) : Style(key)
data class BackgroundColor(override val key: String, @ColorInt val color: Int) : Style(key)
interface Listener {
fun styleClicked(key: String)
class Builder {
private var text: Spannable = SpannableStringBuilder("")
private var styles: List<Style> = emptyList()
private var listener: Listener? = null
fun text(context: Context, @StringRes res: Int) = apply { this.text = SpannableStringBuilder(context.getText(res)) }
fun styles(styles: List<Style>) = apply { this.styles = styles }
fun listener(listener: Listener) = apply { this.listener = listener }
fun build(): Spannable {
val annotations = text.getSpans(0, text.length,
for (annotation in annotations) {
generateSpans(annotation.value, styles, listener),
return text
private fun generateSpans(key: String, styles: List<Style>, listener: Listener?): CharacterStyle {
return object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(view: View) {
override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) {
for (style in styles) {
if (key == style.key) {
when (style) {
is Style.Bold -> textPaint.isFakeBoldText = style.isBold
is Style.BackgroundColor -> textPaint.bgColor = style.color
is Style.ForegroundColor -> textPaint.color = style.color
is Style.Underline -> textPaint.isUnderlineText = style.isUnderlined
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Spans are great but can be a pain to work with in applications that are localized. The main reason for this is that in different localizations the start and stop indexes for a span will differ. The following class allows you to apply some basic styles along with a styleClicked(key: String) callback, to strings loaded from XML that utilize the annotation tag.


    <string name="str">A <annotation key="foo">test</annotation>. Very <annotation key="bar">cool</annotation>!</string>


class Example: StyleUtil.Listener {

    fun styleExample() {
        val styles = listOf(
            StyleUtil.Style.Bold("foo", true),
            StyleUtil.Style.Underline("bar", true)
            StyleUtil.Style.ForegroundColor("bar", Color.GRAY)

        val span = StyleUtil.Builder().text(context, R.string.str)

    // StyleUtil.Listener

    override fun styleClicked(key: String) {

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