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Last active July 25, 2016 09:40
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// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#include "ShooterGame.h"
// recast includes
#include "AI/Navigation/NavFilters/NavigationQueryFilter.h"
#include "Runtime/Navmesh/Public/Detour/DetourNavMeshQuery.h"
#include "Runtime/Navmesh/Public/Detour/DetourNavMesh.h"
#include "Runtime/Navmesh/Public/Detour/DetourCommon.h"
#include "Public/Navigation/MyRecastNavMesh.h"
#include "Public/Navigation/CubeComponent.h"
// dtQueryFilter_Example();
/// Returns cost to move from the beginning to the end of a line segment
/// that is fully contained within a polygon.
/// @param[in] pa The start position on the edge of the previous and current polygon. [(x, y, z)]
/// @param[in] pb The end position on the edge of the current and next polygon. [(x, y, z)]
/// @param[in] prevRef The reference id of the previous polygon. [opt]
/// @param[in] prevTile The tile containing the previous polygon. [opt]
/// @param[in] prevPoly The previous polygon. [opt]
/// @param[in] curRef The reference id of the current polygon.
/// @param[in] curTile The tile containing the current polygon.
/// @param[in] curPoly The current polygon.
/// @param[in] nextRef The reference id of the next polygon. [opt]
/// @param[in] nextTile The tile containing the next polygon. [opt]
/// @param[in] nextPoly The next polygon. [opt]
float dtQueryFilter_Example::getVirtualCost(const float * pa, const float * pb, const dtPolyRef prevRef, const dtMeshTile * prevTile, const dtPoly * prevPoly, const dtPolyRef curRef, const dtMeshTile * curTile, const dtPoly * curPoly, const dtPolyRef nextRef, const dtMeshTile * nextTile, const dtPoly * nextPoly) const
// Your custom function here
//const float cost = GetCustomCost(FVector2D(-pa[0], -pa[2]), FVector2D(-pb[0], -pb[2]));
//return cost;
// FRecastQueryFilter_Example();
FRecastQueryFilter_Example::FRecastQueryFilter_Example(bool bIsVirtual)
: dtQueryFilter_Example(bIsVirtual)
INavigationQueryFilterInterface* FRecastQueryFilter_Example::CreateCopy() const
return new FRecastQueryFilter_Example(*this);
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetIsVirtual(bool bIsVirtual)
dtQueryFilter* Filter = static_cast<dtQueryFilter*>(this);
Filter = new(Filter)dtQueryFilter(bIsVirtual);
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::Reset()
dtQueryFilter* Filter = static_cast<dtQueryFilter*>(this);
Filter = new(Filter) dtQueryFilter(isVirtual);
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetAreaCost(uint8 AreaType, float Cost)
setAreaCost(AreaType, Cost);
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetFixedAreaEnteringCost(uint8 AreaType, float Cost)
setAreaFixedCost(AreaType, Cost);
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetExcludedArea(uint8 AreaType)
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetAllAreaCosts(const float* CostArray, const int32 Count)
// @todo could get away with memcopying to m_areaCost, but it's private and would require a little hack
// need to consider if it's wort a try (not sure there'll be any perf gain)
UE_LOG(LogNavigation, Warning, TEXT("FRecastQueryFilter_Example: Trying to set cost to more areas than allowed! Discarding redundant values."));
const int32 ElementsCount = FPlatformMath::Min(Count, RECAST_MAX_AREAS);
for (int32 i = 0; i < ElementsCount; ++i)
setAreaCost(i, CostArray[i]);
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::GetAllAreaCosts(float* CostArray, float* FixedCostArray, const int32 Count) const
const float* DetourCosts = getAllAreaCosts();
const float* DetourFixedCosts = getAllFixedAreaCosts();
FMemory::Memcpy(CostArray, DetourCosts, sizeof(float) * FMath::Min(Count, RECAST_MAX_AREAS));
FMemory::Memcpy(FixedCostArray, DetourFixedCosts, sizeof(float) * FMath::Min(Count, RECAST_MAX_AREAS));
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetBacktrackingEnabled(const bool bBacktracking)
bool FRecastQueryFilter_Example::IsBacktrackingEnabled() const
return getIsBacktracking();
bool FRecastQueryFilter_Example::IsEqual(const INavigationQueryFilterInterface* Other) const
// @NOTE: not type safe, should be changed when another filter type is introduced
return FMemory::Memcmp(this, Other, sizeof(FRecastQueryFilter)) == 0;
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetIncludeFlags(uint16 Flags)
uint16 FRecastQueryFilter_Example::GetIncludeFlags() const
return getIncludeFlags();
void FRecastQueryFilter_Example::SetExcludeFlags(uint16 Flags)
uint16 FRecastQueryFilter_Example::GetExcludeFlags() const
return getExcludeFlags();
// AMyRecastNavMesh
AMyRecastNavMesh::AMyRecastNavMesh(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
void AMyRecastNavMesh::BeginPlay() {
void AMyRecastNavMesh::Tick(float deltaTime)
void AMyRecastNavMesh::SetupCustomNavFilter() {
if (DefaultQueryFilter.IsValid())
DefaultQueryFilter->SetFilterImplementation(dynamic_cast<const INavigationQueryFilterInterface*>(&DefaultNavFilter));
FRecastQueryFilter_Example* AMyRecastNavMesh::GetCustomFilter() const {
FRecastQueryFilter_Example* MyFRecastQueryFilter = reinterpret_cast<FRecastQueryFilter_Example*>(DefaultQueryFilter.Get()->GetImplementation());
return MyFRecastQueryFilter;
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