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Wellington Moraes mswell

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Rhynorater / nowafpls___8KB.json
Created May 26, 2024 12:37
nowafpls - Caido Convert Workflow
"description": "Bypass WAFs with 8KB Padding.",
"edition": 2,
"graph": {
"edges": [
"source": {
"exec_alias": "exec",
"node_id": 2
(?i)((access_key|access_token|admin_pass|admin_user|algolia_admin_key|algolia_api_key|alias_pass|alicloud_access_key|amazon_secret_access_key|amazonaws|ansible_vault_password|aos_key|api_key|api_key_secret|api_key_sid|api_secret|api.googlemaps AIza|apidocs|apikey|apiSecret|app_debug|app_id|app_key|app_log_level|app_secret|appkey|appkeysecret|application_key|appsecret|appspot|auth_token|authorizationToken|authsecret|aws_access|aws_access_key_id|aws_bucket|aws_key|aws_secret|aws_secret_key|aws_token|AWSSecretKey|b2_app_key|bashrc password|bintray_apikey|bintray_gpg_password|bintray_key|bintraykey|bluemix_api_key|bluemix_pass|browserstack_access_key|bucket_password|bucketeer_aws_access_key_id|bucketeer_aws_secret_access_key|built_branch_deploy_key|bx_password|cache_driver|cache_s3_secret_key|cattle_access_key|cattle_secret_key|certificate_password|ci_deploy_password|client_secret|client_zpk_secret_key|clojars_password|cloud_api_key|cloud_watch_aws_access_key|cloudant_password|cloudflare_api_key|cloudflare_auth_k
fjpalacios /
Last active September 18, 2024 17:02
Arch + i3-gaps Install Guide

Arch + i3-gaps Install Guide

First set up your keyboard layout. For example, in Spanish:

   # loadkeys es

For a list of all acceptable keymaps:

   # localectl list-keymaps
foosel /
Last active January 12, 2023 16:25
Getting the fingerprint reader of a Thinkpad x240 to work under Ubuntu 14.04

lsusb lists the fingerprint reader in the x240 as follows:

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 138a:0017 Validity Sensors, Inc.

There exists experimental driver support for this in a fork of libfprint for vfs5011 sensors, however you'll need to compile the driver yourself. To get the fingerprint sensor to work for lightdm login, su etc, follow these steps.

  1. Install fingerprint-gui:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fingerprint/fingerprint-gui
leocomelli /
Last active September 20, 2024 23:23
Lista de comandos úteis do GIT



  • Modificado (modified);
  • Preparado (staged/index)
  • Consolidado (comitted);


mkb / gist:40bf48bc401ffa0cc4d3
Last active March 3, 2022 19:12
Disable power management on Raspberry Pi USB Wifi interface

Too early to tell whther this solved my problem but recording for posterity anyway. In theory this will stop my Raspberry Pi from dropping off the network after it has been idle for a while.


pi@dashboard ~ $ iwconfig
wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"Professor Ping"
     Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: B8:E6:25:9B:62:02
     Bit Rate=39 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm

Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off

texto = open('alice.txt').read().lower()
from string import punctuation
for c in punctuation:
texto = texto.replace(c, ' ')
texto = texto.split()
dic = {}
for p in texto:
if p not in dic:
dic[p] = 1
douglasmiranda / 1ntro.markdown
Last active January 13, 2020 03:28
Django + git + apache mod_wsgi na Kinghost

#Django + git + apache mod_wsgi na Kinghost

NOTE: Atualmente não é necessário tanto para fazer deploy de aplicações Django na Kinghost.

I hope you like it!


Talvez você não queira ficar digitando a senha toda vez que usar o ssh, então adicione sua chave pública ao seu host: