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Last active October 25, 2023 22:32
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Some weird kappa calculus stuff with symmetric multicategories
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Coq.Lists.List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Reserved Notation "Γ ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ" (at level 90).
Reserved Notation "x ∈ Γ" (at level 90).
Reserved Infix "$" (at level 20, left associativity).
Reserved Notation "x ↦ e" (at level 30).
Inductive In {A} {τ: A}: list A → Type :=
| XO {Γ}: τ ∈ τ :: Γ
| XS {Γ τ'}: τ ∈ Γ → τ ∈ τ' :: Γ
where "x ∈ Γ" := (@In _ x Γ).
Fixpoint rm {A} {τ: A} {Γ: list A} (x: τ ∈ Γ): list A :=
match x with
| @XO _ _ Δ => Δ
| @XS _ _ _ τ' y => τ' :: rm y
Notation "Γ - x" := (@rm _ _ Γ x).
Fixpoint wk {A} {τ1: A} {Γ: list A} (x: τ1 ∈ Γ) {τ2: A} (y: τ2 ∈ Γ - x): τ2 ∈ Γ.
destruct x.
- cbn in y.
exact (XS y).
- cbn in y.
dependent destruction y.
+ exact XO.
+ exact (XS (wk _ _ _ x _ y)).
Module Interp.
Class Interp {sort: Type} (term: list sort → list sort → sort → Type) := {
unit: sort;
prod: sort → sort → sort ;
var {Γ τ}: τ ∈ Γ → term Γ []%list τ ;
subst {Γ τ1} (x: τ1 ∈ Γ) (e1: term (Γ - x) nil τ1) {Δ τ2} (e2: term Γ Δ τ2): term (Γ - x) Δ τ2 ;
κ {Γ Δ τ1 τ2}: term (τ1 :: Γ)%list Δ τ2 → term Γ (τ1 :: Δ)%list τ2 ;
push {Γ Δ τ1 τ2}: term Γ (τ1 :: Δ)%list τ2 → term Γ []%list τ1 → term Γ Δ τ2 ;
tt {Γ}: term Γ []%list unit ;
fanout {Γ τ1 τ2}:
term Γ nil τ1 →
term Γ nil τ2 →
term Γ nil (prod τ1 τ2) ;
π1 {Γ τ1 τ2}: term Γ nil (prod τ1 τ2) → term Γ nil τ1 ;
π2 {Γ τ1 τ2}: term Γ nil (prod τ1 τ2) → term Γ nil τ2 ;
subst_id_l {τ Γ} (x: τ ∈ Γ) (e: term (Γ - x) nil τ): subst x e (var x) = e ;
End Interp.
Module Examples.
Import Interp.
Section Examples.
Context {sort term} `{@Interp sort term}.
Example id {τ: sort}: term []%list [τ]%list τ := κ (var XO).
End Examples.
(* Definition const {τ1 τ2}: [] ⊢ [τ1; τ2] ⇒ τ1 := κ (κ (var (XS XO))). *)
(* Definition otherconst {τ1 τ2}: [] ⊢ [τ1; τ2] ⇒ τ1 := κ (κ (π1 $ (fanout $ var (XS XO) $ var XO))). *)
End Examples.
Module Syntax.
Inductive sort :=
| unit
| prod (τ1 τ2: sort).
Infix "*" := prod.
Implicit Type τ: sort.
Implicit Types Γ Δ: list sort.
Inductive tm {Γ}: list sort → sort → Type :=
| var {τ} (x: τ ∈ Γ): Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ
| κ {Δ τ1 τ2} (e: τ1 :: Γ ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ2): Γ ⊢ τ1 :: Δ ⇒ τ2
| push {Δ τ1 τ2} (e1: Γ ⊢ τ1 :: Δ ⇒ τ2) (e2: Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ1):
Γ ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ2
| tt: Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ unit
| fanout {τ1 τ2} (e1: Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ1) (e2: Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ2):
Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ1 * τ2
| π1 {τ1 τ2} (e: Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ1 * τ2): Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ1
| π2 {τ1 τ2} (e: Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ1 * τ2): Γ ⊢ [] ⇒ τ2
where "Γ ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ" := (@tm Γ Δ τ).
Infix "$" := push.
Fixpoint wkt {Γ Δ τ1} (x: τ1 ∈ Γ) {τ2} (e: Γ - x ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ2): Γ ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ2 :=
match e with
| var y => var (wk x y)
| κ e => κ (wkt (XS x) e)
| e1 $ e2 => wkt x e1 $ wkt x e2
| tt => tt
| fanout e1 e2 => fanout (wkt x e1) (wkt x e2)
| π1 e => π1 (wkt x e)
| π2 e => π2 (wkt x e)
Fixpoint substv {Γ τ1} (x: τ1 ∈ Γ) {τ2} (y: τ2 ∈ Γ): (τ2 ∈ Γ - x) + {τ1 = τ2}.
destruct x.
- cbn.
dependent destruction y.
+ right.
+ left.
exact y.
- cbn.
dependent destruction y.
+ left.
exact XO.
+ destruct (substv _ _ x _ y).
* left.
exact (XS i).
* right.
exact e.
Fixpoint subst {Γ τ1} (x: τ1 ∈ Γ) (e1: Γ - x ⊢ [] ⇒ τ1) {Δ τ2} (e2: Γ ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ2): Γ - x ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ2 :=
match e2 in _ ⊢ Δ' ⇒ τ2' return Γ - x ⊢ Δ' ⇒ τ2' with
| var y => match substv x y with
| inleft z => var z
| inright p => match p with
| eq_refl => e1
| κ e3 => κ ((XS x ↦ wkt XO e1) e3)
| e3 $ e4 => (x ↦ e1) e3 $ (x ↦ e1) e4
| tt => tt
| fanout e3 e4 => fanout ((x ↦ e1) e3) ((x ↦ e1) e4)
| π1 e => π1 ((x ↦ e1) e)
| π2 e => π2 ((x ↦ e1) e)
where "x ↦ e" := (subst x e).
Fixpoint substv_id_l {τ Γ} (x: τ ∈ Γ): substv x x = inright eq_refl.
destruct x.
- reflexivity.
- cbn.
rewrite substv_id_l.
Lemma subst_id_l {τ Γ} (x: τ ∈ Γ) (e: Γ - x ⊢ [] ⇒ τ): subst x e (var x) = e.
rewrite substv_id_l.
Section Evaluate.
Context {sort term} `{@Interp.Interp sort term}.
Fixpoint eval_sort τ: sort :=
match τ with
| unit => Interp.unit
| τ1 * τ2 => (eval_sort τ1) (eval_sort τ2)
Fixpoint eval_var {τ Γ} (x: τ ∈ Γ): eval_sort τ ∈ eval_sort Γ :=
match x with
| XO => XO
| XS x' => XS (eval_var x')
Fixpoint eval {Γ Δ} {τ} (e: Γ ⊢ Δ ⇒ τ): term ( eval_sort Γ) ( eval_sort Δ) (eval_sort τ) :=
match e in _ ⊢ Δ' ⇒ τ' return term _ ( eval_sort Δ') (eval_sort τ') with
| var x => Interp.var (eval_var x)
| κ e => Interp.κ (eval e)
| e1 $ e2 => Interp.push (eval e1) (eval e2)
| tt =>
| fanout e1 e2 => Interp.fanout (eval e1) (eval e2)
| π1 e => Interp.π1 (eval e)
| π2 e => Interp.π2 (eval e)
End Evaluate.
Instance Syntax_Interp: @Interp.Interp sort (@tm) := {
subst := @subst ;
var := @var ;
unit := unit ;
prod := prod ;
κ := @κ ;
push := @push ;
tt := @tt ;
fanout := @fanout ;
π1 := @π1 ;
π2 := @π2 ;
subst_id_l := @subst_id_l ;
End Syntax.
Module Semantics.
Inductive env: list TypeType :=
| enil: env []
| econs {τ Γ}: τ → env Γ → env (τ :: Γ)
Definition tm Γ Δ τ := env Γ → env Δ → τ.
Definition hd {τ Γ} (σ: env (τ :: Γ)): τ :=
match σ with
| econs v _ => v
Definition tl {τ Γ} (σ: env (τ :: Γ)): env Γ :=
match σ with
| econs _ σ' => σ'
Fixpoint lookup {τ Γ} (x: τ ∈ Γ): env Γ → τ :=
match x in _ ∈ Γ' return env Γ' → _ with
| XO => hd
| XS y => λ σ, lookup y (tl σ)
Definition var {Γ τ} (x: τ ∈ Γ): tm Γ [] τ := λ σ _, lookup x σ.
Definition κ {Γ Δ τ1 τ2} (e: tm (τ1 :: Γ) Δ τ2): tm Γ (τ1 :: Δ) τ2 :=
λ σ σ', e (econs (hd σ') σ) (tl σ').
Definition push {Γ Δ τ1 τ2} (e1: tm Γ (τ1 :: Δ)%list τ2) (e2: tm Γ []%list τ1): tm Γ Δ τ2 :=
λ σ σ', e1 σ (econs (e2 σ enil) σ').
Definition tt {Γ}: tm Γ [] unit := λ _ _, tt.
Definition fanout {Γ τ1 τ2} (e1: tm Γ [] τ1) (e2: tm Γ [] τ2): tm Γ [] (prod τ1 τ2) := λ σ _, (e1 σ enil, e2 σ enil).
Definition π1 {Γ τ1 τ2} (e: tm Γ [] (prod τ1 τ2)): tm Γ [] τ1 := λ σ _, fst (e σ enil).
Definition π2 {Γ τ1 τ2} (e: tm Γ [] (prod τ1 τ2)): tm Γ [] τ2 := λ σ _, snd (e σ enil).
Fixpoint substv {Γ τ} (v: τ) (x: τ ∈ Γ): env (Γ - x) → env Γ :=
match x with
| XO => λ σ, econs v σ
| XS x' => λ σ, econs (hd σ) (substv v x' (tl σ))
Definition subst {Γ τ1} (x: τ1 ∈ Γ) (e1: tm (Γ - x) [] τ1) {Δ τ2} (e2: tm Γ Δ τ2): tm (Γ - x) Δ τ2 :=
λ σ σ', e2 (substv (e1 σ enil) x σ) σ'.
Fixpoint subst_id_l' {τ Γ} (x: τ ∈ Γ) (v: τ) {σ} {struct x}:
lookup x (substv v x σ) = v.
destruct x.
- cbn in *.
- cbn in *.
apply subst_id_l'.
Lemma subst_id_l {τ Γ} (x: τ ∈ Γ) (e: tm (Γ - x) [] τ): subst x e (var x) = e.
extensionality σ.
extensionality σ'.
unfold subst, var.
rewrite subst_id_l'.
dependent destruction σ'.
Lemma subst_fanout {τ1 τ2 τ3 Γ} (x: τ1 ∈ Γ) (e1: tm (Γ - x) [] τ1)
(e2: tm Γ [] τ2) (e3: tm Γ [] τ3):
subst x e1 (fanout e2 e3) = fanout (subst x e1 e2) (subst x e1 e3).
extensionality σ.
extensionality σ'.
unfold subst, fanout.
Instance Semantics_Interp: @Interp.Interp Type tm := {
subst := @subst ;
unit := Datatypes.unit ;
prod := ;
var := @var ;
κ := @κ ;
push := @push ;
tt := @tt ;
fanout := @fanout ;
π1 := @π1 ;
π2 := @π2 ;
subst_id_l := @subst_id_l ;
End Semantics.
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