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Last active February 20, 2019 23:15
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I am unstoppable.

and I am not alone.

We who have experienced horrors
      Pain beyond pain
Ceaseless torment robbing us
      of romantic ideals for what it is to be human.

We who have wished for the end.

Who have found ourselves betrayed
      by our unstoppable nature.

Who have writhed and screamed
      inside ourselves
Attempting to rip this
      unwanted endurance away.

Who have wanted
      in all desperation
      For some anguish
            to be Too Much
      For the evil we have
            witnessed to live and die with us.
      For the inexpressible torment
            long since having burned away
            all that we once thought of
            as self
      To grant us the mercy of demise.

but, alas, we are unstoppable.

We who have found
      the ridiculousness
      on the other side
      of survival.

Who chuckle darkly now
      at impossible odds.
Who have given in and accepted
      the endless destructive chaos of the universe
      and the unavoidable Responsibility of knowing

we are unstoppable.

No matter the bleakness
      or how unimaginable the suffering
We share the grim joke of inescapable Reality.

For no matter how bad any now may seem
      it can always become more terrible.

So we roll up
      what courage and good sense
      we might have
      to tackle it head on.
To roll out again
      and again
      to make the best of the endless bad.
gathering our shattered remnants
      into endless new selves
leaning our full
      force against the brutality
            to forge
            and shelter
            little moments of joy.

We who are unstoppable.

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