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keito mst-mkt

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mst-mkt / nabeatsu.d.ts
Last active September 6, 2024 04:32
type Natural = 0[];
type Zero = [];
type One = [0];
type AhoSuffix = '(アホ)';
type Length<Array extends unknown[]> = Extract<Array['length'], number>;
type Add<N1 extends Natural, N2 extends Natural> = [...N1, ...N2];
type AddNum<N1 extends number, N2 extends number> = Length<[...NumToNat<N1>, ...NumToNat<N2>]>;
type Sub<N1 extends Natural, N2 extends Natural> = N1 extends [...N2, ...infer M]
? M
mst-mkt / schedule.kwgt
Last active November 13, 2023 10:20
"clip_version": 1,
"clip_cut": [],
"clip_modules": [
"internal_type": "StackLayerModule",
"internal_title": "月日",
"config_stacking": "HORIZONTAL_BOTTOM",
"position_anchor": "TOPLEFT",
mst-mkt / moocs-iniad-org.css
Last active October 30, 2023 14:23
CustomCSS for INIAD-Moocs
@import url(';700;900&family=Ubuntu+Mono&family=Zen+Kaku+Gothic+New:wght@400;700&display=swap');
@layer layout {
html {
overflow: hidden;
.wrapper {
--mcs-gap-width: 1px;
--mcs-header-height: 50px;