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Last active October 21, 2015 16:56
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Shopp Customer Import from CSV CLI
* WB-4091: Take input from CSV file and create WP/Shopp customers for them
* Should be invoked on the CLI to web timeouts
* Usage: ango_td_customer_import [filename]
require "../../wp-content/plugins/untangle-store/cli_init.php";
* *
* *
* Standardizes data read in from a csv file so that shopp can understand it
* @param array $row row of data read in from CSV
* @return stdClass modeled after a ShoppCustomer object
function standardizeData($row)
//check to make sure all required data is present
foreach ([$row[0],$row[1],$row[2],$row[3]] as $data) {
if (empty($data)) {
return false;
$standardized = new stdClass();
$standardized->fname = $row[0];
$standardized->lname = $row[1];
$standardized->email = $row[2];
$standardized->password = $row[3];
$standardized->state = $row[4] ?: 'CA';
$standardized->postcode = $row[5];
$standardized->country = $row[6] ?: 'US';
return $standardized;
* Translates seconds into something more readable by regular folks
* @param $secs
* @return string
function time_elapsed($secs) {
$bit = array(
'y' => $secs / 31556926 % 12,
'w' => $secs / 604800 % 52,
'd' => $secs / 86400 % 7,
'h' => $secs / 3600 % 24,
'm' => $secs / 60 % 60,
's' => $secs % 60
foreach ($bit as $k => $v)
if ($v > 0)
$ret[] = $v . $k;
return join(' ', $ret);
* Translates bytes in KB or MB
* @param $mem_usage
* @return string
function echo_memory_usage($mem_usage) {
if ($mem_usage < 1024)
return $mem_usage . " bytes";
elseif ($mem_usage < 1048576)
return round($mem_usage / 1024, 2) . " kilobytes";
return round($mem_usage / 1048576, 2) . " megabytes";
* *
* *
//use make sure a file is passed as an argument
if ($argc != 2) {
echo 'USAGE: ango_td_customer_import [filename]';
} else {
$fileHandler = fopen($argv[1], 'r');
//initialize failure variable. Used to notify me after this script runs.
$failures = array();
$startTime = time();
$totalCustomers = 0;
$customer = 0;
//get a count of totalcustomers
while (fgetcsv($fileHandler, 1000, ',')) {
//process these suckas
while (($row = fgetcsv($fileHandler, 1000, ',')) !== false) {
//check to see if customer already exists
$shoppCustomer = shopp_customer_exists($row[2], 'email');
if ($shoppCustomer) {
//customer already exists
//standardize data
$accountInfo = standardizeData($row);
if (!$accountInfo) {
echo 'Missing info on row ' . $customer . PHP_EOL;
$failures[] = 'Missing info on row ' . $customer . '\n';
//create wp/shopp accounts
$shoppId = createWordpressAndShoppAccounts($accountInfo);
if (!$shoppId) {
//failed to create the accounts
echo 'Could not create accounts for customer on row ' . $customer . PHP_EOL;
$failures[] = 'Could not create accounts for customer on row ' . $customer . '\n';
//record remaining execution time
$runTime = time() - $startTime;
if ($customer % 50 == 0) {
$estimateTime = round($runTime / ($customer / $totalCustomers), 0) - $runTime;
echo " Processing cust # $customer of $totalCustomers. RunTime: " .
time_elapsed($runTime) . " Estimated Remaining: " .
time_elapsed($estimateTime) . " Memory Usage Now: " .
echo_memory_usage(memory_get_usage(true)) . PHP_EOL;
unset($row, $shoppCustomer, $accountInfo, $shoppId);
if (!empty($failures)) {
//there were some failures detected - notify me
wp_mail('', 'Customer Account Failures', implode(', ', $failures));
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msigley commented Oct 21, 2015

Where is the source for createWordpressAndShoppAccounts()?

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mrunkel commented Oct 21, 2015

I can't update the gist, but here is the function.

 * Creates Wordpress/Shopp accounts for the customer.
 * @param stdClass $accountData The data for the new account.
 * @return string The newly created Shopp Account Id.
function createWordpressAndShoppAccounts($accountData)
    foreach (['email', 'password', 'fname', 'lname'] as $reqField) {
        if (empty($accountData->$reqField)) {
            return false;

    $wpAccountId = wp_create_user($accountData->email, $accountData->password, $accountData->email);
    if (is_wp_error($wpAccountId)) {
        utStoreLog("Could not create a Wordpress account for email {$accountData->email}");
        return false;

    //set first name and last name on the newly created account
    update_user_meta($wpAccountId, 'first_name', $accountData->fname);
    update_user_meta($wpAccountId, 'last_name', $accountData->lname);

    //create shopp customer and link it to wpUser
    //shopp account
    $shoppData['wpuser'] = $wpAccountId;
    $shoppData['firstname'] = $accountData->fname;
    $shoppData['lastname'] = $accountData->lname;
    $shoppData['email'] = $accountData->email;
    $shoppData['type'] = 'Direct';
    $shoppData['phone'] = $accountData->phone ?: '';
    $shoppData['company'] = $accountData->company ?: '';

    //billing address
    $shoppData['baddress'] = $accountData->address1 ?: '';
    $shoppData['xbaddress'] = $accountData->address2 ?: '';
    $shoppData['bcity'] = $accountData->city ?: '';
    //default to CA/US - Zuora requires State/Country, just keeping it consistent
    $shoppData['bstate'] = $accountData->state ?: 'CA';
    $shoppData['bcountry'] = $accountData->country ?: 'US';
    $shoppData['bpostcode'] = $accountData->postcode ?: '';
    $shoppData['bgeocode'] = '';

    //shipping address
    $shoppData['saddress'] = $accountData->address1 ?: '';
    $shoppData['xsaddress'] = $accountData->address2 ?: '';
    $shoppData['scity'] = $accountData->city ?: '';
    $shoppData['sstate'] = $accountData->state ?: 'CA';
    $shoppData['scountry'] = $accountData->country ?: 'US';
    $shoppData['spostcode'] = $accountData->postcode ?: '';
    $shoppData['sgeocode'] = '';
    $shoppCustomerId = shopp_add_customer($shoppData);
    if (!$shoppCustomerId) {
        utStoreLog("Could not create a Shopp account for email {$accountData->email}");
        return false;

    return $shoppCustomerId;

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