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Last active October 13, 2021 13:07
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Non-parametric Bayesian regression in Fourier domain
n = 1000
x = range(0, 1, length=n)
ς = 1.5 # noise level
μ = 3*x.*sin.(2pi*x) # periodic signal in time domain
#μ = 6*sqrt.(abs.(x .- 0.5)) # this one is difficult to estimate
# Model: Signal distorted by white noise
y = μ + ς*randn(n)
# Prior power decay of prior samples in frequency domain
α = 2.0
# α = 3.0 for type integrated Brownian motion
# α = 2.0 for type Brownian motion prior
# α = 1.0 for a very rough prior (pink noise)
H =- 1)/2 # equivalent Hurst exponent
using FFTW, Statistics, LinearAlgebra, Plots
# Fourier matrix
# ℱ = [exp(2pi*im*i*j/n) for i in fftshift(-n÷2:n÷2-1), j in fftshift(-n÷2:n÷2-1)]
# Define prior on unit interval in frequency domain
# by choosing power decay
function freq_decay(n, α) #ifftshift(-n/2:n/2-1)
fr = 1 ./ fftfreq(n)
fr[1] = 2n # allow for intercept
fr = abs.(fr) .^/2) # scale frequencies to "unit
# Canonical posterior contraction rate
contract(n, H) = n^(-H/(1 + 2H))
# Compute posterior mean
γ = ς^(-2) .+ (freq_decay(n, α)).^(-2) # posterior precision in frequency domain
μ̂ = real(ifft.\(fft^(-2)*y))))
m = μ̂ + sqrt(n)*real(ifft(sqrt.(γ).\randn(Complex{Float64},n)));
# note: `fft(x)/sqrt(length(x))` is isometric
# Compute L2 estimation error, compare with theoretical size
@show norm(μ̂ - μ)/sqrt(n), ς*contract(n, H)
# We can even compute the posterior covariance
# Use circulant property of covariance in time domain, could be done with
σ = 1.96*sqrt.(abs.((ifft(diag(inv(Diagonal(γ)))))))[1]
# Equivalent to
# Γ = ℱ*Diagonal(freq_decay(n, α).^(-2))*ℱ'/n/n # ≈ ifft(Diagonal(n. + freq_decay(n, α).^(-2)))
# σ = 1.96sqrt.(real(diag(inv((I + Γ)))))
# Plot
p = scatter(x, y, markersize=0.5, label="obs")
plot!(x, μ̂, color=:blue, ribbon=σ,fillalpha=0.2, label="posterior mean")
plot!(x, μ, color=:green, label="truth")
z = sqrt(n)*real(ifft(randn(Complex{Float64},n).*abs.(freq_decay(n, α))));
plot!(x, z, label="prior sample")
plot!(x, m, label="posterior sample")
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.16.1
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
# This Pluto notebook uses @bind for interactivity. When running this notebook outside of Pluto, the following 'mock version' of @bind gives bound variables a default value (instead of an error).
macro bind(def, element)
local el = $(esc(element))
global $(esc(def)) = Core.applicable(Base.get, el) ? Base.get(el) : missing
# ╔═╡ 37146eed-cabd-4024-9e91-4b8fe15139a3
# Setup
import Pkg
# careful: this is _not_ a reproducible environment
# activate the global environment
using FFTW, Statistics, LinearAlgebra, PlutoUI, Plots, Random
# ╔═╡ ad88469d-06d5-4ec7-868f-611e999930b4
## Nonparametric Bayes and Fourier methods in Julia
##### Moritz Schauer `@mschauer`
This notebook takes a tour through non-parametric Bayesian regression in Fourier domain using Julia.
### Content:
* A non-parametric regression problem
* Changing perspective to Fourier domain
* Defining smoothing prior and computing the posterior
* Choosing the right smoothness
But before some notebook setup:
# ╔═╡ 426085d1-1f7d-4186-a8dc-28ffd8fb5343
@bind resample Button("Resample observations!")
# ╔═╡ 0722b786-402d-4ba9-a427-8c87cbc3df24
md"Show hidden ground truth? $(@bind show_truth CheckBox())"
# ╔═╡ fb55fde1-7669-4f91-bc67-2a0172e5ae3e
## Fourier domain and prior
Taking the vector of observations ``y`` and ground truth vector ``f_i = f(x_i)``,
we can apply the discrete Fourier transformation ``\mathcal F`` to our linear equation
\mathcal F y = \mathcal F (f + \eta)
In Julia, ``\mathcal F`` is `fft(x)/sqrt(length(x))`, but you can think of it as a matrix
\mathcal F_{kl} = \exp(2\pi\cdot i \cdot (k l/n)).
We obtain the equation in frequency domain with ``\tilde y = \mathcal F y``, ``\tilde f = \mathcal F f`` etc.
\tilde y_i = \tilde f_i + \tilde\eta_i
``\mathcal F`` is an ``L_2`` isometry and maps independend and normal noise on the observations to equivalent independent and normal noise in frequency domain,
so here
\tilde\eta_i \sim N(0, \varsigma^2)
# ╔═╡ 093506f2-5a52-4217-9dfb-d673ce8b4a29
# Fourier matrix
# ℱ(x) = [exp(2pi*im*i*j/n) for i in fftshift(-n÷2:n÷2-1), j in fftshift(-n÷2:n÷2-1)]*x
(x) = (fft(x)/sqrt(length(x)))
# ╔═╡ 7f5a4d79-1e64-4c99-a588-63bcca7267fe
We define our prior as
\tilde f_i \sim N(0, \varpi_i^{-\frac{\alpha}{2}})
where ``\varpi_i`` is the frequency corresponding to Fourier coordinate ``\tilde f_i``. Julia's `fftfreq` helps with that.
Large values of ``\alpha`` imply higher smoothenss of prior samples.
For example:
* α = 3.0 for type integrated Brownian motion
* α = 2.0 for type Brownian motion prior
* α = 1.0 for a very rough prior (pink noise)
``\alpha`` can be translated into a Hurst parameter related to self similarity of the path under scaling of both axes
H = (\alpha - 1)/2
Having a prior in frequency domains means we get samples from our prior for ``f`` via the inverse Fourier transform, either the matrix inverse ``{\mathcal F}^{-1}`` or `sqrt(n)*real(ifft(x))` in Julia for the real part.
# ╔═╡ 012f54e1-01a3-4acd-b7db-d5d3f3bc7d87
# Define prior on unit interval in frequency domain
# by choosing power decay
function freq_decay(n, α) #ifftshift(-n/2:n/2-1)
fr = 1 ./ fftfreq(n)
fr[1] = 2n # allow for intercept
fr = abs.(fr) .^/2) # scale frequencies
# ╔═╡ e7c6b81f-202a-43e0-9bc0-ac5eb64060db
Prior power decay of prior samples in frequency domain
$(@bind α1 Slider(0.5:0.5:4.0))
# ╔═╡ 0e4ea7bf-4eb1-4923-a2e8-a7e2e8bc33a5
@bind resample_prior Button("Resample prior!")
# ╔═╡ 12c188f4-5042-4cc4-9de5-89ea87c08c1e
## Bayesian regression in Fourier domain
If we have prior, model and data ``\tilde y`` in Fourier domain, we can compute the posterior distribution of the Fourier coefficients
``\tilde f_i``.
This gives a Gaussian posterior distribution for the signal in Fourier domain
\tilde f \sim N(\tilde \mu, \tilde \Sigma) \text{ (a posteriori) }
with mean ``\tilde \mu`` and covariance ``\tilde \Sigma``.
With the inverse transform we estimate of ``f \approx \mathcal F^{-1} \tilde\mu`` and quantify uncertainty of the estimate as ``\Sigma = \mathcal F^{-1} \tilde \Sigma \mathcal F^{-1}``.
The marginal uncertainty (diagonal entries of ``\Sigma`` ) can be computed very efficiently using `ifft` aswell.
# ╔═╡ 517c3961-c104-4811-ab4c-7e189761709b
# Equivalent to
# Γ = ℱ*Diagonal(freq_decay(n, α).^(-2))*ℱ'/n/n # ≈ ifft(Diagonal(n. + freq_decay(n, α).^(-2)))
# σ = 1.96sqrt.(real(diag(inv((I + Γ)))))
# ╔═╡ c51271a7-0614-445f-87ec-a5bc2fee1768
@bind n Slider(10:10:1000) # number of observations
# ╔═╡ 64feb3c2-919b-4246-9fbf-e836a0c80ed0
# Design points
x = range(0, 1, length=n);
# ╔═╡ c502c779-e776-490d-9ec7-02a3379aaa28
# Ground truth
f = 3*x.*sin.(2pi*x); # periodic signal in x (time domain)
# f = 6*sqrt.(abs.(x .- 0.5)) # this one is difficult to estimate
# ╔═╡ b7c5ee08-5d2d-4775-a232-472a033b59a1
z1 = sqrt(n)*real(ifft(randn(Complex{Float64},n).*abs.(freq_decay(n, α1))));
plot(x, z1, label="prior sample")
# ╔═╡ a97a39ff-059e-4622-ae2e-219d8464ecb2
@bind ς Slider(0.5:0.5:2.0) # noise level
# ╔═╡ c29066a9-574d-4ce1-ba9b-abb44aeb8fa0
## A nonparametric regression problem
We are interested in recovering the function ``f`` from ``n=`` $(n) noisy observations ``y_i`` at points ``x_i``
y_i = f(x_i) + \eta_i, \qquad \eta_i \sim N(0,\varsigma^2),
``\varsigma =`` $ς is the noise level.
* You can choose the values for ``n`` and ``\varsigma`` with the sliders below!
# ╔═╡ a4ff81fe-a9cf-4789-aa68-5838c58c1f69
# Model: Signal distorted by white noise
y = f + ς*randn(n)
# ╔═╡ 873ba234-b4b1-4678-8c67-086cd3b149bc
p1 = scatter(x, y, markersize=10/sqrt(n), label="obs", title="Data")
show_truth && plot!(p1, x, f, color=:green, label="truth")
# ╔═╡ 0071252a-42cb-4967-b426-7d28ce054ba1
p2 = scatter(x, real.((y)), markersize=10/sqrt(n), color=:black, label="obs", title="Truth and observation in frequency domain")
scatter!(p2, x, imag.((y)), markersize=10/sqrt(n), color=:black, alpha=0.1, label="obs (imag)", title="Truth and observation in frequency domain")
plot!(p2, x, real.((f)), color=:green, label="truth")
plot!(p2, x, imag.((f)), color=:green, alpha=0.3, label="truth (im)")
# ╔═╡ af6df9cd-cb2f-48de-9697-db23bb7e3804
# Prior power decay of prior samples in frequency domain
@bind α Slider(0.5:0.5:2.0)
# ╔═╡ 5a475143-5078-4033-84cc-ec6abd3c86c4
md"Chosen prior smoothness α = $(α1), H = $(H = (α - 1)/2)"
# ╔═╡ 9c48ca1f-7ab3-4b72-a9bd-4b0d6c1ee8db
# posterior precision in frequency domain
γ = ς^(-2) .+ (freq_decay(n, α)).^(-2);
# ╔═╡ fb008be0-b823-4eaf-b2c7-eb189041f0c8
# posterior mean
μ̂ = real(ifft.\(fft^(-2)*y))))
# ╔═╡ e0e75144-aa8f-433e-90c5-bfa9bbdfac17
# We can even compute the posterior covariance
# Use circulant property of covariance in time domain, could be done with
σ = 1.96*sqrt.(abs.((ifft(diag(inv(Diagonal(γ)))))))[1]
# ╔═╡ 8ba316ed-2c77-4ddf-9e57-e673b4ef00ec
@bind resample_post Button("New posterior sample!")
# ╔═╡ 23bfdb98-1001-4f49-a841-292ebe4c0246
# posterior sample
m = μ̂ + sqrt(n)*real(ifft(sqrt.(γ).\randn(Complex{Float64},n)))
# ╔═╡ 6615b4b2-26fc-4a80-9576-810c7f919270
md"Show truth? $(@bind show_truth2 CheckBox())"
# ╔═╡ c78bd411-c9f4-4e1f-8c96-ea97480d9cd9
global p = scatter(x, y, markersize=10/sqrt(n), label="obs")
plot!(x, μ̂, color=:blue, ribbon=σ, fillalpha=0.2, label="posterior mean and band")
show_truth2 && plot!(x, f, color=:green, alpha=0.8, label="truth")
plot!(x, m, label="posterior sample")
# ╔═╡ 09af6b8a-73a1-4e87-8a89-ef7ac72c72b4
## What is the right choice of ``\alpha``
That will depend on the smoothness of the truth we want to estimate. If we know that apriori ``f`` is very smooth, we prefer larger values of ``\alpha``
Dutch Bayesians (and I should count myself as one) like to think about how to choose ``\alpha`` in an optimal way.
One way to reason about this, is to investigate the frequentist/asymptotic properties of Bayesian procedures (insert Galaxy brain meme).
For the example one finds that the posterior puts most of it's mass near the true function ``f`` with increasing probability if ``n`` becomes large.
This happens at a rate depending on ``\alpha`` as long as we match ``\alpha`` to the smoothness of the underlying truth.
e = \varsigma n^{-H/(1 + 2H)}
Let's compute our ``L_2`` estimation error and compare with theoretical size
* `norm(μ̂ - f)/sqrt(n)` = $(norm(μ̂ - f)/sqrt(n))
* `e` = $(ς*n^(-H/(1 + 2H)))
Harry van Zanten's summer school slides are a nice starting point:
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mschauer commented May 26, 2021


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mschauer commented May 26, 2021

Fixed the marginal 2sigma credibility band

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