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Created April 11, 2019 13:00
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RS after MCMC
using Distributions
K = 10^5
μ1 = 1.0
μ2 = -1.0
σ1 = σ2 = 0.3
args = (μ1 = μ1, σ1 = σ1, μ2 = μ2, σ2 = σ2)
lp(x, args) = log(pdf(Normal(args.μ1, args.σ2), x) + pdf(Normal(args.μ2, args.σ2), x))
function mcmc!(xs, x, (lp, args), Q, s, S, verbose = false)
while s < last(S)
xᵒ = rand(Q(x))
= lp(xᵒ, args) - lp(x, args) + logpdf(Q(xᵒ), x) - logpdf(Q(x), xᵒ)
verbose && print("$lα $xᵒ")
if rand() < exp(lα)
x = xᵒ
verbose && print("")
verbose && println()
s += 1
if s in S
push!(xs, x)
xs, x
xs, _ = mcmc!(Float64[], 0.0, (lp, args), x->Normal(x, 0.1), 0, 0:K)
function wmcmc!(xs, x, (lp, args), Q, s, S; weight=(x->1.0, 1.0), verbose = false)
f, fmin = weight
while s < last(S)
xᵒ = rand(Q(x))
= log(f(xᵒ)) - log(f(x)) + lp(xᵒ, args) - lp(x, args) + logpdf(Q(xᵒ), x) - logpdf(Q(x), xᵒ)
verbose && print("$lα $xᵒ")
if rand() <= exp(lα)
x = xᵒ
verbose && print("")
verbose && println()
s += 1
if s in S
if rand() <= fmin/f(x)
push!(xs, x)
xs, x
xs2, _ = wmcmc!(Float64[], 0.0, (lp, args), x->Normal(x, 0.1), 0, 0:K, weight=(x->0.1 + pdf(Normal(0.0, 0.5),x), 0.1))
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