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Last active December 17, 2019 18:27
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Perl AnyEvent::HTTP and LWP::Protocol::Coro::http benchmark
=head1 install deps
cpm install AnyEvent::HTTP LWP::Protocol::Coro::http
=head1 bench result
Rate aehttp_socks aehttp my_lwp state_lwp
aehttp_socks 183/s -- -1% -6% -17%
aehttp 185/s 1% -- -5% -16%
my_lwp 195/s 6% 5% -- -12%
state_lwp 221/s 20% 19% 13% --
use Benchmark qw(:all);
use strict;
use warnings;
use AnyEvent::HTTP;
use AnyEvent::HTTP::Socks;
use feature 'state';
use LWP::Protocol::Coro::http;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Coro qw( async );
sub test_with {
my $cb = shift;
my @urls = ('') x 10;
my @coros;
for my $url (@urls) {
push @coros, async {
$_->join for @coros;
cmpthese( -5, {
state_lwp => sub {
test_with(sub {
my $url = shift;
state $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->protocols_allowed([qw( http https )]); # The only protocols made safe.
my_lwp => sub {
test_with(sub {
my $url = shift;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->protocols_allowed([qw( http https )]); # The only protocols made safe.
aehttp => sub {
test_with(sub {
my $url = shift;
my $headers_avail = AnyEvent->condvar();
my $data_channel = Coro::Channel->new(1);
my $method = 'GET';
# AnyEvent::HTTP::Socks::http_request(
$method => $url,
headers => {},
# %opts,
recurse => 0,
on_header => sub {
#my ($headers) = @_;
# _set_response_headers($response, $_[0]);
return 1;
on_body => sub {
#my ($chunk, $headers) = @_;
return 1;
sub {
$data_channel->put(\''); # '
aehttp_socks => sub {
test_with(sub {
my $url = shift;
my $headers_avail = AnyEvent->condvar();
my $data_channel = Coro::Channel->new(1);
my $method = 'GET';
# AnyEvent::HTTP::Socks::http_request(
$method => $url,
headers => {},
# %opts,
recurse => 0,
on_header => sub {
#my ($headers) = @_;
# _set_response_headers($response, $_[0]);
return 1;
on_body => sub {
#my ($chunk, $headers) = @_;
return 1;
sub {
$data_channel->put(\''); # '
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