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Last active May 12, 2022 20:30
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Useful commands


Useful commands for:

Get album

bandcamp-dl -f -k -r -u -y --base-dir=/Volumes/BACKUP/MUSIC --template="%{artist} - %{album}/%{track} - %{title}"
  • -f → Download only if all tracks are available.
  • -k → Retain whitespace in filenames.
  • -r → Embed album art (If available).
  • -u → Retain uppercase letters in filenames.
  • -y → Disable slugification of track, album, and artist names.


Convert to .webm

ffmpeg -i X6af3MfsFW.mp4 -c:v vp9 X6af3MfsFW.webm

Get screenshot from a certain timestamp as JPG

Take a screenshot at ~45 seconds with a JPG quality of 3 †

† Range is 2-31. Lower value is higher quality.

ffmpeg -ss 45 -i X6af3MfsFW.mp4 -frames:v 1 -q:v 3 X6af3MfsFW.jpg

Reduce mp4 file-size

ffmpeg -i X6af3MfsFW.mp4 -crf 28 -preset fast output2.mp4
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