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Last active February 21, 2018 11:11
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A parallel sum of numbers from a core.async channel.
(ns test1.numbers
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a]))
(defn number-generator [n]
(let [c (a/chan 1024)]
(dotimes [x n]
(a/>! c x))
(a/close! c))
(defn sum-channel [ch]
(a/go-loop [s 0]
(if-some [x (a/<! ch)]
(recur (+ x s))
(defn parallel-sum [ch pnum]
(let [sums (for [_ (range pnum)]
(sum-channel ch))]
(a/reduce + 0 (a/merge sums))))
(time (a/<!! (sum-channel (number-generator 1000000)))) ; 409 ms
(time (a/<!! (parallel-sum (number-generator 1000000) 1))) ; 551 ms
(time (a/<!! (parallel-sum (number-generator 1000000) 4))) ; 1244 ms
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