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Last active March 14, 2023 22:54
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.16;
import "";
// ***************************************
// * Minimum Viable OOV3 Integration *
// ***************************************
// This contract shows how to get up and running as quickly as possible with UMA's Optimistic Oracle V3.
// We make a simple data assertion about the real world and let the OOV3 arbitrate the outcome.
contract OOV3_GettingStarted {
// Create an Optimistic Oracle V3 instance at the deployed address on Görli.
OptimisticOracleV3Interface oov3 =
// Asserted claim. This is some truth statement about the world and can be verified by the network of disputers.
bytes public assertedClaim =
bytes("Argentina won the 2022 Fifa world cup in Qatar");
// Each assertion has an associated assertionID that uniquly identifies the assertion. We will store this here.
bytes32 public assertionId;
// Assert the truth against the Optimistic Asserter. This uses the assertion with defaults method which defaults
// all values, such as a) challenge window to 120 seconds (2 mins), b) identifier to ASSERT_TRUTH, c) bond currency
// to USDC and c) and default bond size to 0 (which means we dont need to worry about approvals in this example).
function assertTruth() public {
assertionId = oov3.assertTruthWithDefaults(assertedClaim, address(this));
// Settle the assertion, if it has not been disputed and it has passed the challenge window, and return the result.
// result
function settleAndGetAssertionResult() public returns (bool) {
return oov3.settleAndGetAssertionResult(assertionId);
// Just return the assertion result. Can only be called once the assertion has been settled.
function getAssertionResult() public view returns (bool) {
return oov3.getAssertionResult(assertionId);
// Return the full assertion object contain all information associated with the assertion. Can be called any time.
function getAssertion()
returns (OptimisticOracleV3Interface.Assertion memory)
return oov3.getAssertion(assertionId);
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