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Created August 4, 2021 12:15
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TypeScript Decorators #101
// @experimentalDecorators
function computeFullName() {
return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
// target is the class name
// propertyKey is the method name in the class
// This is the method func itself
let originalMethod: Function = descriptor.value;
// console.log(originalMethod)
descriptor.value = function(args: Record<string, string>) {
args.fullName = `${args?.firstName || 'First Name'} ${args?.lastName || 'Last Name'}`;
// Here we would ideally want to return the func/method itself with the changes such as its args
return args;
return descriptor;
// Uncomment below to see it working in your console
class ExampleClass {
someMethodName(params: Record<string, string>) {
const { fullName } = params;
return `Hello, ${params.fullName}`;
const testClass = new ExampleClass();
const myName = testClass.someMethodName({
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Smith',
// Todo
// class someDummyClass {
// @mergeObjectArgs()
// whatIsYourName(params: Record<string, string>) {
// }
// }
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