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Last active August 12, 2024 03:16
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ICLR 2024 Stats
import collections
import json
import os
import openreview
with open('creds.json') as f:
creds = json.loads(
cache_file = 'iclr_2024_submissions.json'
# API V2
client = openreview.api.OpenReviewClient(
if not os.path.exists(cache_file):
venue_id = ''
venue_group = client.get_group(f'{venue_id}')
submission_name = venue_group.content['submission_name']['value']
submissions = client.get_all_notes(invitation=f'{venue_id}/-/{submission_name}')
data = [x.to_json() for x in submissions]
with open(cache_file, 'w') as f:
with open(cache_file) as f:
data = json.loads(
c_author = collections.Counter()
c_first_author = collections.Counter()
c_venue = collections.Counter()
author_to_paper = collections.defaultdict(list)
def fix_venue(venue):
# ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn Submission: 1615
# ICLR 2024 poster: 1807
# Submitted to ICLR 2024: 3476
# ICLR 2024 Conference Desk Rejected Submission: 53
# ICLR 2024 spotlight: 367
# ICLR 2024 oral: 86
if venue == 'ICLR 2024 Conference Withdrawn Submission':
return 'Withdrawn'
elif venue in ('ICLR 2024 poster', 'ICLR 2024 spotlight', 'ICLR 2024 oral'):
return 'Accepted'
elif venue == 'Submitted to ICLR 2024':
return 'Rejected'
elif venue == 'ICLR 2024 Conference Desk Rejected Submission':
return 'Desk Rejected'
raise ValueError(f'Unknown venue: {venue}')
for x in data:
authors = x['content']['authors']['value']
venue = x['content']['venue']['value']
for author in authors:
c_first_author[authors[0]] += 1
venue = fix_venue(venue)
c_venue[venue] += 1
def get_author_paper_stats(author, author_to_paper):
papers = author_to_paper[author]
c_venues = collections.Counter([fix_venue(x['content']['venue']['value']) for x in papers])
return c_venues
# Summarize author stats.
print('Top 30 authors:')
for author, count in c_author.most_common(30):
this_c_venues = get_author_paper_stats(author, author_to_paper)
print(f'{author}: {count} --- {this_c_venues}')
# Summarize first author stats.
print('Top 30 first authors:')
for author, count in c_first_author.most_common(30):
this_c_venues = get_author_paper_stats(author, author_to_paper)
print(f'{author}: {count} --- {this_c_venues}')
# Summarize venue stats.
for venue, count in c_venue.items():
print(f'{venue}: {count}')
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