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Last active August 19, 2024 22:23
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Quick and dirty Godot 4.x plugin to add buttons to the inspector
extends Node
func _add_inspector_buttons() -> Array:
var buttons = []
"name": "Test button",
"icon": preload("res://icon.svg"),
"pressed": _on_test_button_pressed
"name": "Another button",
"pressed": _on_another_button_pressed
"name": "Other button with lambda",
"pressed": func(): print('Lambda callback')
return buttons
func _on_test_button_pressed() -> void:
print('Test pressed')
func _on_another_button_pressed() -> void:
print('Another button pressed')
extends EditorPlugin
var editor_button_plugin:EditorButtonPlugin
func _enter_tree() -> void:
editor_button_plugin =
func _exit_tree() -> void:
if is_instance_valid(editor_button_plugin):
editor_button_plugin = null
class EditorButtonPlugin extends EditorInspectorPlugin:
func _can_handle(object: Object) -> bool:
return object.has_method('_add_inspector_buttons')
func _parse_begin(object: Object) -> void:
var buttons_data = object._add_inspector_buttons()
for button_data in buttons_data:
var name = button_data.get("name", null)
var icon = button_data.get("icon", null)
var pressed = button_data.get("pressed", null)
if not name:
push_warning('_add_inspector_buttons(): A button does not have a name key. Defaulting to: "Button"')
name = "Button"
if icon and not icon is Texture:
push_warning('_add_inspector_buttons(): The button <{name}> icon is not a texture.'.format({"name":name}))
icon = null
if not pressed:
push_warning('_add_inspector_buttons(): The button <{name}> does not have a pressed key. Skipping.'.format({"name":name}))
if not pressed is Callable:
push_warning('_add_inspector_buttons(): The button <{name}> pressed is not a Callable. Skipping.'.format({"name":name}))
var button =
button.text = name
if icon:
button.icon = icon
button.expand_icon = true
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