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Created August 1, 2024 14:32
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Projectname Review [Template]

Date Jul 26, 2024
Project Name <name>
TAG TAG APP Delivery
Presentation Yes/No
Project Leads Presenting <names>
TAG Leadership Reviewers <names>
Recording <link>
Meeting Notes <link>

Project Information

High-level Summary

Notes on the description of the project, what the project does, its intended use case

TAG and Working Group Alignment

Notes on alignment with the TAG and any TAG working group for future collaboration or community engagement.


Notes on the project's history, what has been achieved so far, and other relevant information.


Notes on architecture, like what language it is written in, how the service or application should be run, and other interesting information.

Goals & Roadmap

Notes on the current goals of the project, what features are planned in the near and distant future.

Key Considerations:

Community and Growth

Section Guidance: fill in the following section to answer the following questions:

  • the number and affiliation of maintainers, makeup of maintainers as vendors or end users, number of contributions, diversity of maintainers and contributors, how new features are proposed within the project, is one vendor driving discussions or issues across all types of contributors, are multiple vendors contributing such that if one vendor stopped contributing others would be able to pick up the charge, how are embargoed or sensitive issues handled, security vulnerabilities, etc.
  • What types of activity are there in discussion forums (GitHub issues and/or discussions, Slack, Discord, etc), representation at conferences and meetups, etc.

Release Process, Issues and Testing Infrastructure

Section Guidance: How does the project handle releases, how often are releases made, if aligned with upstream dependencies such as kubernetes versions or libraries are releases made in a timely manner, how are breaking changes communicated (flag day, change notifications, etc.), are release notes documented, where are tests run, is there sufficient testing infrastructure on community managed infrastructure

Alignment / Collaboration / Overlap with Existing CNCF projects in this area / Expectations

Section Guidance: How does this project align with the CNCF and its core values, if including non-CNCF technology is there significant value-add beyond just wrapping that core tech (full lifecycle management, etc.), are there other projects in this space that overlap, opportunities to collaborate with other projects, etc. What are the projects expectations with joining what CNCF


Insert summary of above guidance here

Projects Collab / Overlap

Insert existing specific project collab / overlap

Project1 Description
Project2 Description

Project Challenges

Section Guidance: challenges either the project has identified or the tag has identified for the project. Based on community, grown, and other projects in this space, what are the immediate challenges for the project going forward. This can be, for e.g., lack of maintainer diversity, lack of testing infrastructure, a lot of overlap with existing projects, lack of resources, a particularly difficult challenge, challenging goals or roadmap, competition, or any other challenges that came up during review.

Key Feedback to the Project:

Section Guidance: During TAG review, identify key feedback to provide back to the project leads. This should be constructive feedback, areas to improve, specific guidance to the project, etc. Some examples can be: moving testing infra from vendor to community managed, suggestions to collaborate with existing projects identified as overlap, suggestion / recommendation to migrate project repos from vendor repo to community repo, or specific existing sigs repos, or many others, etc.

TAG Recommendation to TOC:

Section Guidance: TAG to provide written recommendation to the TOC, summary of feedback, special callouts, and a final YES/NO recommendation with reasoning.

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