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Created September 12, 2016 00:50
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JSON Fetch and Filtering
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, div, button, text, img, br, p)
import Html.Attributes exposing (src, width)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Html.App
import Http
import Task exposing (Task)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder(..), string, (:=), succeed, list)
import Extra exposing ((|:))
type alias Model =
{ allTips : List Tip
, category : Category
, filteredTips : List Tip
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( { allTips = [], category = "all", filteredTips = [] }, fetchCmd )
type Msg
= Fetch
| FetchSuccess (List Tip)
| FetchError Http.Error
| CategoryFilter Category
type alias Tip =
{ title : String
, date : String
, tags : String
, image : String
, thumbnail : String
type alias Category =
type alias Tips =
List Tip
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick (CategoryFilter "all") ]
[ text "All" ]
, button [ onClick (CategoryFilter "food") ]
[ text "Food" ]
, button [ onClick (CategoryFilter "computers") ]
[ text "Computers" ]
, button [ onClick (CategoryFilter "music") ]
[ text "Music" ]
, button [ onClick (CategoryFilter "life") ]
[ text "Life" ]
, div
(\x ->
div []
[ text x.title
, p [] []
, img [ src x.thumbnail, width 150 ] []
decodeTip : Decode.Decoder Tip
decodeTip =
Decode.succeed Tip
|: ("title" := string)
|: ("date" := string)
|: ("tags" := string)
|: ("image" := string)
|: ("thumbnail" := string)
decode : Decode.Decoder (List Tip)
decode =
Decode.list decodeTip
url : String
url =
fetchTask : Task Http.Error (List Tip)
fetchTask =
Http.get decode url
fetchCmd : Cmd Msg
fetchCmd =
Task.perform FetchError FetchSuccess fetchTask
filterTips : Tips -> Category -> Tips
filterTips tips category =
case category of
"all" ->
_ ->
(List.filter (\x -> (x.tags == category)) tips)
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Fetch ->
( model, fetchCmd )
FetchSuccess tips ->
( { allTips = tips, filteredTips = tips, category = "" }, Cmd.none )
FetchError error ->
( { allTips = [], filteredTips = [], category = "Error" }, Cmd.none )
CategoryFilter category ->
( { allTips = model.allTips, filteredTips = (filterTips model.allTips category), category = category }, Cmd.none )
main : Program Never
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = (always Sub.none)
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