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Last active February 12, 2021 22:10
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Zsh/Bash Function for Getting AWS Credentials from SSO
# After logging into an AWS organization that is SSO enabled using CLI v2, session credentials will be
# cached at $HOME/.aws/sso/cache. Most AWS tools do not know how to integrate directly with AWS SSO. This
# small function for Bash and Zsh gives you a quick shortcut to get temporary STS credentials
# and exports them as environment variables which your tools are likely to understand. Primary use case
# I wrote this for is using the Docker AWS ECR credential helper. I often toggle between different AWS
# organizations, and this function understands looking through the token cache for the correct one based
# the SSO start URL.
# Copy/paste the function below into your .zshrc or .bashrc file. Each new shell session will have the
# function ready to go.
# > aws-sso-get-credentials profile-name-goes-here
function aws-sso-get-credentials {
echo "Loading AWS profile $aws_desired_profile"
sso_start_url=`aws configure get sso_start_url --profile $aws_desired_profile`
sso_region=`aws configure get sso_region --profile $aws_desired_profile`
sso_account_id=`aws configure get sso_account_id --profile $aws_desired_profile`
sso_role_name=`aws configure get sso_role_name --profile $aws_desired_profile`
sso_access_token=`jq -c -r --slurp '.[]? | select(.startUrl == "'$sso_start_url'" and .region == "'$sso_region'") | .accessToken' $HOME/.aws/sso/cache/*.json`
echo "Fetching STS credentials from SSO service (environment=$sso_start_url, region=$sso_region, role=$sso_role_name)"
aws_role_credentials=`aws sso get-role-credentials --profile $aws_desired_profile --role-name $sso_role_name --account-id $sso_account_id --access-token $sso_access_token`
# Export the credentials as environment variables other tools can consume
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=`echo $aws_role_credentials | jq -r -s '.[].roleCredentials.accessKeyId'`
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=`echo $aws_role_credentials | jq -r -s '.[].roleCredentials.secretAccessKey'`
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=`echo $aws_role_credentials | jq -r -s '.[].roleCredentials.sessionToken'`
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