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Created June 17, 2022 04:44
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Script for adding someone's audio to one playlist (VK)
1. Open VK page like<ID>
2. Scroll down to load all music
3. Press F12
4. Paste this code to Console
5. Press Enter
6. Wait.
Do not interact with tab!!
Tested on Google Chrome
const sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
const time = ((500 * 5) + 100) / 1000;
let failed = 0;
(async function() {
let audios = document.querySelectorAll(".audio_page__audio_rows_list > *");
for (let i = 0; i < audios.length; i++) {
let audio = audios[i];
console.log("Processing: " + audio.querySelector(".audio_row__title_inner").innerText + " (" + (i + 1) + "/" + audios.length + ")");
console.log("Work done: " + Math.floor((i * 100) / audios.length) + "%");
let audioLeft = audios.length - i;
let timeLeft = audioLeft * time;
let hour = Math.floor(timeLeft / 3600)
let min = Math.floor((timeLeft - hour * 3600) / 60)
let sec = Math.floor(timeLeft - hour * 3600 - min * 60)
console.log("Estimated time: " + (hour > 0 ? hour + " h, " : "") + (min > 0 ? min + " m, " : "") + sec + " s.");
if (failed > 0) console.log("Failed: " + failed);
// Show buttons
await sleep(500);
// Click on "More" button
let audioMoreElement = audio.querySelector(".audio_row__action_more");
if (audioMoreElement !== null) {;
try {
// Click on "Add to playlist" to show all playlists
let actions = document.querySelector(".audio_row__more_action_add_to_playlist");
await sleep(500);;
await sleep(500);
// Click on the first playlist in the list to add audio in it
let playlistbutton = document.querySelectorAll(".audio_row__action_playlist");
await sleep(500);
// Remove "More" menu
let tmp = document.querySelector("._audio_row__tt");
// For some reasons :)
await sleep(500);
} catch(e) {
failed = failed + 1;
} else {
failed = failed + 1;
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