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Last active February 6, 2018 03:19
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Using link buttons and deep linking for a seamless flow between your service and Slack with BotMan Studio
use BotMan\Drivers\Slack\SlackDriver;
Route::get('/', function () {
$task_id = uniqid();
// Send the message to the channel
$result = app('botman')->say('example', '#botman-tests', SlackDriver::class, [
'attachments' => json_encode([
'fallback' => 'Upgrade your Slack client to use messages like these.',
'color' => '#CC0000',
'actions' => [
'type' => 'button',
'text' => ':red_circle: Complete Task: '.$task_id,
'url' => url('/workflow/'.$task_id),
// Retrieve API result
$result = json_decode($result->getContent(), true);
// Store the task in the cache
$storedTasks = \Cache::get('tasks', []);
$storedTasks[$task_id] = [
'channel' => $result['channel'],
'ts' => $result['message']['ts'],
\Cache::put('tasks', $storedTasks, 60);
Route::get('/workflow/{task_id}', function($task_id) {
return response('<form method="POST" action="/complete/'.$task_id.'">
<input type="submit" value="Do The Thing" />
Route::post('/complete/{task_id}', function($task_id) {
$tasks = \Cache::get('tasks');
$task = $tasks[$task_id];
* This is where your app's business logic would live.
* Once the task has been complete, the user will be directed to this `/complete`
* page, which shows a link back to their Slack conversation
* When this page loads, we update the original Slack message to show that
* the pending task has been completed
$botman = app('botman');
$botman->sendRequest('chat.update', [
'channel' => $task['channel'],
'ts' => $task['ts'],
'text' => 'Task Complete!',
'attachments' => json_encode([
'fallback' => 'Upgrade your Slack client to use messages like these.',
'color' => '#36a64f',
'text' => ':white_check_mark: *Completed Task: '.$task_id.'*',
'mrkdwn_in' => ['text']
// Get the message permalink to redirect the user back to Slack
$result = $botman->sendRequest('chat.getPermalink', [
'channel' => $task['channel'],
'message_ts' => $task['ts'],
$result = json_decode($result->getContent(), true);
return response('<a href="'.$result['permalink'].'">Return to Slack</a>');
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