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Created June 25, 2021 10:53
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import GHC.Unit.Database
import GHC.Plugins
import GHC
import Data.Version
import GHC.Unit.Env
import GHC.Driver.Monad
import qualified Data.Map as M
main = do
let libdir = "/home/matt/ghc-clean/_build/stage1/lib"
runGhc (Just libdir) $ compilePackage
runGhc (Just libdir) $ compileProject
myUnit :: UnitId
myUnit = UnitId (mkFastString "fake-uid")
myPkgName = PackageName (mkFastString "my-pkg")
myMod :: Module
myMod = mkModule (RealUnit (Definite myUnit)) (mkModuleName "MyLib")
modO = ModOrigin (Just True) [] [] True
fakeUnitInfo :: UnitInfo
fakeUnitInfo = GenericUnitInfo { unitId = myUnit
, unitInstanceOf = Indefinite myUnit
, unitInstantiations = []
, unitPackageId = PackageId (mkFastString "pkg")
, unitPackageName = myPkgName
, unitPackageVersion = makeVersion [0, 0]
, unitComponentName = Nothing
, unitAbiHash = ""
-- If you need these two, then you need to
-- get the info from the UnitState
, unitDepends = []
, unitAbiDepends = []
, unitImportDirs = ["/home/matt/ghc-clean/gergo"]
, unitLibraries = ["MyLib"]
, unitExtDepLibsSys = []
, unitExtDepLibsGhc = []
, unitLibraryDirs = []
, unitLibraryDynDirs = []
, unitExtDepFrameworks = []
, unitExtDepFrameworkDirs = []
, unitLinkerOptions = []
, unitCcOptions = []
, unitIncludes = []
, unitIncludeDirs = []
, unitHaddockInterfaces = []
, unitHaddockHTMLs = []
, unitExposedModules = [(mkModuleName "MyLib", Nothing)]
, unitHiddenModules = []
, unitIsIndefinite = False
, unitIsExposed = True
, unitIsTrusted = True
setupOpts :: [String] -> Ghc ()
setupOpts xs = do
df1 <- getSessionDynFlags
logger <- getLogger
let cmdOpts = xs
(df2, leftovers, warns) <- parseDynamicFlags logger df1 (map noLoc cmdOpts)
setSessionDynFlags df2
ts <- mapM (\s -> guessTarget s Nothing Nothing) $ map unLoc leftovers
setTargets ts
compilePackage :: Ghc ()
compilePackage = do
-- Step 1: Compile "MyLib.hs"
setupOpts ["-this-unit-id fake-uid", "MyLib"]
() <$ load LoadAllTargets
addFakePackage :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
addFakePackage hsc_env = do
hsc_env { hsc_unit_env = mod_us (hsc_unit_env hsc_env) }
mod_us ue = ue { ue_units = addUnit (ue_units ue) }
addUnit us = us
{ packageNameMap = addToUFM (packageNameMap us) myPkgName (Indefinite myUnit)
, unitInfoMap = M.insert myUnit fakeUnitInfo $ unitInfoMap us
, moduleNameProvidersMap = M.insert (mkModuleName "MyLib") (M.singleton myMod modO) $ moduleNameProvidersMap us
compileProject :: Ghc ()
compileProject = do
-- Step 1: Add the fake package to the UnitState
setupOpts ["Test"]
modifySession addFakePackage
() <$ load LoadAllTargets
module MyLib where
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Test where
import "my-pkg" MyLib
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