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Created November 26, 2019 15:12
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CrackMapExec module to set as "owned" on BloodHound every target owned by the attacker


  • Copy in cme/modules and reinstall CrackMapExec python install
  • pip install neo4j


cme smb -d adsec.local -u jsnow -p Winter_is_coming_\! -M bloodhound_owned

You can check available options using

cme smb -d adsec.local -u jsnow -p Winter_is_coming_\! -M bloodhound_owned --options

        NEO4JURI            URI for Neo4j database (defaults to
        NEO4JPORT           Listeninfg port for Neo4j database (defaults to 7687)
        NEO4JUSER           Username for Neo4j database (defaults to 'neo4j')
        NEO4JPASS           Password for Neo4j database (defaults to 'neo4j')

Options can be set using

cme smb dc01.adsec.local -d adsec.local -u jsnow -p Winter_is_coming_\! -M bloodhound_owned -o NEO4JURI='' NEO4JPORT='7687' NEO4JUSER='neo4j' NEO4JPASS='bloodhound'

Have fun

# bloodhound_owned module for CME python2
# author: Pixis (
# v0.1
import sys
from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase
from neo4j.exceptions import AuthError, ServiceUnavailable
class CMEModule:
name = 'bloodhound_owned'
description = "Set owned attribute in BloodHound for compromised targets"
supported_protocols = ['smb']
opsec_safe = True
multiple_hosts = True
def options(self, context, module_options):
NEO4JURI URI for Neo4j database (defaults to
NEO4JPORT Listeninfg port for Neo4j database (defaults to 7687)
NEO4JUSER Username for Neo4j database (defaults to 'neo4j')
NEO4JPASS Password for Neo4j database (defaults to 'neo4j')
self.neo4j_URI = ""
self.neo4j_Port = "7687"
self.neo4j_user = "neo4j"
self.neo4j_pass = "neo4j"
if module_options and 'NEO4JURI' in module_options:
self.neo4j_URI = module_options['NEO4JURI']
if module_options and 'NEO4JPORT' in module_options:
self.neo4j_Port = module_options['NEO4JPORT']
if module_options and 'NEO4JUSER' in module_options:
self.neo4j_user = module_options['NEO4JUSER']
if module_options and 'NEO4JPASS' in module_options:
self.neo4j_pass = module_options['NEO4JPASS']
def on_admin_login(self, context, connection):
hostFQDN = (connection.hostname + "." + connection.domain).upper()
uri = "bolt://{}:{}".format(self.neo4j_URI, self.neo4j_Port)
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass))
except AuthError as e:
context.log.error("Provided credentials ({}:{}) are not valid. See --options".format(self.neo4j_user, self.neo4j_pass))
except ServiceUnavailable as e:
context.log.error("Neo4J does not seem to be available on {}. See --options".format(uri))
except Exception as e:
context.log.error("Unexpected error : {}".format(e))
with driver.session() as session:
with session.begin_transaction() as tx:
result ="MATCH (c:Computer {{name:\"{}\"}}) SET c.owned=True RETURN AS name".format(hostFQDN))
if (len(result.value()) > 0):
context.log.success("Node {} successfully set as owned in BloodHound".format(hostFQDN))
context.log.error("Node {} does not appear to be in Neo4J database. Have you imported correct data ?".format(hostFQDN))
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