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Last active March 23, 2020 14:05
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  • Save mpasternacki/6660958 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mpasternacki/6660958 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Perl script to build a Docker image from Dockerfile that creates the image in a single layer, without any intermediate images. Needs JSON CPAN module (available as `libjson-perl` Debian/Ubuntu package). Usage: run the script in the directory that contains a Dockerfile. More details in a blog post:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use feature 'switch';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path qw/make_path/;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use JSON;
our ( $from, $author, %metadata, @commands, $tmpdir, $tmpcount, $prefix );
$tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => !$ENV{LEAVE_TMPDIR});
$tmpcount = 0;
$prefix = '';
print "*** Working directory: $tmpdir\n" if $ENV{LEAVE_TMPDIR};
open DOCKERFILE, '<Dockerfile' or die;
while ( <DOCKERFILE> ) {
# handle long lines
$_ = "$prefix$_";
$prefix = '';
if ( /\\$/ ) {
/^#/ and next;
/^$/ and next;
my ($cmd, $args) = split(/\s+/, $_, 2);
given ( uc $cmd ) {
# building the image
when ('FROM') { $from = $args }
when ('RUN') { push @commands, $args }
when ('ADD') {
my ( $src, $dest ) = split ' ', $args, 2;
if ( $src =~ /^https?:/ ) {
my $basename = basename($src);
my $target = "$tmpdir/dl/$tmpcount/$basename";
make_path "$tmpdir/dl/$tmpcount";
system('wget', '-O', $target, $src) == 0 or die;
$src = $target;
my $local = "$tmpdir/$tmpcount";
given ( $src ) {
when ( /\.(tar(\.(gz|bz2|xz))?|tgz)$/ ) {
mkdir $local;
system('tar', '-C', $local, '-xf', $_) == 0 or die;
push @commands, "mkdir -p '$dest'", "( cd /.data/$tmpcount ; cp -a . '$dest' )";
when ( -f $_ ) {
$dest .= basename($_) if ( $dest =~ /\/$/ );
system('cp', '-a', $_, $local) == 0 or die;
push @commands, "mkdir -p '".dirname($dest)."'", "cp -a /.data/$tmpcount '$dest'";
when ( -d $_ ) {
# Handle trailing slash combinations properly:
# - `$src=/dir, $dest=/foo -> /foo`
# - `$src=/dir, $dest=/foo/ -> /foo/dir`
# - `$src=/dir/, $dest=/foo -> /foo`
# - `$src=/dir/, $dest=/foo/ -> /foo`
$dest .= basename($_) if ( $_ !~ /\/$/ && $dest =~ /\/$/ );
system('cp', '-a', $_, $local) == 0 or die;
push @commands, "mkdir -p '$dest'", "( cd /.data/$tmpcount ; cp -a . '$dest' )";
default { die }
# image metadata
when ('MAINTAINER') { $author = $args }
when ('CMD') { $metadata{Cmd} = eval { decode_json($args) } || ['sh', '-c', $args] }
when ('ENTRYPOINT') { $metadata{Entrypoint} = eval { decode_json($args) } || ['sh', '-c', $args] }
when ('WORKDIR') { $metadata{WorkingDir} = $args }
when ('USER') { $metadata{User} = $args }
when ('EXPOSE') { push @{ $metadata{PortSpecs} ||= [] }, split(' ',$args); }
when ('ENV') {
my ( $k, $v ) = split(/s+/, $args, 2);
push @commands, "export $k='$v'";
push @{ $metadata{Env} ||= [] }, "$k=$v";
when ('VOLUME') {
# This seems to be a NOP in `docker build`.
# push @{ $metadata{VolumesFrom} ||= [] }, $args
open SETUP, ">$tmpdir/" or die;
print SETUP join("\n", "#!/bin/sh", "set -e -x", @commands), "\ntouch /.data/FINI\n";
close SETUP;
chmod 0755, "$tmpdir/";
our @run = ('docker', 'run', "-cidfile=$tmpdir/CID", '-v', "$tmpdir:/.data", $from, "/.data/");
print "*** ", join(' ', @run), "\n";
system(@run) == 0 or die;
die "unfinished, not committing\n" unless -f "$tmpdir/FINI";
sleep 15; # docker container is not always immediately up to a commit, let's give it time to cool off.
open CID, "<$tmpdir/CID" or die;
our $cid = <CID>;
close CID;
our @commit = ( 'docker', 'commit' );
push @commit, "-author=$author" if defined $author;
push @commit, "-run=" . encode_json(\%metadata) if %metadata;
push @commit, $cid;
print "*** ", join(' ', @commit), "\n";
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atmoz commented Sep 22, 2013

Good stuff! This should be featured in Docker, or otherwise solved in a way that makes it easy to use without wasting unnecessary disk space.

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@mpasternacki Found some issues in your script;

  • ENV key/values are not split properly (splitting on s, not white-space)
  • Some docker arguments (cidfile, author, run) cause a deprecation-warning because a single dash is used.

I've created a modified version here; couldn't find an option to send a pull request for gists (not sure that's even possible) :)

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grossws commented Oct 25, 2014

VOLUME command in docker file is not a NOP, since docker writes it to metadata. When container is started from built dockerfile volumes from it are mounted (and persisted while there's at least one container that use that volume).

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