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SMS.IR Full PHP Class
* @author Shahab Movahhedi <>
* @copyright © 2022 Shahab Movahhedi. All rights reserved.
* @link Documentation of RESTful API PHP sample.
* @version 1.2
class SmsIr {
const ApiUrlPrefix = '';
const ApiUrl_Token = 'Token';
const ApiUrl_MessageSend = 'MessageSend';
const ApiUrl_UltraFastSend = 'UltraFastSend';
const ApiUrl_SMSLine = 'SMSLine';
const ApiUrl_MessageReceive = 'ReceiveMessage';
const ApiUrl_VerificationCode = 'VerificationCode';
const ApiUrl_Credit = 'credit';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact = 'CustomerClubContact';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact_GetCategories = 'CustomerClubContact/GetCategories';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact_GetContactsByCategoryById = 'CustomerClubContact/GetContactsByCategoryById';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact_GetContacts = 'CustomerClubContact/GetContacts';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClub_AddContactAndSend = 'CustomerClub/AddContactAndSend';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClub_Send = 'CustomerClub/Send';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClub_SendToCategories = 'CustomerClub/SendToCategories';
const ApiUrl_CustomerClub_GetSendMessagesByPaginationAndLastId = 'CustomerClub/GetSendMessagesByPaginationAndLastId'; // CustomerClubContact?
const ApiUrl_CustomerClub_GetSendMessagesByPagination = 'CustomerClub/GetSendMessagesByPagination'; // CustomerClubContact?
private $APIKey;
private $SecretKey;
private $LineNumber;
* Gets config parameters for sending request.
* @param string $APIKey API Key
* @param string $SecretKey Secret Key
* @param string $LineNumber Line Number
* @return void
public function __construct($APIKey, $SecretKey, $LineNumber = 0) {
$this->APIKey = $APIKey;
$this->SecretKey = $SecretKey;
$this->LineNumber = $LineNumber;
* Add Contact To Customer Club.
* @param string $Prefix Prefix
* @param string $FirstName First Name
* @param string $LastName Last Name
* @param string $Mobile Mobile
* @param string $BirthDay Birth Day
* @param string $CategoryId Category Id
* @return string The result
public function AddContactToCustomerClub($Prefix, $FirstName, $LastName, $Mobile, $BirthDay, $CategoryId) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$postData = [
'Prefix' => $Prefix,
'FirstName' => $FirstName,
'LastName' => $LastName,
'Mobile' => $Mobile,
'BirthDay' => $BirthDay,
'CategoryId' => $CategoryId
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact;
$AddContactToCustomerClub = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($AddContactToCustomerClub);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Customer Club Insert And Send Message.
* @param data[] $data array structure of contacts data
* @return string The result
public function CustomerClubInsertAndSendMessage($postData) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClub_AddContactAndSend;
$CustomerClubInsertAndSendMessage = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($CustomerClubInsertAndSendMessage);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* send sms to Customer Club Contacts.
* @param MobileNumbers[] $MobileNumbers array structure of mobile numbers
* @param Messages[] $Messages array structure of messages
* @param string $SendDateTime Send Date Time
* @return string The result
public function CustomerClubSend($MobileNumbers, $Messages, $SendDateTime = '') {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$postData = [
'Messages' => $Messages,
'MobileNumbers' => $MobileNumbers,
'SendDateTime' => $SendDateTime,
'CanContinueInCaseOfError' => 'false'
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClub_Send;
$CustomerClubSend = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($CustomerClubSend);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Customer Club Send To Categories.
* @param Messages[] $Messages array structure of messages
* @param contactsCustomerClubCategoryIds[] $contactsCustomerClubCategoryIds array structure of contacts Customer Club Category Ids
* @param string $SendDateTime Send Date Time
* @return string The result
public function CustomerClubSendToCategories($Messages, $contactsCustomerClubCategoryIds, $SendDateTime = '') {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$postData = [
'Messages' => $Messages,
'contactsCustomerClubCategoryIds' => $contactsCustomerClubCategoryIds,
'SendDateTime' => $SendDateTime,
'CanContinueInCaseOfError' => 'false'
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClub_SendToCategories;
$CustomerClubSendToCategories = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($CustomerClubSendToCategories);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Edit Contact of Customer Club.
* @param string $Prefix Prefix
* @param string $FirstName First Name
* @param string $LastName Last Name
* @param string $Mobile Mobile
* @param string $BirthDay Birth Day
* @param string $CategoryId Category Id
* @return string The result
public function EditCustomerClubContact($Prefix, $FirstName, $LastName, $Mobile, $BirthDay, $CategoryId) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$postData = [
'Prefix' => $Prefix,
'FirstName' => $FirstName,
'LastName' => $LastName,
'Mobile' => $Mobile,
'BirthDay' => $BirthDay,
'CategoryId' => $CategoryId
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact;
$EditCustomerClubContact = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($EditCustomerClubContact);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Get Credit.
* @return string The result
public function GetCredit() {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_Credit;
$GetCredit = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($GetCredit);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['IsSuccessful'] ? $array['Credit'] : $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Get Customer Club Categories.
* @return string Indicates the contact categories result
public function GetCustomerClubCategories() {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact_GetCategories;
$GetCustomerClubCategories = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($GetCustomerClubCategories);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['ContactsCustomerClubCategories'];
else return false;
return false;
* Get Customer Club Categories.
* @return string Indicates the contact categories result
public function GetCustomerClubContactsByCategoryIdByPageId($categoryId, $pageId) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact_GetContactsByCategoryById . '?categoryId=' . $categoryId . '&pageNumber=' . $pageId;
$GetCustomerClubContactsByCategoryIdByPageId = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($GetCustomerClubContactsByCategoryIdByPageId);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['ContactsCustomerClubResponseDetails'];
else return false;
return false;
* Get Customer Club contacts.
* @return string Indicates the contact result
public function GetCustomerClubContactsByPageId($pageId) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClubContact_GetContacts . '?pageNumber=' . $pageId;
$GetCustomerClubContactsByPageId = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($GetCustomerClubContactsByPageId);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['ContactsCustomerClubResponseDetails'];
else return false;
return false;
* Get Customer Club Sent Messages.
* @return string Indicates the Sent Messages result
public function GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByLastId($lastId) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClub_GetSendMessagesByPaginationAndLastId . '?lastId=' . $lastId;
$GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByLastId = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByLastId);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['ContactsCustomerClubResponseDetails'];
else return false;
return false;
* Get Customer Club Sent Messages.
* @return string Indicates the Sent Messages result
public function GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByPageId($pageId, $rowCount) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_CustomerClub_GetSendMessagesByPagination . '?pageIndex=' . $pageId . '&rowCount=' . $rowCount;
$GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByPageId = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByPageId);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['ContactsCustomerClubResponseDetails'];
else return false;
return false;
* Get Sms Lines.
* @return string The result
public function GetSmsLines() {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_SMSLine;
$GetSmsLines = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($GetSmsLines);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['IsSuccessful'] ? $array['SMSLines'] : $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Gets Receive Message By BatchKey And PageId.
* @param string $pageId page id for getting messages
* @param string $batchKey sent messages batchkey
* @return string The result
public function ReceiveMessageByBatchKeyAndPageId($pageId, $batchKey) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_MessageSend . '?pageId=' . $pageId . '&batchKey=' . $batchKey;
$ReceiveMessageByBatchKeyAndPageId = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($ReceiveMessageByBatchKeyAndPageId);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['IsSuccessful'] ? $array['Messages'] : $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Gets Sent Message Response By Date.
* @param string $Shamsi_FromDate Shamsi From Date
* @param string $Shamsi_ToDate Shamsi To Date
* @param string $RowsPerPage Rows Per Page
* @param string $RequestedPageNumber Requested Page Number
* @return string The result
public function ReceiveMessageResponseByDate($Shamsi_FromDate, $Shamsi_ToDate, $RowsPerPage, $RequestedPageNumber) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_MessageReceive . '?Shamsi_FromDate=' . $Shamsi_FromDate . '&Shamsi_ToDate=' . $Shamsi_ToDate . '&RowsPerPage=' . $RowsPerPage . '&RequestedPageNumber=' . $RequestedPageNumber;
$ReceiveMessageResponseByDate = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($ReceiveMessageResponseByDate);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['IsSuccessful'] ? $array['Messages'] : $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Receive Message By Last Id.
* @param string $id messages id
* @return string The result
public function ReceiveMessageByLastId($id) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_MessageReceive . '?id=' . $id;
$ReceiveMessageByLastId = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($ReceiveMessageByLastId);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['IsSuccessful'] ? $array['Messages'] : $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Send Normal SMS.
* @param MobileNumbers[] $MobileNumbers array structure of mobile numbers
* @param Messages[] $Messages array structure of messages
* @param string $SendDateTime Send Date Time
* @return string The result
public function SendMessage($MobileNumbers, $Messages, $SendDateTime = '') {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$postData = [
'Messages' => $Messages,
'MobileNumbers' => $MobileNumbers,
'LineNumber' => $this->LineNumber,
'SendDateTime' => $SendDateTime,
'CanContinueInCaseOfError' => 'false'
$url = self::ApiUrl_MessageSend;
$SendMessage = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($SendMessage);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Gets Sent Message Response By Date.
* @param string $Shamsi_FromDate Shamsi From Date
* @param string $Shamsi_ToDate Shamsi To Date
* @param string $RowsPerPage Rows Per Page
* @param string $RequestedPageNumber Requested Page Number
* @return string The result
public function SentMessageResponseByDate($Shamsi_FromDate, $Shamsi_ToDate, $RowsPerPage, $RequestedPageNumber) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_MessageSend . '?Shamsi_FromDate=' . $Shamsi_FromDate . '&Shamsi_ToDate=' . $Shamsi_ToDate . '&RowsPerPage=' . $RowsPerPage . '&RequestedPageNumber=' . $RequestedPageNumber;
$SentMessageResponseByDate = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($SentMessageResponseByDate);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['IsSuccessful'] ? $array['Messages'] : $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Sent Message Response By Id.
* @param string $id message id
* @return string The result
public function SentMessageResponseById($id) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_MessageSend . '?id=' . $id;
$SentMessageResponseById = $this->execute($url, $token);
$object = json_decode($SentMessageResponseById);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['IsSuccessful'] ? $array['Messages'] : $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Ultra Fast Send Message.
* @param data[] $data array structure of message data
* @return string The result
public function UltraFastSend($postData) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$url = self::ApiUrl_UltraFastSend;
$UltraFastSend = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($UltraFastSend);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Verification Code.
* @param string $Code Code
* @param string $MobileNumber Mobile Number
* @return string The result
public function VerificationCode($Code, $MobileNumber) {
$token = $this->GetToken($this->APIKey, $this->SecretKey);
if ($token) {
$postData = [
'Code' => $Code,
'MobileNumber' => $MobileNumber,
$url = self::ApiUrl_VerificationCode;
$VerificationCode = $this->execute($url, $token, $postData);
$object = json_decode($VerificationCode);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return $array['Message'];
return false;
return false;
* Gets token key for all web service requests.
* @return string Indicates the token key
public function GetToken() {
$postData = [
'UserApiKey' => $this->APIKey,
'SecretKey' => $this->SecretKey,
'System' => 'php_rest_v_1_2'
$url = self::ApiUrl_Token;
$response = $this->execute($url, false, $postData);
$object = json_decode($response);
if (is_object($object) && is_array($array = get_object_vars($object))) {
return @$array['IsSuccessful'] ? @$array['TokenKey'] : false;
return false;
* Executes the main method.
* @param string $url url
* @param string $token token string
* @param string[] $postData array of json data
* @return string Indicates the curl execute result
private function execute($url, $token = false, $postData = false) {
$postString = json_encode($postData);
$ch = curl_init(self::ApiUrlPrefix . $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
'Content-Type: application/json',
($token ? ('x-sms-ir-secure-token: ' . $token) : '')
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
if ($postData) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postString);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
return $result;
* @author Shahab Movahhedi <>
* @copyright © 2022 Shahab Movahhedi. All rights reserved.
* @link Documentation of RESTful API PHP sample.
* @version 2.0
include_once 'SmsIr.php';
// It's better to use this class with try-catch
try {
// Code...
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'SMS.IR ERROR: '.$e->getMessage();
// Your SMS.IR panel configuration
$APIKey = "enter your api key ...";
$SecretKey = "enter your secret key ...";
$mySmsIr = new SmsIr($APIKey, $SecretKey);
// AddContactToCustomerClub
$Prefix = 'Mr';
$FirstName = 'FirstName';
$LastName = 'LastName';
$Mobile = '091xxxxxxxx';
$BirthDay = '1370/01/01';
$CategoryId = '';
$Result = $mySmsIr->AddContactToCustomerClub($Prefix, $FirstName, $LastName, $Mobile, $BirthDay, $CategoryId);
// CustomerClubInsertAndSendMessage
$data = array(
"Prefix" => "Mr",
"FirstName" => "FirstName" ,
"LastName" => "LastName",
"Mobile" => "091xxxxxxxx",
"BirthDay" => "1370/01/01",
"CategoryId" => "",
"MessageText" => "text1"
"Prefix" => "Mr2",
"FirstName" => "FirstName2" ,
"LastName" => "LastName2",
"Mobile" => "092xxxxxxxx",
"BirthDay" => "1370/02/02",
"CategoryId" => "",
"MessageText" => "text2"
$Result = $mySmsIr->CustomerClubInsertAndSendMessage($data);
// CustomerClubSend
$MobileNumbers = array('091xxxxxxxx', '092xxxxxxxx', '093xxxxxxxx');
$Messages = array('text1', 'text2', 'text3');
@$SendDateTime = date("Y-m-d")."T".date("H:i:s");
$Result = $mySmsIr->CustomerClubSend($MobileNumbers, $Messages, $SendDateTime);
// CustomerClubSendToCategories
$Messages = 'text';
// your Customer Club contacts Category Ids. If it doesn't have any value then sends to all customer club contacts. To send to all, leave the array empty
$contactsCustomerClubCategoryIds = array(1, 2);
@$SendDateTime = date("Y-m-d")."T".date("H:i:s");
$Result = $mySmsIr->CustomerClubSendToCategories($Messages, $contactsCustomerClubCategoryIds, $SendDateTime);
// EditCustomerClubContact
$Prefix = 'Mr';
$FirstName = 'FirstName';
$LastName = 'LastName';
$Mobile = '091xxxxxxxx';
$BirthDay = '1370/01/01';
$CategoryId = '';
$Result = $mySmsIr->EditCustomerClubContact($Prefix, $FirstName, $LastName, $Mobile, $BirthDay, $CategoryId);
// GetCredit
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetCredit();
// GetCustomerClubCategories
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetCustomerClubCategories();
// GetCustomerClubCategories
$categoryId = 0;
$pageId = 1;
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetCustomerClubContactsByCategoryIdByPageId($categoryId, $pageId);
// GetCustomerClubContactsByPageId
$pageId = 1;
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetCustomerClubContactsByPageId($pageId);
// GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByLastId
$lastId = 1;
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByLastId($lastId);
// GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByPageId
$pageId = 1;
$rowCount = 10;
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetCustomerClubSentMessagesByPageId($pageId, $rowCount);
// GetSmsLines
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetSmsLines();
// GetToken
$Result = $mySmsIr->GetToken();
// GetToken
$batchKey = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
$pageId = 1;
$Result = $mySmsIr->ReceiveMessageByBatchKeyAndPageId($pageId, $batchKey);
// ReceiveMessageResponseByDate
$Shamsi_FromDate = '1397/02/1';
$Shamsi_ToDate = '1397/02/31';
$RowsPerPage = 10;
$RequestedPageNumber = 1;
$Result = $mySmsIr->ReceiveMessageResponseByDate($Shamsi_FromDate, $Shamsi_ToDate, $RowsPerPage, $RequestedPageNumber);
// ReceiveMessageByLastId
$id = 1;
$Result = $mySmsIr->ReceiveMessageByLastId($id);
// SendMessage
$MobileNumbers = array('091xxxxxxxx', '092xxxxxxxx', '093xxxxxxxx');
$Messages = array('text1', 'text2', 'text3');
@$SendDateTime = date("Y-m-d")."T".date("H:i:s");
$Result = $mySmsIr->SendMessage($MobileNumbers, $Messages, $SendDateTime);
// SentMessageResponseByDate
$Shamsi_FromDate = '1397/02/1';
$Shamsi_ToDate = '1397/02/31';
$RowsPerPage = 10;
$RequestedPageNumber = 1;
$Result = $mySmsIr->SentMessageResponseByDate($Shamsi_FromDate, $Shamsi_ToDate, $RowsPerPage, $RequestedPageNumber);
// SentMessageResponseById
$id = "enter your sent message id...";
$Result = $mySmsIr->SentMessageResponseById($id);
// UltraFastSend
$data = array(
"ParameterArray" => array(
"Parameter" => "FirstVariable",
"ParameterValue" => "xxxx"
"Parameter" => "SecondVariable",
"ParameterValue" => "xxxx"
"Parameter" => "ThirdVariable",
"ParameterValue" => "xxxx"
"Mobile" => "091xxxxxxxx",
"TemplateId" => "26"
$Result = $mySmsIr->UltraFastSend($data);
// VerificationCode
$Code = "12345";
$MobileNumber = "091xxxxxxxx";
$Result = $mySmsIr->VerificationCode($Code, $MobileNumber);
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