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Last active July 31, 2024 14:27
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Simple implementation of Option, Some, None, and match() in TypeScript
type Some<T> = { some: T, none: false };
type None = { some: undefined, none: true };
type Option<T = unknown> = Some<T> | None;
type InferredSome<T extends Option> = T extends Some<infer R> ?
R :
type OptionResult<T = unknown> = T extends null | undefined ? None : Some<T>;
function option<T>(value: T): OptionResult<T> {
if (value != null) {
return some(value) as OptionResult<T>;
return none() as OptionResult<T>;
function none(): None {
return { some: undefined, none: true };
function some<T>(value: T): Some<T> {
return { some: value, none: false };
class Matcher<T extends Option> {
#data!: T;
constructor(data: T) {
this.#data = data;
static new<U extends Option>(data: U) {
return new Matcher(data);
whenSome(cb: (value: InferredSome<T>) => void): Omit<Matcher<T>, 'whenSome'> {
cb(this.#data as InferredSome<T>);
return this;
whenNone(cb: () => void): Omit<Matcher<T>, 'whenNone'> {
return this;
function match<T extends Option>(input: T) {
return new Matcher(input);
function fa() {
return Math.random() > .5 ?
some(Math.random()) :
const fav = fa();
if (fav.none) {
console.debug('none?', fav.some);
} else {
console.debug('some?', fav.some);
.whenNone(() => console.debug('nil'))
.whenSome((value) => console.debug({ value }));
const a = option(undefined);
type A = typeof a extends Some<infer R> ? R : None;
// ^?
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