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WebSockets using Apache Reverse Proxy

WebSockets using Apache Reverse Proxy

This post will cover how to configure our already running server [1, 2] to proxy websocket connections to a backend of our choice. We will continue using Vagrant to provision the guest machine.

Step 1

Clone or download a simple websocket server into our vagrantfolder (and extract if an archive).

Step 2

Modify 001-mysite.conf to include our websocket redirect.

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ProxyPass "/ws/" "ws://"
 ProxyPassReverse "/ws/" "ws://"
 ProxyPass "/" ""
 ProxyPassReverse "/" ""

Step 3

Modify to 1) enable mod_proxy_wstunnel and 2) start a websocket server.

a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
[ before SimpleHTTPServer ]
cd /vagrant/www/html
cp /vagrant/simple-websocket-server-master/SimpleWebSocketServer/websocket.html /vagrant/www/html
python /vagrant/simple-websocket-server-master/SimpleWebSocketServer/ --example echo &> /dev/null &

When everything is configured reprovision the guest machine (vagrant up or vagrant reload --provision depending)

Step 4

Navigate to

THe websocket is connected As seen in the image above, connect the browser to


Click connect and send and review the output.

sent: Hello World!
response: Hello World!


We have successfully configured our Apache server to function as a reverse proxy that allows us to route traffic to different backends depending on the relative path.

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