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mortendk mortendk

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title: the most amazing thing
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mortendk / Contract Killer
Created May 27, 2021 08:43
The latest version of my ‘killer contract’ for web designers and developers

Contract Killer

The popular open-source contract for web professionals by Stuff & Nonsense

  • Originally published: 23rd December 2008
  • Revised date: March 15th 2016
  • Original post

# Your snippets
'prefix': 'config-fractal'
mortendk /
Created October 4, 2017 16:04

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mortendk on github.
  • I am mortendk ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAnxM1of4DVXNKiDaZc3_SNXXaTT8hU0c7EilkPw4kp3wo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

[base template name]--[view machine name]--[view display id].html.twig
[base template name]--[view machine name]--[view display type].html.twig
[base template name]--[view display type].html.twig2
[base template name]--[view machine name].html.twig
[base template name].html.twig
views styles
# Your snippets
# Atom snippets allow you to enter a simple prefix in the editor and hit tab to
# expand the prefix into a larger code block with templated values.
# You can create a new snippet in this file by typing "snip" and then hitting
# tab.
# An example CoffeeScript snippet to expand log to console.log:
mortendk / input--submit.html.twig
Created July 16, 2016 11:54
input submit as buttons
{{ attach_library(active_theme()~'/form') }}
{# find the unique name for the button. #}
{% if element['#value'].getUntranslatedString() %}
{% set element_name = element['#value'].getUntranslatedString()|clean_class %}
{% else %}
{% set element_name = element['#value']|clean_class %}
{% endif %}
{# We dont use form-submit or button--primary for the css so lets remove it. #}
mortendk / image-widget.html.twig
Created July 13, 2016 10:57
image widget upload label as a button trick
function birch_preprocess_image_widget(&$variables, $hook) {
// the image widget needs to know what the label is
// look in admin/image-widget.hmtl.twig
$variables['form_label_id'] = $variables['element']['#id'];
mortendk / themenameinfo.yml
Created May 18, 2016 19:06
tell modernizr to fuck out of your theme in drupal 8
core/modernizr: false
mortendk / menu--main.html.twig
Created May 9, 2016 01:11
complete menu link control to the max Drupal twig
{% import _self as menus %}
We call a macro which calls itself to render the full tree.
{{ menus.menu_links(items, attributes, 0) }}
{% macro menu_links(items, attributes, menu_level) %}
{% import _self as menus %}