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Last active March 1, 2023 04:18
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Prompts to use chat gpt to write answers and also research papers with ease

Ask Question

-> What are the core concepts of {{topic}}? Give a detailed analysis
-> Can you answer in detail what are the concepts on {{topic}}

Write codes

-> Develop a program with {{programming language}} and implement {{framework}} and develop this program {{program intention}}
-> Write a code in {{programming language}} for {{task}}

Write essay or answers

-> Write an Essay of 1000 words on the {{topic}} keep it in a non AI form
-> Write a decisive answer or inforgraphic on {{topic}}
-> Write a detailed answer on {{topic}} and mention all of it in points

Research Document Writing

-> Write a Detailed Abstract of about 500 words on {{title}}
-> Write a Detailed introduction of the topic {{title}} and also introduce the new intigration and inovation that are and can be implemented with also explaining the core concepts of the research and write in a non AI format.
-> Write the Working for all the possible and included keywords and also write each of them seperately and give a refernce for each of them
-> Provide refence for all the different concepts used in the introduction and abstract
-> Explain the building, deployment and usage of the {{topic}} with the program design being {{Program design and working explained}}
-> Write a conclusion for all the above conversation and mention 1 improvement proposed, 1 problem and 1 suggestion on how this can be improved and keep it to be 400 words and write in a non AI format and also keep the concept close to the {{topic}}
-> Write the related work section for the {{refernce paper title}} and mention an introduction, working and limitation of the paper

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