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Last active November 27, 2023 08:14
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class notes

First Class

  • DORA:
	- Discover
	- Offer
	- Request
	- Acknowledgement
  • IP:

    • Class A: 0-127
      • Subnet: N:H:H:H
    • Class B: 128 - 192
      • Subnet: N:N:H:H
    • Class C: 193 - 223
      • Subnet: N:N:N:H
    • Class D & E: Cannot be used.
    • Loopback Address
    • APIPA: Automated Private IP Addressing
      • When Router or Switch fails to give an IP the system under APIPA assumes the IP: 169.252.x.x
    • IP address cannot be same in the same network but IP address can be same in different networks.
    • IPV4: 32bit
      • Have 4 classes.
      • Its in numeric
    • IPV6: 128bit
      • Have 8 Sections
      • Its in hexadecimal
  • MAC

    • MAC is a 48bit permanent address assigned to the NIC(Network Interface Card) assigned by the manufacturer.
  • Three Way Handshake:

    • Syn: Synchronize
      • Sends a Synchronize packet to start a conversation
    • Syn-Ack:
      • Sends a Acknowledgment to get a connection
    • Ack:
      • Ack to complete the connection.

Second Class

  • Elements of information security:

    • Integrity: Data Integrity ensures only authorized parties are allowed to modify the data.
    • Confidentiality: Means only authorized person can work and see our infrastructure and digital resources.
    • Authenticity & Availability: Authenticity is maintaining the originality while data is available.
    • Non Repudiation: Not making a copy of the original data.
  • Security, Functionality and Usability Triangle:

    • STFU
  • Need For Information security:

    • Confidentiality
    • Integrity
    • Availability
    • Prevention of data-loss
    • No Repudiation
    • Protection
    • Privacy
  • Security Threats:

    • Security threats constitutes techniques and software that are potentially unsafe for the working environment for a network.
  • Attack Equation:

    • Motive: The cause and reason for a attack to take place.
    • Vulnerability: The vulnerability are main information to decide the method
    • Method: The plan in which the attack is conducted.
    • Attck Equation:attack
  • Security attack method:

    • Cloud Computing threats:
      • Threats Inside cloud security:
        • Improper Access Control
        • Bugs
        • Data Loss
        • Natural Calamities
        • Misconfigurations
        • Insecure API
        • DOS
        • Snakes / malicious insiders / spy
        • Poor Security
    • APT:
      • Process of stealing information via a continuous process.
      • Usually focusses on private organizations or political motives.
      • This process relies upon advanced techniques to exploit vulnerability.
      • In this the attacker wants a continuous access.
      • Characterization for APT: APT
    • Viruses and worms:
      • A malicious Program developed that replicates and attach themself to a target system.
      • Spreads through user interaction.
      • Worms: They are self replicating code or software
  • Mobile Threats:

    • Data leakage
    • Unsecured Wi-Fi
    • Network spoofing
    • Phishing attacks
    • Spyware
    • Broken Cryptography
  • Insider Attacks:

    • A person within the organization is being a snake/spy.
  • Information security threats categories:

    • Network Threats:
      • Primary Components: Poor configuration of these 3 leads to intruder to exploit.
        • Routers
        • Switches
        • Firewall
      • Common Vulnerabilities:
        • Default install settings
        • Open access control
        • Outdated software
        • Weak encryption and passwords.
      • Top network level threats:
        • Information gathering
        • Sniffing or Eves dropping
        • Spoofing
        • Flooding
        • DNS or ARP Poisoning
        • DDoS
        • Session Hijacking
        • MITM
        • Password based attacks
    • Host Threats:
      • Malware attacks
      • Foot-printing
      • Password attacks
      • Unauthorized access
      • Backdoor attacks
      • Privilege escalation
      • Physical security threat
    • Application threats: Threats associated with applications or software.
      • Improper
      • Insecure code
      • Authentication and authorization
      • Security misconfiguration
      • Information disclosure
      • Cryptographic attack
      • Information leakage.
  • Types of attacks on a system:

    • Exploiting vulnerabilities on a system.
    • Examples:
      • Buffer Overflow
      • Unpatched Operating System
      • Bugs in a Operating System
      • Misconfiguration attack
      • Improper setup
      • Default setup
  • Application level attacks:

    • Attacks done on loopholes within the application which has been unchecked
  • Shrink Wrap Code:

    • Payloads or backdoor installed using compression of payloads.
  • Information Warfare:

    • Defensive Information warfare:
      • All actions taken to defend against information attacks
    • Offensive Information warfare:
      • Deny, corrupt, destroy, or exploit an adversary's information, or influence the adversary's perception
  • Hacking:

    • Exploiting vulnerabilities in a system by compromising security to gain unauthorized access to a system.
  • Hacker:

    • Hacker is a person who has the skill to hack.
    • Types of Hackers:
      • Black Hat
      • White Hat
      • Grey Hat
      • Script Kiddies
      • Hacktivist
      • State Sponsored Hackers
      • Cyber terrorist
      • Suicide Hackers

Third Class

  • Hacking Phases:

    • Reconnaissance:
      • Recon is the initial preparing phase by gathering information about the target.
      • Types:
        • Passive recon:
          • Indirectly gaining information.
        • Active recon:
          • Directly gaining information.
    • Scanning by network:
      • Tools:
        • Port scanner
        • Network mapper
        • Ping
      • Information's included:
        • Port status.
        • Operating system information.
        • Device type.
        • Live machine
    • Gaining Access: Gaining access into the system.
    • Maintaining access and enumeration:
      • By:
        • Backdoors.
        • Rootkits.
        • Trojans
    • Clearing Tracks: Attacker Identity must be hidden by covering his tracks.
  • Information security controls:

    • Information assurance
      • Maintains:
        • Integrity
        • Confidentiality
        • Authenticity
        • Accessibility
  • Security Policies:

    • Types:
      • Promiscuous policy: No restrictions of usage of system resources.
      • Permissive policy: Restricts inly widely known dangerous attacks and behaviors'.
      • Prudent policy: Ensures maximum and strongest security.
      • Paranoid policy: Denies everything limiting internet usage.
  • Physical Security:

    • Priority: Top
    • All of it related to the physical system such as backups, CCTV, rf-id, and guards, etc.
  • Incident Management:

    • Incident Response Management: Procedure and method of handling an incident.
    • Process:
      • Preparation
      • Detection and Analysis
      • Classification
      • Notification and Announcement
      • Containment
      • Forensic Investigation
      • Eradication and recovery
      • Post incident activities
  • Vulnerability Assessment:

    • Procedure of examination, identification and analysis of system.
    • Types:
      • Active
      • Passive
      • Host Based
      • Internal
      • External
      • Network
      • Wireless
      • Application
    • Vulnerability Assessment Phases: vuln
  • Penetration Testing:

    • Process of hacking system with permission from the owner to evaluate security.
    • Types:
      • Black box:
        • Blind Testing with no prior knowledge of the system or the target.
      • Gray box:
        • Limited prior knowledge of the system or the target.
      • White box:
        • Complete knowledge of the system and the target.
    • Phasis:
      • Pre-attack:
        • Planning
        • Preparation
        • Collecting information
        • Collecting security information
        • Planning and designing methods for the attack
      • Attack:
        • Penetration
        • Acquiring target
        • Remediation action
        • Escalation of privileges
      • Post-attack:
        • Securing and cleaning
        • Validation
        • Reporting
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