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laravel php 72 tests failures
[x] gate throws exception on invalid callback type
[x] basic closures can be defined
[x] resource gates can be defined
[x] custom resource gates can be defined
[x] before callbacks can override result if necessary
[x] before callbacks dont interrupt gate check if no value is returned
[x] after callbacks are called with result
[x] current user that is on gate always injected into closure callbacks
[x] a single argument can be passed when checking abilities
[x] multiple arguments can be passed when checking abilities
[x] classes can be defined as callbacks using at notation
[x] policy classes can be defined to handle checks for given type
[x] policy classes handle checks for all subtypes
[x] policy classes handle checks for interfaces
[x] policy converts dash to camel
[x] policy default to false if method does not exist and gate does not exist
[x] policy classes can be defined to handle checks for given class name
[x] policies may have before methods to override checks
[x] policies always override closures with same name
[x] policies defer to gates if method does not exist
[x] for user method attaches a new user to a new gate instance
[x] authorize throws unauthorized exception
[x] authorize returns allowed response
[x] authorize returns an allowed response for a truthy return
[x] any ability check passes if all pass
[x] any ability check passes if at least one passes
[x] any ability check fails if none pass
[x] every ability check passes if all pass
[x] every ability check fails if at least one fails
[x] every ability check fails if none pass
[x] Create inserts new record into table
[x] Exist returns false if no row found for user
[x] Exist returns false if record is expired
[x] Exist returns true if valid record exists
[x] Exist returns false if invalid token
[x] Delete method deletes by token
[x] Delete expired method deletes expired tokens
[x] Retrieve by i d returns user when user is found
[x] Retrieve by i d returns null when user is not found
[x] Retrieve by credentials returns user when user is found
[x] Retrieve by credentials returns null when user is found
[x] Credential validation
[x] Retrieve by i d returns user
[x] Retrieve by credentials returns user
[x] Credential validation
[x] Models can be created
[x] Basic returns null on valid attempt
[x] Basic returns null when already logged in
[x] Basic returns response on failure
[x] Basic with extra conditions
[x] Attempt calls retrieve by credentials
[x] Attempt returns user interface
[x] Attempt returns false if user not given
[x] Login stores identifier in session
[x] Session guard is macroable
[x] Login fires login and authenticated events
[x] Failed attempt fires failed event
[x] Authenticate returns user when user is not null
[x] Set user fires authenticated event
[x] Authenticate throws when user is null
[x] Is authed returns true when user is not null
[x] Is authed returns false when user is null
[x] User method returns cached user
[x] Null is returned for user if no user found
[x] User is set to retrieved user
[x] Logout removes session token and remember me cookie
[x] Logout does not enqueue remember me cookie for deletion if cookie doesnt exist
[x] Logout fires logout event
[x] Login method queues cookie when remembering
[x] Login method creates remember token if one doesnt exist
[x] Login using id logs in with user
[x] Login using id failure
[x] Once using id sets user
[x] Once using id failure
[x] User uses remember cookie if it exists
[x] Login once sets user
[x] Login once failure
[x] If user is not found error redirect is returned
[x] Get user throws exception if user doesnt implement can reset password
[x] User is retrieved by credentials
[x] Broker creates token and redirects without error
[x] Redirect is returned by reset when user credentials invalid
[x] Redirect returned by remind when passwords dont match
[x] Redirect returned by remind when password not set
[x] Redirect returned by remind when passwords less than six characters
[x] Redirect returned by remind when password doesnt pass validator
[x] Redirect returned by remind when record doesnt exist in table
[x] Reset removes record on reminder table and calls callback
[x] User can be retrieved by query string variable
[x] User can be retrieved by auth headers
[x] User can be retrieved by bearer token
[x] Validate can determine if credentials are valid
[x] Validate can determine if credentials are invalid
[x] Validate if api token is empty
[x] Default unauthenticated throws
[x] Default unauthenticated throws with guards
[x] Default authenticated keeps default driver
[x] Secondary authenticated updates default driver
[x] Multiple drivers unauthenticated throws
[x] Multiple drivers unauthenticated throws with guards
[x] Multiple drivers authenticated updates default
[x] Simple ability unauthorized
[x] Simple ability authorized
[x] Model type unauthorized
[x] Model type authorized
[x] Model unauthorized
[x] Model authorized
[x] Model instance as parameter
[x] Create method
[x] Store method
[x] Show method
[x] Edit method
[x] Update method
[x] Destroy method
[x] Basic event broadcast parameter formatting
[x] Manual parameter specification
[x] Extracting parameters while checking for user access
[x] Not found throws http exception
[x] Commands that should queue is queued
[x] Commands that should queue is queued using custom handler
[x] Commands that should queue is queued using custom queue and delay
[x] Dispatch now should never queue
[x] Dispatcher can dispatch stand alone handler
[x] On connection on job when dispatching
[x] Get returns null when not found
[x] A p c value is returned
[x] Get multiple returns null when not found and value when found
[x] Set method properly calls a p c
[x] Set multiple method properly calls a p c
[x] Increment method properly calls a p c
[x] Decrement method properly calls a p c
[x] Store item forever properly calls a p c
[x] Forget method properly calls a p c
[x] Flushes cached
[x] Items can be set and retrieved
[x] Multiple items can be set and retrieved
[x] Store item forever properly stores in array
[x] Values can be incremented
[x] Non existing keys can be incremented
[x] Values can be decremented
[x] Items can be removed
[x] Items can be flushed
[x] Cache key
[x] Null is returned when item not found
[x] Null is returned and item deleted when item is expired
[x] Decrypted value is returned when item is valid
[x] Value is inserted when no exceptions are thrown
[x] Value is updated when insert throws exception
[x] Forever calls store item with really long time
[x] Items may be removed from cache
[x] Items may be flushed from cache
[x] Increment returns correct values
[x] Decrement returns correct values
[x] Has triggers events
[x] Get triggers events
[x] Pull triggers events
[x] Pull triggers events using tags
[x] Put triggers events
[x] Add triggers events
[x] Forever triggers events
[x] Remember triggers events
[x] Remember forever triggers events
[x] Forget triggers events
[x] Null is returned if file doesnt exist
[x] Put creates missing directories
[x] Expired items return null
[x] Valid item returns contents
[x] Store item properly stores values
[x] Forevers are stored with high timestamp
[x] Forevers are not removed on increment
[x] Increment does not extend cache life
[x] Remove deletes file doesnt exist
[x] Remove deletes file
[x] Flush cleans directory
[x] Flush fails directory clean
[x] Flush ignore non existing directory
[x] Custom driver closure bound object is cache manager
[x] Servers are added correctly
[x] Servers are added correctly with persistent connection
[ ] Servers are added correctly with valid options
[ ] Servers are added correctly with sasl credentials
[ ] Get returns null when not found
[ ] Memcache value is returned
[ ] Memcache get multi values are returned with correct keys
[ ] Set method properly calls memcache
[ ] Increment method properly calls memcache
[ ] Decrement method properly calls memcache
[ ] Store item forever properly calls memcached
[ ] Forget method properly calls memcache
[ ] Flushes cached
[ ] Get and set prefix
[x] Items can not be cached
[x] Get multiple returns multiple nulls
[x] Too many attempts return true if already locked out
[x] Too many attempts returns true if max attempts exceeded
[x] Hit properly increments attempt count
[x] Retries left returns correct count
[x] Clear clears the cache keys
[x] Get returns null when not found
[x] Redis value is returned
[x] Redis multiple values are returned
[x] Redis value is returned for numerics
[x] Set method properly calls redis
[x] Set multiple method properly calls redis
[x] Set method properly calls redis for numerics
[x] Increment method properly calls redis
[x] Decrement method properly calls redis
[x] Store item forever properly calls redis
[x] Forget method properly calls redis
[x] Flushes cached
[x] Get and set prefix
[x] Get returns value from cache
[x] Get returns multiple values from cache when given an array
[x] Get returns multiple values from cache when given an array with default values
[x] Default value is returned
[x] Setting default cache time
[x] Has method
[x] Remember method calls put and returns default
[x] Remember forever method calls forever and returns default
[x] Putting multiple items in cache
[x] Put with datetime in past or zero seconds doesnt save item
[x] Add with datetime in past or zero seconds returns immediately
[x] Cache add calls redis store add
[ ] Get minutes
[x] Register macro with non static call
[x] Create makes migration
[x] Cache can be saved with multiple tags
[x] Cache can be set with datetime argument
[x] Cache saved with multiple tags can be flushed
[x] Tags with string argument
[x] Tags cache forever
[x] Redis cache tags push forever keys correctly
[x] Redis cache tags push standard keys correctly
[x] Redis cache tags can be flushed
[x] Clear with no store argument
[x] Clear with store argument
[x] Clear with invalid store argument
[x] Clear with tags option
[x] Clear with store argument and tags option
[ ] Redis cache add twice
[ ] Redis cache add false
[ ] Redis cache add null
[x] Construct
[x] Has is true
[x] Has is false
[x] Get
[x] Get with array of keys
[x] Get many
[x] Get with default
[x] Set
[x] Set array
[x] Prepend
[x] Push
[x] Add sets laravel instance
[x] Laravel not set on symfony commands
[x] Resolve adds command via application resolution
[x] Exec creates new command
[x] Command creates new artisan command
[x] Create new artisan command using command class
[x] Basic parameter parsing
[x] Shortcut name parsing
[x] Default value parsing
[x] Argument default value
[x] Option default value
[x] Basic cron compilation
[x] Event is due check
[x] Time between checks
[x] Prevent overlap
[x] Prevent overlap fails
[x] Overlaps for non running task
[x] Overlaps for running task
[x] Reset overlap
[x] Build command
[x] Build command send output to
[x] Build command append output
[x] Next run date
[x] Every minute
[x] Every five minutes
[x] Daily
[x] Twice daily
[x] Override with hourly
[x] Monthly on
[x] Twice monthly
[x] Monthly on with minutes
[x] Weekdays daily
[x] Weekdays hourly
[x] Weekdays
[x] Sundays
[x] Mondays
[x] Tuesdays
[x] Wednesdays
[x] Thursdays
[x] Fridays
[x] Saturdays
[x] Quarterly
[x] Frequency macro
[x] Container singleton
[x] Closure resolution
[x] Bind if doesnt register if service already registered
[x] Shared closure resolution
[x] Auto concrete resolution
[x] Shared concrete resolution
[x] Abstract to concrete resolution
[x] Nested dependency resolution
[x] Container is passed to resolvers
[x] Array access
[x] Aliases
[x] Aliases with array of parameters
[x] Bindings can be overridden
[x] Extended bindings
[x] Multiple extends
[x] Binding an instance returns the instance
[x] Extend instances are preserved
[x] Extend is lazy initialized
[x] Extend can be called before bind
[x] Extend instance rebinding callback
[x] Extend bind rebinding callback
[x] Unset extend
[x] Resolution of default parameters
[x] Resolving callbacks are called for specific abstracts
[x] Resolving callbacks are called
[x] Resolving callbacks are called for type
[x] Unset remove bound instances
[x] Bound instance and alias check via array access
[x] Rebound listeners
[x] Rebound listeners on instances
[x] Rebound listeners on instances only fires if was already bound
[x] Internal class with default parameters
[x] Binding resolution exception message
[x] Binding resolution exception message includes build stack
[x] Call with dependencies
[x] Call with at sign based class references without method throws exception
[x] Call with at sign based class references
[x] Call with callable array
[x] Call with static method name string
[x] Call with global method name
[x] Call with bound method
[x] Container can inject different implementations depending on context
[x] Contextual binding works for existing instanced bindings
[x] Contextual binding works for newly instanced bindings
[x] Contextual binding works on existing aliased instances
[x] Contextual binding works on new aliased instances
[x] Contextual binding works on new aliased bindings
[x] Contextual binding doesnt override non contextual resolution
[x] Contextually bound instances are not unnecessarily recreated
[x] Container tags
[x] Forget instance forgets instance
[x] Forget instances forgets all instances
[x] Container flush flushes all bindings aliases and resolved instances
[x] Resolved resolves alias to binding name before checking
[x] Get alias
[x] Container can inject simple variable
[x] Container get factory
[x] Extension works on aliased bindings
[x] Contextual binding works with aliased targets
[x] Resolving callbacks should be fired when called with aliases
[x] Make with method is an alias for make method
[x] Resolving with array of parameters
[x] Resolving with using an interface
[x] Nested parameter override
[x] Nested parameters are reset for fresh make
[x] Singleton bindings not respected with make parameters
[x] Can build without parameter stack with no constructors
[x] Can build without parameter stack with constructors
[x] Container knows entry
[x] Container can bind any word
[x] Unknown entry throws exception
[x] Cookies are created with proper options
[x] Cookies are created with proper options using default path and domain
[x] Queued cookies
[x] Unqueue
[x] Set cookie encryption
[x] Queued cookie encryption
[x] Connection can be created
[x] Single connection not created until needed
[x] Read write connections not created until needed
[x] If driver isnt set exception is thrown
[x] Exception is thrown on unsupported driver
[x] Custom connectors can be resolved via container
[x] Setting default calls get default grammar
[x] Setting default calls get default post processor
[x] Select one calls select and returns single result
[x] Select properly calls p d o
[x] Insert calls the statement method
[x] Update calls the affecting statement method
[x] Delete calls the affecting statement method
[x] Statement properly calls p d o
[x] Affecting statement properly calls p d o
[x] Transaction level not incremented on transaction exception
[x] Begin transaction method retries on failure
[x] Begin transaction method never retries if within transaction
[x] Swap p d o with open transaction resets transaction level
[x] Began transaction fires events if set
[x] Committed fires events if set
[x] Roll backed fires events if set
[x] Redundant roll back fires no event
[x] Transaction method runs successfully
[x] Transaction method retries on deadlock
[x] Transaction method rollsback and throws
[x] On lost connection p d o is not swapped within a transaction
[x] On lost connection p d o is swapped outside transaction
[x] Run method retries on failure
[x] Run method never retries if within transaction
[x] From creates new query builder
[x] Prepare bindings
[x] Log query fires events if set
[x] Pretend only logs queries
[x] Schema builder can be created
[x] Option resolution
[x] My sql connect calls create connection with proper arguments
[x] Postgres connect calls create connection with proper arguments
[x] Postgres search path is set
[x] Postgres search path array supported
[x] Postgres application name is set
[x] S q lite memory databases may be connected to
[x] S q lite file databases may be connected to
[x] Sql server connect calls create connection with proper arguments
[x] Sql server connect calls create connection with optional arguments
[x] Belongs to with default
[x] Belongs to with dynamic default
[x] Belongs to with array default
[x] Update method retrieves model and updates
[x] Eager constraints are properly added
[x] Ids in eager constraints can be zero
[x] Relation is properly initialized
[x] Models are properly matched to parents
[x] Associate method sets foreign key on model
[x] Dissociate method unsets foreign key on model
[x] Associate method sets foreign key on model by id
[x] Default eager constraints when incrementing
[x] Default eager constraints when incrementing and non int key type
[x] Default eager constraints when not incrementing
[x] Find method
[x] Find or new method model found
[x] Find or new method model not found
[x] Find or fail method throws model not found exception
[x] Find or fail method with many throws model not found exception
[x] First or fail method throws model not found exception
[x] Find with many
[x] Find with many using collection
[x] First method
[x] Get method loads models and hydrates eager relations
[x] Get method doesnt hydrate eager relations when no results are returned
[x] Value method with model found
[x] Value method with model not found
[x] Chunk with last chunk complete
[x] Chunk with last chunk partial
[x] Chunk can be stopped by returning false
[x] Chunk with count zero
[x] Chunk paginates using id with last chunk complete
[x] Chunk paginates using id with last chunk partial
[x] Chunk paginates using id with count zero
[x] Pluck returns the mutated attributes of a model
[x] Pluck returns the casted attributes of a model
[x] Pluck returns the date attributes of a model
[x] Pluck without model getter just return the attributes found in database
[x] Local macros are called on builder
[x] Global macros are called on builder
[x] Get models properly hydrates models
[x] Eager load relations load top level relationships
[x] Relationship eager load process
[x] Get relation properly sets nested relationships
[x] Get relation properly sets nested relationships with similar names
[x] Get relation throws exception
[x] Eager load parsing sets proper relationships
[x] Query pass thru
[ ] Query scopes
[x] Nested where
[x] Real nested where with scopes
[ ] Real nested where with multiple scopes and one dead scope
[x] Simple where
[x] Postgres operators where
[x] Delete override
[x] With count
[x] With count and select
[x] With count and merged wheres
[x] With count and global scope
[x] With count and constraints and having
[x] With count and rename
[x] With count multiple and partial rename
[x] Has with constraints and having in subquery
[x] Has with constraints with or where and having in subquery
[x] Has with contraints and join and having in subquery
[x] Has with constraints and having in subquery with count
[x] Has nested with constraints
[x] Has nested
[x] Or has nested
[x] Self has nested
[x] Self has nested uses alias
[x] Where key method with int
[x] Where key method with array
[x] Where key method with collection
[x] Adding items to collection
[x] Getting max items from collection
[x] Getting min items from collection
[x] Contains with multiple arguments
[x] Contains indicates if model in array
[x] Contains indicates if different model in array
[x] Contains indicates if keyed model in array
[x] Contains key and value indicates if model in array
[x] Contains closure indicates if model in array
[x] Find method finds model by id
[x] Find method finds many models by id
[x] Load method eager loads given relationships
[x] Collection dictionary returns model keys
[x] Collection merges with given collection
[x] Map
[x] Mapping to non models returns a base collection
[x] Collection diffs with given collection
[x] Collection intersects with given collection
[x] Collection returns unique items
[x] Only returns collection with given model keys
[x] Except returns collection without given model keys
[x] Make hidden adds hidden on entire collection
[x] Make visible removes hidden from entire collection
[x] Non model related methods
[x] Make visible removes hidden and includes visible
[x] Queueable collection implementation
[x] Queueable collection implementation throws exception on multiple model types
[x] Empty collection stay empty on fresh
[x] Global scope is applied
[x] Global scope can be removed
[ ] Closure global scope is applied
[ ] Closure global scope can be removed
[ ] Global scope can be removed after the query is executed
[x] All global scopes can be removed
[x] Global scopes with or where conditions are nested
[x] Regular scopes with or where conditions are nested
[x] Scopes starting with or boolean are preserved
[x] Has query where both models have global scopes
[x] Make method does not save new model
[x] Create method properly creates new model
[x] Find or new method finds model
[ ] Find or new method returns new model with foreign key set
[ ] First or new method finds first model
[ ] First or new method with values finds first model
[ ] First or new method returns new model with foreign key set
[ ] First or new method with values creates new model with foreign key set
[ ] First or create method finds first model
[ ] First or create method with values finds first model
[ ] First or create method creates new model with foreign key set
[ ] First or create method with values creates new model with foreign key set
[ ] Update or create method finds first model and updates
[ ] Update or create method creates new model with foreign key set
[x] Update method updates models with timestamps
[x] Relation is properly initialized
[x] Eager constraints are properly added
[ ] Models are properly matched to parents
[x] Create many creates a related model for each record
[x] It loads a has many through relation with custom keys
[x] It loads a default has many through relation
[x] It loads a relation with custom intermediate and local key
[x] First or fail throws an exception
[x] Find or fail throws an exception
[x] First retrieves first record
[x] All columns are retrieved by default
[x] Only proper columns are selected if provided
[x] Intermediate soft deletes are ignored
[x] Eager loading loads related models correctly
[x] Has one with default
[x] Has one with dynamic default
[x] Has one with array default
[x] Make method does not save new model
[x] Save method sets foreign key on model
[x] Create method properly creates new model
[x] Update method updates models with timestamps
[x] Relation is properly initialized
[x] Eager constraints are properly added
[x] Models are properly matched to parents
[x] Relation count query can be built
[x] Basic model retrieval
[x] Basic model collection retrieval
[x] Paginated model collection retrieval
[x] Paginated model collection retrieval when no elements
[x] Paginated model collection retrieval when no elements and default per page
[x] Count for pagination with grouping
[x] First or create
[x] Update or create
[x] Update or create on different connection
[x] Check and create methods on multi connections
[x] Creating model with empty attributes
[x] Pluck
[x] Pluck with join
[x] Find or fail
[x] Find or fail with single id throws model not found exception
[x] Find or fail with multiple ids throws model not found exception
[x] One to one relationship
[x] Isset loads in relationship if it isnt loaded already
[x] One to many relationship
[x] Basic model hydration
[x] Has on self referencing belongs to many relationship
[x] Where has on self referencing belongs to many relationship
[x] Has on nested self referencing belongs to many relationship
[x] Where has on nested self referencing belongs to many relationship
[x] Has on self referencing belongs to many relationship with where pivot
[x] Has on nested self referencing belongs to many relationship with where pivot
[x] Has on self referencing belongs to relationship
[x] Aggregated values of datetime field
[x] Where has on self referencing belongs to relationship
[x] Has on nested self referencing belongs to relationship
[x] Where has on nested self referencing belongs to relationship
[x] Has on self referencing has many relationship
[x] Where has on self referencing has many relationship
[x] Has on nested self referencing has many relationship
[x] Where has on nested self referencing has many relationship
[x] Has with non where bindings
[x] Belongs to many relationship models are properly hydrated over chunked request
[x] Basic has many eager loading
[x] Basic nested self referencing has many eager loading
[x] Basic morph many relationship
[x] Morph map is used for creating and fetching through relation
[x] Morph map is used when fetching parent
[x] Morph map is merged by default
[x] Morph map overwrites current map
[x] Empty morph to relationship
[x] Save or fail
[x] Saving j s o n fields
[x] Save or fail with duplicated entry
[x] Multi inserts with different values
[x] Multi inserts with same values
[x] Nested transactions
[x] Nested transactions using save or fail will succeed
[x] Nested transactions using save or fail will fails
[x] To array includes default formatted timestamps
[x] To array includes custom formatted timestamps
[x] Incrementing primary keys are cast to integers by default
[x] Default incrementing primary key integer cast can be overwritten
[ ] Relations are preloaded in global scope
[x] Model ignored by global scope can be refreshed
[x] Global scope can be removed by other global scope
[ ] For page after id correctly paginates
[x] Morph to relations across database connections
[x] Belongs to many custom pivot
[x] Is after retrieving the same model
[x] Fresh method on model
[x] Fresh method on collection
[x] Basic model hydration
[x] Attribute manipulation
[x] Dirty attributes
[x] Dirty on cast or date attributes
[x] Clean attributes
[x] Calculated attributes
[x] Array access to attributes
[x] Only
[x] New instance returns new instance with attributes set
[x] Create method saves new model
[x] Make method does not save new model
[x] Force create method saves new model with guarded attributes
[x] Find method use write pdo
[x] Destroy method calls query builder correctly
[x] With method calls query builder correctly
[x] Without method removes eager loaded relationship correctly
[x] Eager loading with columns
[x] With method calls query builder correctly with array
[x] Update process
[x] Update process doesnt override timestamps
[x] Save is cancelled if saving event returns false
[x] Update is cancelled if updating event returns false
[x] Events can be fired with custom event objects
[x] Update process without timestamps
[x] Update uses old primary key
[x] Timestamps are returned as objects
[x] Timestamps are returned as objects from plain dates and timestamps
[x] Timestamps are returned as objects on create
[x] Date time attributes return null if set to null
[x] Timestamps are created from strings and integers
[x] From date time
[x] Bad method call exception
[x] Insert process
[x] Insert is cancelled if creating event returns false
[x] Delete properly deletes model
[x] Push no relations
[x] Push empty one relation
[x] Push one relation
[x] Push empty many relation
[x] Push many relation
[x] New query returns eloquent query builder
[x] Get and set table operations
[x] Get key returns value of primary key
[x] Connection management
[x] To array
[x] Visible creates array whitelist
[x] Hidden can also exclude relationships
[x] Get arrayable relations function exclude hidden relationships
[x] To array snake attributes
[x] To array uses mutators
[x] Hidden
[x] Visible
[x] Dynamic hidden
[x] With hidden
[x] Make hidden
[x] Dynamic visible
[x] Fillable
[x] Force fill method fills guarded attributes
[x] Filling j s o n attributes
[x] Unguard allows anything to be set
[x] Underscore properties are not filled
[x] Guarded
[x] Fillable overrides guarded
[x] Global guarded
[x] Unguarded runs callback while being unguarded
[x] Unguarded call does not change unguarded state
[x] Unguarded call does not change unguarded state on exception
[x] Has one creates proper relation
[x] Morph one creates proper relation
[x] Correct morph class is returned
[x] Has many creates proper relation
[x] Morph many creates proper relation
[x] Belongs to creates proper relation
[x] Morph to creates proper relation
[x] Belongs to many creates proper relation
[x] Relations with varied connections
[x] Models assume their name
[x] The mutator cache is populated
[x] Route key is primary key
[x] Route name is primary key name
[x] Clone model makes a fresh copy of the model
[x] Model observers can be attached to models
[x] Model observers can be attached to models with string
[x] Set observable events
[x] Add observable event
[x] Add multiple observeable events
[x] Remove observable event
[x] Remove multiple observable events
[x] Get model attribute method throws exception if not relation
[x] Model is booted on unserialize
[x] Appending of attributes
[x] Get mutated attributes
[x] Replicate creates a new model instance with same attribute values
[x] Increment on existing model calls query and sets attribute
[x] Relationship touch owners is propagated
[x] Relationship touch owners is not propagated if no relationship result
[x] Model attributes are casted when present in casts array
[x] Model date attribute casting resets time
[x] Model attribute casting preserves null
[x] Model attribute casting fails on unencodable data
[x] Updating non existent model fails
[x] Isset behaves correctly with attributes and relationships
[x] Non existing attribute with internal method name doesnt call method
[x] Int key type preserved
[x] String key type preserved
[ ] Scopes method
[x] Is with null
[x] Is with the same model instance
[x] Is with another model instance
[x] Is with another table
[x] Is with another connection
[x] Morph one sets proper constraints
[x] Morph one eager constraints are properly added
[x] Morph many sets proper constraints
[x] Morph many eager constraints are properly added
[x] Make function on morph
[x] Create function on morph
[x] Find or new method finds model
[ ] Find or new method returns new model with morph keys set
[ ] First or new method finds first model
[ ] First or new method with value finds first model
[ ] First or new method returns new model with morph keys set
[ ] First or new method with values returns new model with morph keys set
[ ] First or create method finds first model
[ ] First or create method with values finds first model
[ ] First or create method creates new morph model
[ ] First or create method with values creates new morph model
[ ] Update or create method finds first model and updates
[ ] Update or create method creates new morph model
[x] Create function on namespaced morph
[x] Eager constraints are properly added
[x] Attach inserts pivot table record
[x] Detach removes pivot table record
[x] Detach method clears all pivot records when no i ds are given
[x] Lookup dictionary is properly constructed
[x] Associate method sets foreign key and type on model
[x] Dissociate method deletes unsets key and type on model
[x] Properties are set correctly
[x] Mutators are called from constructor
[x] From raw attributes does not double mutate
[x] Properties unchanged are not dirty
[x] Properties changed are dirty
[x] Timestamp property is set if created at in attributes
[x] Keys can be set properly
[x] Delete method deletes model by keys
[x] Pivot model table name is singular
[x] It loads relationships automatically
[x] It loads chained relationships automatically
[x] It loads nested relationships automatically
[x] It loads nested relationships on demand
[x] Creation
[x] Eager loading
[x] Set relation fail
[x] Touch method updates related timestamps
[x] Setting morph map with numeric array uses the table names
[x] Setting morph map with numeric keys
[x] Macroable
[x] Soft deletes are not retrieved
[x] Soft deletes are not retrieved from base query
[x] Soft deletes are not retrieved from builder helpers
[x] With trashed returns all records
[x] Delete sets deleted column
[x] Force delete actually deletes records
[x] Restore restores records
[x] Only trashed only returns trashed records
[x] Only without trashed only returns trashed records
[x] First or new
[x] Find or new
[x] First or create
[x] Update or create
[ ] Has one relationship can be soft deleted
[ ] Belongs to relationship can be soft deleted
[ ] Has many relationship can be soft deleted
[ ] Second level relationship can be soft deleted
[x] Where has with deleted relationship
[x] Where has with nested deleted relationship and only trashed condition
[x] Where has with nested deleted relationship
[x] Where has with nested deleted relationship and with trashed condition
[x] With count with nested deleted relationship and only trashed condition
[x] Or where with soft delete constraint
[x] Morph to with trashed
[x] Morph to with bad method call
[x] Morph to with constraints
[x] Morph to without constraints
[x] Morph to non soft deleting model
[x] Basic create method stores migration file
[x] Table update migration stores migration file
[x] Table creation migration stores migration file
[x] Table update migration wont create duplicate class
[x] Fire calls repository to install
[x] Basic create dumps autoload
[x] Basic create gives creator proper arguments
[x] Basic create gives creator proper arguments when table is set
[x] Basic create gives creator proper arguments when create table pattern is found
[x] Can specify path to create migrations in
[x] Basic migrations call migrator with proper arguments
[x] Migration repository created when necessary
[x] The command may be pretended
[x] The database may be set
[x] Step may be set
[x] Refresh command calls commands with proper arguments
[x] Refresh command calls commands with step
[x] Get ran migrations list migrations by package
[x] Get last migrations gets all migrations with the latest batch number
[x] Log method inserts record into migration table
[x] Delete method removes a migration from the table
[x] Get next batch number returns last batch number plus one
[x] Get last batch number returns max batch
[x] Create repository creates proper database table
[x] Reset command calls migrator with proper arguments
[x] Reset command can be pretended
[x] Rollback command calls migrator with proper arguments
[x] Rollback command calls migrator with step option
[x] Rollback command can be pretended
[x] Rollback command can be pretended with step option
[x] Basic migration of single folder
[x] Migrations can be rolled back
[x] Migrations can be reset
[x] No error is thrown when no outstanding migrations exist
[x] No error is thrown when nothing to rollback
[x] Migrations can run across multiple paths
[x] Migrations can be rolled back across multiple paths
[x] Migrations can be reset across multiple paths
[x] Process column listing
[x] Basic create table
[x] Engine create table
[x] Charset collation create table
[x] Basic create table with prefix
[x] Drop table
[x] Drop table if exists
[x] Drop column
[x] Drop primary
[x] Drop unique
[x] Drop index
[x] Drop foreign
[x] Drop timestamps
[x] Drop timestamps tz
[x] Rename table
[x] Adding primary key
[x] Adding primary key with algorithm
[x] Adding unique key
[x] Adding index
[x] Adding index with algorithm
[x] Adding foreign key
[x] Adding incrementing i d
[x] Adding small incrementing i d
[x] Adding big incrementing i d
[x] Adding column in table first
[x] Adding column after another column
[x] Adding generated column
[x] Adding string
[x] Adding text
[x] Adding big integer
[x] Adding integer
[x] Adding medium integer
[x] Adding small integer
[x] Adding tiny integer
[x] Adding float
[x] Adding double
[x] Adding double specifying precision
[x] Adding decimal
[x] Adding boolean
[x] Adding enum
[x] Adding json
[x] Adding jsonb
[x] Adding date
[x] Adding date time
[x] Adding date time tz
[x] Adding time
[x] Adding time tz
[x] Adding time stamp
[x] Adding time stamp with default
[x] Adding time stamp tz
[x] Adding time stamp tz with default
[x] Adding time stamps
[x] Adding time stamps tz
[x] Adding remember token
[x] Adding binary
[x] Adding uuid
[x] Adding ip address
[x] Adding mac address
[x] Adding comment
[x] Process column listing
[x] Basic create table
[x] Drop table
[x] Drop table if exists
[x] Drop column
[x] Drop primary
[x] Drop unique
[x] Drop index
[x] Drop foreign
[x] Drop timestamps
[x] Drop timestamps tz
[x] Rename table
[x] Adding primary key
[x] Adding unique key
[x] Adding index
[x] Adding index with algorithm
[x] Adding incrementing i d
[x] Adding small incrementing i d
[x] Adding medium incrementing i d
[x] Adding big incrementing i d
[x] Adding string
[x] Adding text
[x] Adding big integer
[x] Adding integer
[x] Adding medium integer
[x] Adding tiny integer
[x] Adding small integer
[x] Adding float
[x] Adding double
[x] Adding decimal
[x] Adding boolean
[x] Adding enum
[x] Adding date
[x] Adding json
[x] Adding jsonb
[x] Adding date time
[x] Adding date time tz
[x] Adding time
[x] Adding time tz
[x] Adding time stamp
[x] Adding time stamp tz
[x] Adding time stamps
[x] Adding time stamps tz
[x] Adding binary
[x] Adding uuid
[x] Adding ip address
[x] Adding mac address
[x] Drop all tables escapes table names
[x] Insert get id processing
[x] Basic select
[x] Basic select with get columns
[x] Basic select use write pdo
[x] Basic table wrapping protects quotation marks
[x] Alias wrapping as whole constant
[x] Alias wrapping with spaces in database name
[x] Adding selects
[x] Basic select with prefix
[x] Basic select distinct
[x] Basic alias
[x] Alias with prefix
[x] Join aliases with prefix
[x] Basic table wrapping
[x] When callback
[x] When callback with return
[x] When callback with default
[x] Unless callback
[x] Unless callback with return
[x] Unless callback with default
[x] Tap callback
[x] Basic wheres
[x] My sql wrapping protects quotation marks
[x] Date based wheres accepts two arguments
[x] Where day my sql
[x] Where month my sql
[x] Where year my sql
[x] Where time my sql
[x] Where date postgres
[x] Where day postgres
[x] Where month postgres
[x] Where year postgres
[x] Where day sqlite
[x] Where month sqlite
[x] Where year sqlite
[x] Where day sql server
[x] Where month sql server
[x] Where year sql server
[x] Where betweens
[x] Basic or wheres
[x] Raw wheres
[x] Raw or wheres
[x] Basic where ins
[x] Basic where not ins
[x] Raw where ins
[x] Empty where ins
[x] Empty where not ins
[x] Basic where column
[x] Array where column
[x] Unions
[x] Union alls
[x] Multiple unions
[x] Multiple union alls
[x] Union order bys
[x] Union limits and offsets
[x] Union with join
[x] My sql union order bys
[x] My sql union limits and offsets
[x] Sub select where ins
[x] Basic where nulls
[x] Basic where not nulls
[x] Group bys
[x] Order bys
[x] Havings
[x] Having shortcut
[x] Having followed by select get
[x] Raw havings
[x] Limits and offsets
[x] For page
[x] Get count for pagination with bindings
[x] Get count for pagination with column aliases
[x] Where shortcut
[x] Where with array conditions
[x] Nested wheres
[x] Full sub selects
[x] Where exists
[x] Basic joins
[x] Cross joins
[x] Complex join
[x] Join where null
[x] Join where not null
[x] Join where in
[x] Join where not in
[x] Joins with nested conditions
[x] Joins with advanced conditions
[x] Raw expressions in select
[x] Find returns first result by i d
[x] First method returns first result
[x] List methods gets array of column values
[x] Implode
[x] Value method returns single column
[x] Aggregate functions
[x] Sql server exists
[x] Aggregate reset followed by get
[x] Aggregate reset followed by select get
[x] Aggregate reset followed by get with columns
[x] Aggregate with sub select
[x] Subqueries bindings
[x] Insert method
[x] S q lite multiple inserts
[x] Insert get id method
[x] Insert get id method removes expressions
[x] Insert method respects raw bindings
[x] Multiple inserts with expression values
[x] Update method
[x] Update method with joins
[x] Update method with joins on sql server
[x] Update method with joins on my sql
[x] Update method with joins on s q lite
[x] Update method with joins and aliases on sql server
[x] Update method without joins on postgres
[x] Update method with joins on postgres
[x] Update method respects raw
[x] Update or insert method
[x] Delete method
[x] Delete with join method
[x] Truncate method
[x] Postgres insert get id
[x] My sql wrapping
[x] My sql update wrapping json
[x] My sql update with json removes bindings correctly
[x] My sql wrapping json with string
[x] My sql wrapping json with integer
[x] My sql wrapping json with double
[x] My sql wrapping json with boolean
[x] My sql wrapping json with boolean and integer that looks like one
[x] My sql wrapping json
[x] Postgres wrapping json
[x] S q lite order by
[x] Sql server limits and offsets
[x] Merge wheres can merge wheres and bindings
[x] Providing null with operators builds correctly
[x] Dynamic where
[x] Dynamic where is not greedy
[x] Call triggers dynamic where
[x] Builder throws expected exception with undefined method
[x] My sql lock
[x] Postgres lock
[x] Sql server lock
[x] Select with lock uses write pdo
[x] Binding order
[x] Add binding with array merges bindings
[x] Add binding with array merges bindings in correct order
[x] Merge builders
[x] Merge builders binding order
[x] Sub select
[x] Sql server where date
[x] Uppercase leading booleans are removed
[x] Lowercase leading booleans are removed
[x] Case insensitive leading booleans are removed
[x] Table valued function as table in sql server
[x] Chunk with last chunk complete
[x] Chunk with last chunk partial
[x] Chunk can be stopped by returning false
[x] Chunk with count zero
[x] Chunk paginates using id with last chunk complete
[x] Chunk paginates using id with last chunk partial
[x] Chunk paginates using id with count zero
[x] Chunk paginates using id with alias
[x] Paginate
[x] Paginate with default arguments
[x] Paginate when no results
[x] Process column listing
[x] Basic create table
[x] Drop table
[x] Drop table if exists
[x] Drop unique
[x] Drop index
[x] Rename table
[x] Adding primary key
[x] Adding foreign key
[x] Adding unique key
[x] Adding index
[x] Adding incrementing i d
[x] Adding small incrementing i d
[x] Adding medium incrementing i d
[x] Adding big incrementing i d
[x] Adding string
[x] Adding text
[x] Adding big integer
[x] Adding integer
[x] Adding medium integer
[x] Adding tiny integer
[x] Adding small integer
[x] Adding float
[x] Adding double
[x] Adding decimal
[x] Adding boolean
[x] Adding enum
[x] Adding json
[x] Adding jsonb
[x] Adding date
[x] Adding date time
[x] Adding date time tz
[x] Adding time
[x] Adding time tz
[x] Adding time stamp
[x] Adding time stamp tz
[x] Adding time stamps
[x] Adding time stamps tz
[x] Adding remember token
[x] Adding binary
[x] Adding uuid
[x] Adding ip address
[x] Adding mac address
[x] Renaming and changing columns work
[x] To sql runs commands from blueprint
[x] Index default names
[x] Drop index default names
[x] Default current timestamp
[x] Drop all tables works with foreign keys
[x] Has table correctly calls grammar
[x] Table has columns
[x] Get column type adds prefix
[x] Call resolve the class and calls run
[x] Set container
[x] Set command
[x] Inject dependencies on run method
[x] Applying scope to a builder
[x] Restore extension
[x] With trashed extension
[x] Only trashed extension
[x] Without trashed extension
[x] Delete sets soft deleted column
[x] Restore
[x] Restore cancel
[x] Basic create table
[x] Drop table
[x] Drop table if exists
[x] Drop column
[x] Drop primary
[x] Drop unique
[x] Drop index
[x] Drop foreign
[x] Drop timestamps
[x] Drop timestamps tz
[x] Rename table
[x] Adding primary key
[x] Adding unique key
[x] Adding index
[x] Adding incrementing i d
[x] Adding small incrementing i d
[x] Adding medium incrementing i d
[x] Adding big incrementing i d
[x] Adding string
[x] Adding text
[x] Adding big integer
[x] Adding integer
[x] Adding medium integer
[x] Adding tiny integer
[x] Adding small integer
[x] Adding float
[x] Adding double
[x] Adding decimal
[x] Adding boolean
[x] Adding enum
[x] Adding json
[x] Adding jsonb
[x] Adding date
[x] Adding date time
[x] Adding date time tz
[x] Adding time
[x] Adding time tz
[x] Adding time stamp
[x] Adding time stamp tz
[x] Adding time stamps
[x] Adding time stamps tz
[x] Adding remember token
[x] Adding binary
[x] Adding uuid
[x] Adding ip address
[x] Adding mac address
[x] Handle
[x] Encryption
[x] Raw string encryption
[x] Encryption using base 64 encoded key
[x] With custom cipher
[x] Do no allow longer key
[x] With bad key length
[x] With bad key length alternative cipher
[x] With unsupported cipher
[x] Exception thrown when payload is invalid
[x] Exception thrown with different key
[x] Basic event execution
[x] Halting event execution
[x] Container resolution of event handlers
[x] Container resolution of event handlers with default methods
[x] Queued events are fired
[x] Queued events can be forgotten
[x] Wildcard listeners
[x] Listeners can be removed
[x] Wildcard listeners can be removed
[x] Listeners can be found
[x] Wildcard listeners can be found
[x] Event passed first to wildcards
[x] Queued event handlers are queued
[x] Classes work
[x] Interfaces work
[x] Both classes and interfaces work
[x] Should broadcast success
[x] Should broadcast fail
[x] Get retrieves files
[x] Put stores files
[x] Set chmod
[x] Get chmod
[x] Delete removes files
[x] Prepend existing files
[x] Prepend new files
[x] Delete directory
[x] Clean directory
[x] Macro
[x] Files method
[x] Copy directory returns false if source isnt directory
[x] Copy directory moves entire directory
[x] Move directory moves entire directory
[x] Move directory moves entire directory and overwrites
[x] Get throws exception nonexisiting file
[x] Get require returns properly
[x] Get require throws exception nonexisiting file
[x] Append adds data to file
[x] Move moves files
[x] Extension returns extension
[x] Basename returns basename
[x] Dirname returns directory
[x] Type identifies file
[x] Type identifies directory
[x] Size outputs size
[x] Mime type outputs mime type
[x] Is writable
[x] Is readable
[x] Glob finds files
[x] All files finds files
[x] Directories finds directories
[x] Make directory
[x] Shared get
[x] Require once requires file properly
[x] Copy copies file properly
[x] Is file checks files properly
[x] Files method returns file info objects
[x] All files returns file info objects
[x] Loader can be created and registered once
[x] Get instance creates one instance
[x] Set locale sets locale and fires locale changed event
[x] Service providers are correctly registered
[x] Service providers are correctly registered when register method is not present
[x] Deferred services marked as bound
[x] Deferred services are shared properly
[x] Deferred services can be extended
[x] Deferred service provider is registered only once
[x] Deferred services are lazily initialized
[x] Deferred services can register factories
[x] Single provider can provide multiple deferred services
[x] Environment
[x] Method after loading environment adds closure
[x] Before bootstrapping adds closure
[x] After bootstrapping adds closure
[x] Assert authenticated
[x] Assert guest
[x] Assert authenticated as
[x] Assert credentials
[x] Assert credentials missing
[x] basic gate check
[x] exception is thrown if gate check fails
[x] policies may be called
[x] policy method may be guessed passing model instance
[x] policy method may be guessed passing class name
[x] policy method may be guessed and normalized
[x] Dump autoload runs the correct command
[x] Dump autoload runs the correct command when composer isnt present
[x] Closure can be used for custom environment detection
[x] Console environment detection
[x] Handler reports exception as context
[x] Returns json with stack trace when ajax request and debug true
[x] Returns custom response when exception implements responsable
[x] Returns json without stack trace when ajax request and debug false and exception message is masked
[x] Returns json without stack trace when ajax request and debug false and http exception error is shown
[x] Returns json without stack trace when ajax request and debug false and access denied http exception error is shown
[x] validated method returns the validated data
[x] validate throws when validation fails
[x] validate method throws when authorization fails
[x] prepare for validation runs before validation
[x] Cache
[x] Cache throws an exception if an expiration is not provided
[x] Unversioned elixir
[x] Mix does not include host
[x] See in database finds results
[x] See in database does not find results
[x] See in database finds not matching results
[x] See in database finds many not matching results
[x] Dont see in database does not find results
[x] Dont see in database finds results
[x] See soft deleted in database finds results
[x] See soft deleted in database does not find results
[x] Asset loading
[x] Services are registered when manifest is not recompiled
[x] Manifest is properly recompiled
[x] Should recompile returns correct value
[x] Load manifest returns parsed j s o n
[x] Write manifest stores to proper location
[x] Assert view is
[x] Assert view has
[x] Assert see text
[x] Assert header
[x] Assert json with array
[x] Assert json with mixed
[x] Assert json fragment
[x] Assert json structure
[x] Macroable
[x] Can be created from binary file responses
[x] Lower age and add beer
[x] Ajax lower age and add beer
[x] Basic hashing
[x] Set and retrieve jsonable data
[x] Set and retrieve json serialize data
[x] Set and retrieve arrayable data
[x] Set and retrieve data
[x] Get original content
[x] Set and retrieve options
[x] Set and retrieve default options
[x] Set and retrieve status code
[x] Json error resource
[x] Json error resource with partial output on error
[x] Mime type exists true
[x] Mime type exists false
[x] Header on redirect
[x] With on redirect
[x] With cookie on redirect
[x] Input on redirect
[x] Only input on redirect
[x] Except input on redirect
[x] Flashing errors on redirect
[x] Setters getters on request
[x] Redirect with errors array converts to message bag
[x] Magic call
[x] Magic call exception
[x] Instance method
[x] Method method
[x] Root method
[x] Path method
[x] Decoded path method
[x] Segment method
[x] Segments method
[x] Url method
[x] Full url method
[x] Is method
[x] Route is method
[x] Ajax method
[x] Pjax method
[x] Secure method
[x] Has method
[x] Has any method
[x] Filled method
[x] Input method
[x] All method
[x] Only method
[x] Except method
[x] Query method
[x] Cookie method
[x] Has cookie method
[x] File method
[x] Has file method
[x] Server method
[x] Merge method
[x] Replace method
[x] Header method
[x] J s o n method
[x] J s o n emulating p h p built in server
[x] Prefers
[x] All input returns input and files
[x] All input returns nested input and files
[x] All input returns input after replace
[x] All input with numeric keys returns input after replace
[x] Input with empty filename
[x] Multiple file upload with empty value
[x] Old method calls session
[x] Flush method calls session
[x] Format returns acceptable format
[x] Format returns accepts json
[x] Format returns accepts html
[x] Format returns accepts all
[x] Format returns accepts multiple
[x] Format returns accepts charset
[x] Bad accept header
[x] Session method
[x] User resolver makes user available as magic property
[x] Fingerprint method
[x] Fingerprint without route
[x] Create from base
[x] Magic methods
[x] Http request flash calls session flash input with input data
[x] Http request flash only calls flash with proper parameters
[x] Http request flash except calls flash with proper parameters
[x] Json responses are converted and headers are set
[x] Response header type is reset
[x] Renderables are rendered
[x] Header
[x] With cookie
[x] Get original content
[x] Get original content retrieves the first original content
[x] Set and retrieve status code
[x] Only input on redirect
[x] Except input on redirect
[x] Flashing errors on redirect
[x] Setters getters on request
[x] Redirect with errors array converts to message bag
[x] With headers
[x] Magic call
[x] Magic call exception
[x] Basic auth protects route
[x] Basic auth passes on correct credentials
[x] Basic auth respects additional conditions
[x] Basic auth fails on wrong credentials
[x] Logging in via attempt
[x] logging in using id
[x] logging out
[ ] memcached locks can be acquired and released
[ ] redis locks can be acquired and released
[ ] memcached locks can block for seconds
[ ] redis locks can block for seconds
[ ] locks can run callbacks
[ ] locks throw timeout if block expires
[x] Basic create and retrieve
[x] Custom pivot class
[x] Attach method
[ ] Detach method
[x] First method
[x] FirstOrFail method
[x] Find method
[x] FindOrFail method
[x] FindOrNew method
[x] FirstOrNew method
[x] FirstOrCreate method
[x] UpdateOrCreate method
[x] Sync method
[x] SyncWithoutDetaching method
[x] Toggle method
[x] Touching parent
[x] Touching related models on sync
[x] No touching happens if not configured
[x] Can retrieve related ids
[x] Can touch related models
[x] casts are respected on attach
[x] casts are respected on sync
[x] Creating factory models
[x] Creating factory models overriding attributes
[x] Creating collection of models
[x] Creating models with callable states
[x] Creating models with inline states
[x] Creating models with relationships
[x] Creating models on custom connection
[x] Making models with a custom connection
[x] user can update nullable date
[x] attribute changes
[x] simple route through the framework
[x] mail is sent
[x] mail is sent with subject
[x] mail is sent using mailable
[x] mail is sent
[x] job can be dispatched
[x] job is marked as failed if model not found exception is thrown
[x] job is deleted if has delete property
[x] jobs can be chained on success
[x] jobs can be chained on success using pending chain
[x] jobs chained on explicit delete
[x] jobs can be chained on success with several jobs
[x] jobs can be chained on success using helper
[x] jobs can be chained via queue
[x] second job is not fired if first failed
[x] second job is not fired if first released
[x] third job is not fired if second fails
[x] It serialize user on default connection
[x] It serialize user on different connection
[x] It fails if models on multi connections
[x] listeners can be queued optionally
[x] responsable objects are rendered
[x] route view
[x] File handler can be added
[x] Rotating file handler can be added
[x] Error log handler can be added
[x] Methods pass error additions to monolog
[x] Writer fires events dispatcher
[x] Listen shortcut fails with no dispatcher
[x] Listen shortcut
[x] Mailable data is not lost
[x] Mailable sets recipients correctly
[x] Mailable builds view data
[x] Mailer send sends message with proper view content
[x] Mailer send sends message with proper view content using html strings
[x] Mailer send sends message with proper plain view content
[x] Mailer send sends message with proper plain view content when explicit
[x] Global from is respected on all messages
[x] Failed recipients are appended and can be retrieved
[x] Events are dispatched
[x] Macroable
[x] Render function returns html
[x] Render function returns html with custom theme
[x] Render text returns text
[x] Parse returns parsed markdown
[x] From method
[x] Sender method
[x] Return path method
[x] To method
[x] To method with override
[x] Cc method
[x] Bcc method
[x] Reply to method
[x] Subject method
[x] Priority method
[x] Get swift message method
[x] Basic attachment
[x] Data attachment
[x] Get transport
[x] Send
[x] Action is created properly
[x] Database channel creates database record with proper data
[x] Notification is broadcasted on custom channels
[x] Notification is broadcasted now
[x] Notification can be dispatched to driver
[x] Notification not sent on halt
[x] Notification can be queued
[x] Database channel creates database record with proper data
[x] Level can be retrieved
[x] Message formats multi line text
[x] Sms is sent via nexmo
[x] Sms is sent via nexmo with custom from
[x] Notification can be dispatched
[x] Notification option routing
[x] Notifications can be sent
[x] Correct payload is sent to slack
[x] Correct payload is sent to slack with image icon
[x] Correct payload without optional fields is sent to slack
[x] Correct payload with attachment field builder is sent to slack
[x] Length aware paginator get and set page name
[x] Length aware paginator can give me relevant page information
[x] Length aware paginator can generate urls
[x] Length aware paginator can generate urls with query
[x] Length aware paginator can generate urls without trailing slashes
[x] Simple paginator returns relevant context information
[x] Paginator removes trailing slashes
[x] Paginator generates urls without trailing slash
[x] Presenter can determine if there are any pages to show
[x] Presenter can get a url range for a small number of urls
[x] Presenter can get a url range for a window of links
[x] Pipeline basic usage
[x] Pipeline usage with objects
[x] Pipeline usage with invokable objects
[x] Pipeline usage with callable
[x] Pipeline usage with invokable class
[x] Pipeline usage with parameters
[x] Pipeline via changes the method being called on the pipes
[x] Pipeline throws exception on resolve without container
[x] Fire properly calls the job handler
[x] Failed properly calls the job handler
[x] Delete removes the job from beanstalkd
[x] Release properly releases job onto beanstalkd
[x] Bury properly bury the job from beanstalkd
[x] Push properly pushes job onto beanstalkd
[x] Delayed push properly pushes job onto beanstalkd
[x] Pop properly pops job off of beanstalkd
[x] Delete properly remove jobs off beanstalkd
[x] Available and un reserved jobs are popped
[x] Popped jobs increment attempts
[x] Unavailable jobs are not popped
[x] That reserved and expired jobs are popped
[x] That reserved jobs are not popped
[x] Push properly pushes job onto database
[x] Delayed push properly pushes job onto database
[x] Failure to create payload from object
[x] Failure to create payload from array
[x] Bulk batch pushes onto database
[x] Run process calls process
[x] Listener stops when memory is exceeded
[x] Make process correctly formats command line
[x] Default connection can be resolved
[x] Other connection can be resolved
[x] Null connection can be resolved
[x] Fire properly calls the job handler
[x] Delete removes the job from redis
[x] Release properly releases job onto redis
[x] Push properly pushes job onto redis
[x] Delayed push properly pushes job onto redis
[x] Delayed push with date time properly pushes job onto redis
[x] Fire properly calls the job handler
[x] Delete removes the job from sqs
[x] Release properly releases the job onto sqs
[x] Pop properly pops job off of sqs
[x] Delayed push with date time properly pushes job onto sqs
[x] Delayed push properly pushes job onto sqs
[x] Push properly pushes job onto sqs
[x] Size properly reads sqs queue size
[x] Get queue properly resolves url with prefix
[x] Get queue properly resolves url without prefix
[x] Push should fire job instantly
[x] Failed job gets handled when an exception is thrown
[x] job can be fired
[x] job can be fired based on priority
[x] exception is reported if connection throws exception on job pop
[x] worker sleeps when queue is empty
[x] job is released on exception
[x] job is not released if it has exceeded max attempts
[x] job is failed if it has already exceeded max attempts
[x] job based max retries
[ ] Expired jobs are popped
[ ] Pop properly pops job off of redis
[ ] Pop properly pops delayed job off of redis
[ ] Pop pops delayed job off of redis when expire null
[ ] Not expire jobs when expire null
[ ] Expire jobs when expire set
[ ] Release
[ ] Release in the past
[ ] Delete
[ ] Size
[ ] Php redis pipeline
[ ] Php redis transaction
[ ] Php redis execute raw
[x] Route collection can be constructed
[x] Route collection can add route
[x] Route collection add returns the route
[x] Route collection can retrieve by name
[x] Route collection can retrieve by action
[x] Route collection can get iterator
[x] Route collection can get iterator when empty
[x] Route collection can get iterator when route are added
[x] Route collection can handle same route
[x] Route collection can refresh name lookups
[x] Route collection can get all routes
[x] Route collection can get routes by name
[x] Route collection cleans up overwritten routes
[x] Can register get route with closure action
[x] Can register post route with closure action
[x] Can register any route with closure action
[x] Can register match route with closure action
[x] Can register route with array and closure action
[x] Can register route with array and closure uses action
[x] Can register route with controller action
[x] Can register route with array and controller action
[x] Can register group with middleware
[x] Can register group with namespace
[x] Can register group with prefix
[x] Can register group with name prefix
[x] Can register group with domain
[x] Can register group with domain and name prefix
[x] Registering non approved attributes throws
[x] Can register resource
[x] Can limit methods on registered resource
[x] Can exclude methods on registered resource
[x] User can register api resource
[x] Can name routes on registered resource
[x] Can override parameters on registered resource
[x] Can set middleware on registered resource
[x] Can set route name
[x] Can set route name using name alias
[x] Basic redirect to
[x] Complex redirect to
[x] Guest put current url in session
[x] Intended redirect to intended url in session
[x] Intended without intended url in session
[x] Refresh redirect to current url
[x] Back redirect to http referer
[x] Away doesnt validate the url
[x] Secure redirect to https url
[x] Action
[x] Route
[x] Basic dispatching of routes
[x] Not modified response is properly returned
[x] Closure middleware
[x] Defined closure middleware
[x] Controller closure middleware
[x] Fluent routing
[x] Fluent routing with controller action
[x] Middleware groups
[x] Middleware groups can reference other groups
[x] Fluent route naming within a group
[x] Macro
[x] Classes can be injected into routes
[x] Options responses are generated by default
[x] Head dispatcher
[x] Non greedy matches
[x] Route parameters default value
[x] Controller call action method parameters
[x] Leading param doesnt receive forward slash on empty path
[x] Routes dont match non matching paths with leading optionals
[x] Routes dont match non matching domain
[x] Route domain registration
[x] Matches method against requests
[x] Where patterns properly filter
[x] Dot does not match everything
[x] Route binding
[x] Route class binding
[x] Route class method binding
[x] Middleware priority sorting
[x] Model binding
[x] Model binding with null return
[x] Model binding with custom null return
[x] Model binding with binding closure
[x] Model binding with compound parameter name
[x] Model binding with compound parameter name and route binding
[x] Model binding through i o c
[x] Group merging
[x] Route grouping
[x] Current route uses
[x] Route grouping from file
[x] Route grouping with as
[x] Nested route grouping with as
[x] Route middleware merge with middleware attributes as strings
[x] Route prefixing
[x] Merging controller uses
[x] Invalid action exception
[x] Resource routing
[x] Resource routing parameters
[x] Resource route naming
[x] Router fires routed event
[x] Router pattern setting
[x] Controller routing
[x] Callable controller routing
[x] Controller middleware groups
[x] Implicit bindings
[x] Implicit bindings with optional parameter with existing key in uri
[x] Implicit bindings with optional parameter with no key in uri
[x] Implicit bindings with optional parameter with non existing key in uri
[x] Implicit binding through i o c
[x] Dispatching callable action classes
[x] Response is returned
[x] Json response is returned
[x] Route redirect
[x] Middleware can be sorted by priority
[x] Basic generation
[x] Basic generation with formatting
[x] Basic route generation
[x] Fluent route name definitions
[x] Controller routes with a default namespace
[x] Controller routes outside of default namespace
[x] Routable interface routing
[x] Routable interface routing with single parameter
[x] Routes maintain request scheme
[x] Http only routes
[x] Routes with domains
[x] Routes with domains and ports
[x] Routes with domains strips protocols
[x] Https routes with domains
[x] Routes with domains through proxy
[x] Url generation for controllers requires passing of required parameters
[x] Force root url
[x] Previous
[x] Session is properly encrypted
[x] Session is loaded from handler
[x] Session migration
[x] Session regeneration
[x] Cant set invalid id
[x] Session invalidate
[x] Session is properly saved
[x] Old input flashing
[x] Data flashing
[x] Data flashing now
[x] Data merge new flashes
[x] Reflash
[x] Reflash with now
[x] Replace
[x] Remove
[x] Clear
[x] Increment
[x] Decrement
[x] Has old input without key
[x] Handler needs request
[x] Token
[x] Regenerate token
[x] Name
[x] Key exists
[x] Remember method calls put and returns default
[x] Create makes migration
[x] Accessible
[x] Add
[x] Collapse
[x] Cross join
[x] Divide
[x] Dot
[x] Except
[x] Exists
[x] First
[x] Last
[x] Flatten
[x] Flatten with depth
[x] Get
[x] Has
[x] Is assoc
[x] Only
[x] Pluck
[x] Pluck with array value
[x] Pluck with keys
[x] Pluck with carbon keys
[x] Prepend
[x] Pull
[x] Random
[x] Set
[x] Sort
[x] Sort recursive
[x] Where
[x] Where key
[x] Forget
[x] Wrap
[x] Setup container for capsule
[x] Setup container for capsule when config is bound
[x] Carbon is macroable when not called statically
[x] Carbon is macroable when called statically
[x] Carbon raises exception when static macro is not found
[x] Carbon raises exception when macro is not found
[x] First returns first item in collection
[x] First with callback
[x] First with callback and default
[x] First with default and without callback
[x] Last returns last item in collection
[x] Last with callback
[x] Last with callback and default
[x] Last with default and without callback
[x] Pop returns and removes last item in collection
[x] Shift returns and removes first item in collection
[x] Empty collection is empty
[x] Empty collection is not empty
[x] Collection is constructed
[x] Get arrayable items
[x] To array calls to array on each item in collection
[x] Json serialize calls to array or json serialize on each item in collection
[x] To json encodes the json serialize result
[x] Casting to string json encodes the to array result
[x] Offset access
[x] Array access offset exists
[x] Array access offset get
[x] Array access offset set
[x] Array access offset unset
[x] Forget single key
[x] Forget array of keys
[x] Countable
[x] Iterable
[x] Caching iterator
[x] Filter
[x] Higher order filter
[x] Where
[x] Where strict
[x] Where in
[x] Where in strict
[x] Where not in
[x] Where not in strict
[x] Values
[x] Flatten
[x] Flatten with depth
[x] Flatten ignores keys
[x] Merge null
[x] Merge array
[x] Merge collection
[x] Union null
[x] Union array
[x] Union collection
[x] Diff collection
[x] Diff null
[x] Diff keys
[x] Diff assoc
[x] Each
[x] Each spread
[x] Intersect null
[x] Intersect collection
[x] Intersect by keys null
[x] Intersect by keys
[x] Unique
[x] Unique with callback
[x] Unique strict
[x] Collapse
[x] Collapse with nested collactions
[x] Cross join
[x] Sort
[x] Sort with callback
[x] Sort by
[x] Sort by string
[x] Sort by always returns assoc
[x] Reverse
[x] Flip
[x] Chunk
[x] Chunk when given zero as size
[x] Chunk when given less than zero
[x] Every
[x] Except
[x] Pluck with array and object values
[x] Pluck with array access values
[x] Implode
[x] Take
[x] Random
[x] Random without argument
[x] Random throws an error when requesting more items than are available
[x] Take last
[x] Macroable
[x] Can add methods to proxy
[x] Make method
[x] Make method from null
[x] Make method from collection
[x] Make method from array
[x] Wrap with scalar
[x] Wrap with array
[x] Wrap with arrayable
[x] Wrap with jsonable
[x] Wrap with json serialize
[x] Wrap with collection class
[x] Wrap with collection subclass
[x] Unwrap collection
[x] Unwrap collection with array
[x] Unwrap collection with scalar
[x] Times method
[x] Construct make from object
[x] Construct method
[x] Construct method from null
[x] Construct method from collection
[x] Construct method from array
[x] Construct method from object
[x] Splice
[x] Get pluck value with accessors
[x] Map
[x] Map spread
[x] Flat map
[x] Map to groups
[x] Map to groups with numeric keys
[x] Map with keys
[x] Map with keys integer keys
[x] Map with keys multiple rows
[x] Map with keys callback key
[x] Map into
[x] Nth
[x] Transform
[x] Group by attribute
[x] Group by attribute preserving keys
[x] Group by closure where items have single group
[x] Group by closure where items have single group preserving keys
[x] Group by closure where items have multiple groups
[x] Group by closure where items have multiple groups preserving keys
[x] Key by attribute
[x] Key by closure
[x] Contains
[x] Contains strict
[x] Contains with operator
[x] Getting sum from collection
[x] Can sum values without a callback
[x] Getting sum from empty collection
[x] Value retriever accepts dot notation
[x] Pull retrieves item from collection
[x] Pull removes item from collection
[x] Pull returns default
[x] Reject removes elements passing truth test
[x] Search returns index of first found item
[x] Search returns false when item is not found
[x] Keys
[x] Paginate
[x] Prepend
[x] Zip
[x] Getting max items from collection
[x] Getting min items from collection
[x] Only
[x] Getting avg items from collection
[x] Json serialize
[x] Combine with array
[x] Combine with collection
[x] Concat with array
[x] Concat with collection
[x] Reduce
[x] Random throws an exception using amount bigger than collection size
[x] Pipe
[x] Median value with array collection
[x] Median value by key
[x] Even median collection
[x] Median out of order collection
[x] Median on empty collection returns null
[x] Mode on null collection
[x] Mode
[x] Mode value by key
[x] With multiple mode values
[x] Slice offset
[x] Slice negative offset
[x] Slice offset and length
[x] Slice offset and negative length
[x] Slice negative offset and length
[x] Slice negative offset and negative length
[x] Collection from traversable
[x] Collection from traversable with keys
[x] Split collection with a divisable count
[x] Split collection with an undivisable count
[x] Split collection with count less then divisor
[x] Split empty collection
[x] Higher order collection map
[x] Higher order collection map from arrays
[x] Partition
[x] Partition by key
[x] Partition preserves keys
[x] Partition empty collection
[x] Higher order partition
[x] Tap
[x] When
[x] When default
[x] Unless
[x] Unless default
[x] Facade calls underlying application
[x] Should receive returns a mockery mock
[x] Should receive can be called twice
[x] Can be mocked without underlying instance
[x] Attributes are set by constructor
[x] Attributes are set by constructor givenstd class
[x] Attributes are set by constructor given array iterator
[x] Get method returns attribute
[x] Array access to attributes
[x] Magic methods can be used to set attributes
[x] Isset magic method
[x] To array returns attribute
[x] To json encodes the to array result
[x] Array dot
[x] Array get
[x] Array has
[x] Array set
[x] Array forget
[x] Array pluck with array and object values
[x] Array pluck with nested keys
[x] Array pluck with nested arrays
[x] Array except
[x] Array only
[x] Array collapse
[x] Array divide
[x] Array first
[x] Array last
[x] Array pluck
[x] Array prepend
[x] Array flatten
[x] Str is
[x] Str random
[x] Starts with
[x] E
[x] Ends with
[x] Str after
[x] Str contains
[x] Str finish
[x] Snake case
[x] Str limit
[x] Camel case
[x] Studly case
[x] Class basename
[x] Value
[x] Object get
[x] Data get
[x] Data get with nested arrays
[x] Data get with double nested arrays collapses result
[x] Data fill
[x] Data fill with star
[x] Data fill with double star
[x] Data set
[x] Data set with star
[x] Data set with double star
[x] Array sort
[x] Array sort recursive
[x] Array where
[x] Array wrap
[x] Head
[x] Last
[x] Class uses recursive should return traits on parent classes
[x] Class uses recursive accepts object
[x] Array add
[x] Array pull
[x] Tap
[x] Throw
[x] Throw with string
[x] To html
[x] To string
[x] Register macro
[x] Register macro and call without static
[x] When calling macro closure is bound to object
[x] Class based macros
[x] Uniqueness
[x] Messages are added
[x] Messages may be merged
[x] Message bags can be merged
[x] Get returns array of messages by key
[x] Get returns array of messages by implicit key
[x] First returns single message
[x] First returns empty string if no messages found
[x] First returns single message from dot keys
[x] Has indicates existence
[x] Has any indicates existence
[x] Has indicates existence of all keys
[x] Has indicates none existence
[x] All returns all messages
[x] Format is respected
[x] Message bag returns correct array
[x] Message bag returns expected json
[x] Count returns correct value
[x] Countable
[x] Constructor
[x] First finds message for wildcard key
[x] Resolution
[x] Parsed items are cached
[x] Basic singular
[x] Basic plural
[x] Case sensitive singular usage
[x] Case sensitive singular plural
[x] If end of word plural
[x] Publishable service providers
[x] Publishable groups
[x] Simple assets are published correctly
[x] Multiple assets are published correctly
[x] Simple tagged assets are published correctly
[x] Multiple tagged assets are published correctly
[x] Multiple tagged assets are merged correctly
[x] String can be limited by words
[x] String trimmed only where necessary
[x] String title
[x] String without words doesnt produce error
[x] String ascii
[x] String ascii with specific locale
[x] Starts with
[x] Ends with
[x] Str before
[x] Str after
[x] Str contains
[x] Parse callback
[x] Slug
[x] Finish
[x] Is
[x] Kebab
[x] Lower
[x] Upper
[x] Limit
[x] Length
[x] Random
[x] Replace array
[x] Replace first
[x] Replace last
[x] Snake
[x] Studly
[x] Camel
[x] Substr
[x] Ucfirst
[x] Load method without namespaces properly calls loader
[x] Load method with namespaces properly calls loader
[x] Load method with namespaces properly calls loader and loads local overrides
[x] Empty arrays returned when files dont exist
[x] Empty arrays returned when files dont exist for namespaced items
[x] Load method for j s o n properly calls loader
[x] Choose
[x] Has method returns false when returned translation is null
[x] Get method properly loads and retrieves item
[x] Get method properly loads and retrieves item with capitalization
[x] Get method properly loads and retrieves item with longest replacements first
[x] Get method properly loads and retrieves item for global namespace
[x] Choice method properly loads and retrieves item
[x] Choice method properly counts collections and loads and retrieves item
[x] Get json method
[x] Get json replaces
[x] Get json replaces for associative input
[x] Get json preserves order
[x] Get json for non existing json key looks for regular keys
[x] Get json for non existing json key looks for regular keys and replace
[x] Get json for non existing returns same key
[x] Get json for non existing returns same key and replaces
[x] Basic count
[x] Basic count with closures
[x] It correctly formats a string version of the rule
[x] It correctly formats a string version of the rule
[x] Make method creates valid validator
[x] Validate calls validate on the validator
[x] Custom resolver is called
[x] Validate method can be called publicly
[x] It correctly formats a string version of the rule
[x] It correctly formats a string version of the rule
[x] Macroable
[x] It correctly formats a string version of the rule
[x] Sometimes works on nested arrays
[x] After callbacks are called with validator instance
[x] Sometimes works on arrays
[x] Validate throws on fail
[x] Validate doesnt throw on pass
[x] Has failed validation rules
[x] Failing once
[x] Has not failed validation rules
[x] Sometimes can skip required rules
[x] In validatable rules returns valid
[x] Validate empty strings always passes
[x] Empty existing attributes are validated
[x] Nullable
[x] Nullable makes no difference if implicit rule exists
[x] Proper language line is set
[x] Custom replacers are called
[x] Class based custom replacers
[x] Nested attributes are replaced in dimensions
[x] Attribute names are replaced
[x] Attribute names are replaced in arrays
[x] Displayable values are replaced
[x] Displayable attributes are replaced in custom replacers
[x] Custom validation lines are respected
[x] Custom validation lines are respected with asterisks
[x] Validation dot custom dot anything can be translated
[x] Inline validation messages are respected
[x] Inline validation messages are respected with asterisks
[x] If rules are successfully added
[x] Validate array
[x] Validate filled
[x] Validation stops at failed presence check
[x] Validate present
[x] Validate required
[x] Validate required with
[x] Required with all
[x] Validate required without
[x] Required without multiple
[x] Required without all
[x] Required if
[x] Required unless
[x] Failed file uploads
[x] Validate in array
[x] Validate confirmed
[x] Validate same
[x] Validate different
[x] Validate accepted
[x] Validate string
[x] Validate json
[x] Validate boolean
[x] Validate bool
[x] Validate numeric
[x] Validate integer
[x] Validate int
[x] Validate digits
[x] Validate size
[x] Validate between
[x] Validate min
[x] Validate max
[x] Proper messages are returned for sizes
[x] Validate in
[x] Validate not in
[x] Validate distinct
[x] Validate unique
[x] Validate unique and exists sends correct field name to d b with arrays
[x] Validation exists
[x] Validation exists is not called unnecessarily
[x] Validate ip
[x] Validate email
[x] Validate url with valid urls
[x] Validate url with invalid urls
[x] Validate active url
[x] Validate image
[x] Validate image dimensions
[x] Validate mimetypes
[x] Validate mime
[x] Validate file
[x] Empty rules skipped
[x] Alternative format
[x] Validate alpha
[x] Validate alpha num
[x] Validate alpha dash
[x] Validate timezone
[x] Validate regex
[x] Validate date and format
[x] Before and after
[x] Before and after with format
[x] Weak before and after
[x] Sometimes adding rules
[x] Custom validators
[x] Class based custom validators
[x] Class based custom validators using conventional method
[x] Custom implicit validators
[x] Custom dependent validators
[x] Exception thrown on incorrect parameter count
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks
[x] Sometimes on arrays in implicit rules
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks for required non existing key
[x] Parsing array keys with dot
[x] Covering empty keys
[x] Implicit each with asterisks with array values
[x] Validate nested array with common parent child key
[x] Validate nested array with non numeric keys
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks confirmed
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks different
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks same
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks required
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks required if
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks required unless
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks required with
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks required with all
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks required without
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks required without all
[x] Validate implicit each with asterisks before and after
[x] Get leading explicit attribute path
[x] Extract data from path
[x] Inline messages may use asterisk for each rules
[x] Using setters with implicit rules
[x] Invalid method
[x] Valid method
[x] Multiple file uploads
[x] File uploads
[x] Custom validation object
[x] Implicit custom validation objects
[x] Append sections are compiled
[x] Break statements are compiled
[x] Break statements with expression are compiled
[x] Break statements with argument are compiled
[x] Break statements with spaced argument are compiled
[x] Break statements with faulty argument are compiled
[x] Can statements are compiled
[x] Cannot statements are compiled
[x] Comments are compiled
[x] Blade code inside comments is not compiled
[x] Continue statements are compiled
[x] Continue statements with expression are compiled
[x] Continue statements with argument are compiled
[x] Continue statements with spaced argument are compiled
[x] Continue statements with faulty argument are compiled
[x] Custom php code is correctly handled
[x] Mixing yield and echo
[x] Custom extensions are compiled
[x] Custom statements
[x] Custom short statements
[x] Custom extension overwrites core
[x] Custom conditions
[x] Show each are compiled
[x] Echos are compiled
[x] Escaped with at echos are compiled
[x] Else if statements are compiled
[x] Else statements are compiled
[x] Else if statements are compiled
[x] Stop sections are compiled
[x] End sections are compiled
[x] Escaped with at directives are compiled
[x] Expressions on the same line
[x] Expression within h t m l
[x] Extends are compiled
[x] Sequential compile string calls
[x] For statements are compiled
[x] Nested for statements are compiled
[x] Foreach statements are compiled
[x] Foreach statements are compile with uppercase syntax
[x] Foreach statements are compile with multiple line
[x] Nested foreach statements are compiled
[x] Loop content holder is extracted from foreach statements
[x] Forelse statements are compiled
[x] Forelse statements are compiled with uppercase syntax
[x] Forelse statements are compiled with multiple line
[x] Nested forelse statements are compiled
[x] Has section statements are compiled
[x] If statements are compiled
[x] Plain if statements are compiled
[x] If statements are compiled
[x] If statements are compiled
[x] If statements are compiled
[x] If statements are compiled
[x] Switchstatements are compiled
[x] Include ifs are compiled
[x] Includes are compiled
[x] Include whens are compiled
[x] Statement that contains non consecutive parenthesis are compiled
[x] Language and choices are compiled
[x] Overwrite sections are compiled
[x] Php statements with expression are compiled
[x] Php statements without expression are ignored
[x] Php statements dont parse blade code
[x] Verbatim and php statements dont get mixed up
[x] Push is compiled
[x] Section starts are compiled
[x] Shows are compiled
[x] Stack is compiled
[x] Unless statements are compiled
[x] Unset statements are compiled
[x] Verbatim blocks are compiled
[x] Verbatim blocks with multiple lines are compiled
[x] Multiple verbatim blocks are compiled
[x] While statements are compiled
[x] Nested while statements are compiled
[x] Yields are compiled
[x] Is expired returns true if compiled file doesnt exist
[x] Cannot construct with bad cache path
[x] Is expired returns true when modification times warrant
[x] Compile path is properly created
[x] Compile compiles file and returns contents
[x] Compile compiles and get the path
[x] Compile set and get the path
[x] Compile with path set before
[x] Raw tags can be set to legacy values
[x] Get tags provider
[x] Views may be recompiled and rendered
[x] Views are not recompiled if they are not expired
[x] Resolvers may be resolved
[x] Resolver throws exception on unknown engine
[x] Make creates new view instance with proper path and engine
[x] Exists passes and fails views
[x] Render each creates view for each item in array
[x] Empty views can be returned from render each
[x] Raw strings may be returned from render each
[x] Environment adds extension with custom resolver
[x] Adding extension prepends not appends
[x] Prepended extension overrides existing extensions
[x] Composers are properly registered
[x] Composers can be mass registered
[x] Class callbacks
[x] Class callbacks with methods
[x] Call composer calls proper event
[x] Composers are registered with slash and dot
[x] Render count handling
[x] Yield default
[x] Yield default is escaped
[x] Yield default view is not escaped twice
[x] Basic section handling
[x] Basic section default
[x] Basic section default is escaped
[x] Basic section default view is not escaped twice
[x] Section extending
[x] Section multiple extending
[x] Component handling
[x] Translation
[x] Single stack push
[x] Multiple stack push
[x] Session appending
[x] Yield section stops and yields
[x] Inject starts section with content
[x] Empty string is returned for non sections
[x] Section flushing
[x] Has section
[x] Get section
[x] Make with slash and dot
[x] Namespaced view names are normalized properly
[x] Exception is thrown for unknown extension
[x] Exceptions in sections are thrown
[x] Extra stop section call throws exception
[x] Extra append section call throws exception
[x] Adding loops
[x] Adding uncountable loop
[x] Incrementing loop indices
[x] Reaching end of loop
[x] Incrementing loop indices of uncountable
[x] Basic view finding
[x] Cascading file loading
[x] Directory cascading file loading
[x] Namespaced basic file loading
[x] Cascading namespaced file loading
[x] Directory cascading namespaced file loading
[x] Exception thrown when view not found
[x] Exception thrown on invalid view name
[x] Exception thrown when no hint path is registered
[x] Adding extension prepends not appends
[x] Adding extensions replaces old ones
[x] Passing view with hint returns true
[x] Passing view without hint returns false
[x] Passing view with false hint returns false
[x] Views may be properly rendered
[x] Data can be set on view
[x] Render properly renders view
[x] Render handling callback return values
[x] Render sections returns environment sections
[x] Sections are not flushed when not done rendering
[x] View nest binds a sub view
[x] View accepts arrayable implementations
[x] View getters setters
[x] View array access
[x] View constructed with object data
[x] View magic methods
[x] View bad method
[x] View gather data with renderable
[x] View render sections
[x] With errors
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