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Created November 18, 2022 13:37
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Simple examples of jump modeling with power and work breakdowns
# This is a simple point mass "jumping" simulation. Given a point mass of a
# realistic human mass that starts some height above the ground with a force
# that acts vertically between the ground and mass that represents the force
# that legs can generate, we simulate from standstill to maximum height in the
# air and calculate the work done by all forces on the mass as well as the
# potential and kinetic energy at all times in the simulation. There is also a
# Coulomb friction term that can represent some dissapative resistance to the
# motion.
# O |g
# ^ v
# |
# Fl
# |
# v
# ------
# //////
# License: MIT 2022 Jason K. Moore
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
m = 75.0 # mass of human, kg
g = 9.81 # acceleration due to gravity, m/s**2
Fl_max = 1200.0 # maximum force produced by the legs, N
Ff_mag = 200.0 # magnitude of the Coulomb friction, N
# friction always opposes the motion
def calc_friction_force(t, v):
return -np.sign(v)*Ff_mag
def calc_gravity_force(t):
return -m*g
def calc_leg_force(t):
if t < 0.2:
Fl = 0.0
elif t > 1.0:
Fl = 0.0
Fl = Fl_max
return Fl
def rhs(t, s):
v = s[1]
Fg = calc_gravity_force(t)
Fl = calc_leg_force(t)
Ff = calc_friction_force(t, v)
Pg = Fg*v # gravitational power
Pl = Fl*v # leg power
Pf = Ff*v # friction power
P = Pg + Pl + Pf # total power
Pl_abs = np.abs(Pl) # sort of represents metabolic power needed
ydot = v
vdot = (Fl + Fg + Ff)/m # a = F/m
return ydot, vdot, Pg, Pl, P, Pl_abs, Pf
# stop the simulation when the jumper reaches maximum height
def at_max_height(t, s):
return s[1] - 1e-12
at_max_height.terminal = True
at_max_height.direction = -1.0 # don't stop at the squat position
t0 = 0.0
tf = 2.0
y0 = 1.0 # starting height of the center of mass
# simulate to find the max height
res = solve_ivp(rhs,
(t0, tf),
[y0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
# simulate again to have a fine mesh over the full duration
tf = res.t[-1]
res = solve_ivp(rhs,
(t0, tf),
[y0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
t_eval=np.linspace(t0, tf, num=1001),
# extract all the simulation results
y = res.y[0] # mass height
v = res.y[1] # mass speed
Wg = res.y[2] # work done by the gravity force on the mass
Wl = res.y[3] # work done by the leg force on the mass
W = res.y[4] # work done by all forces acting on the mass
Wl_abs = res.y[5] # work done by leg, sum of + and -
Wf = res.y[6] # work done by friction
# calculate the various power terms (same as in rhs())
leg_power = calc_leg_force(res.t)*v
gravity_power = calc_gravity_force(res.t)*v
friction_power = calc_friction_force(res.t, v)*v
# calculate the energy at each time
potential_energy = np.abs(calc_gravity_force(res.t))*y
kinetic_energy = m*v**2/2
total_energy = potential_energy + kinetic_energy
E_p0 = potential_energy[0] # potential energy when standing still (above ground)
E_pmin = np.min(potential_energy) # potential energy at lowest squat
E_pmax = np.max(potential_energy) # potential energy at high point in the jump
print('Change in potential energy from initial to max height: ', E_pmax - E_p0)
print('Total positive work done by by all forces', W[-1])
print('Total positive work done by leg', Wl[-1])
print('Total positive work done by gravity', Wg[-1])
print('Total positive work done by friction', Wf[-1])
print('Total positive work done by gravity + friction', Wg[-1] + Wf[-1])
print('Work done by leg to both decel and accel the mass: ', Wl_abs[-1])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(7, 1, sharex=True)
axes[0].plot(res.t, calc_gravity_force(res.t))
axes[0].plot(res.t, calc_leg_force(res.t))
axes[0].plot(res.t, calc_friction_force(res.t, v))
axes[0].legend([r'$F_g$', r'$F_l$', r'$F_f$'])
axes[1].plot(res.t, y)
axes[2].plot(res.t, v)
axes[3].plot(res.t, gravity_power)
axes[3].plot(res.t, leg_power)
axes[3].plot(res.t, friction_power)
axes[3].plot(res.t, leg_power + gravity_power + friction_power)
axes[3].legend([r'$P_g$', r'$P_l$', r'$P_f$', r'$P$'])
axes[4].plot(res.t, Wg)
axes[4].plot(res.t, Wl)
axes[4].plot(res.t, Wf)
axes[4].plot(res.t, W)
axes[4].plot(res.t, Wl_abs)
axes[4].legend([r'$W_g$', r'$W_l$', r'$W_f$', r'$W$', r'$W_l^*$'])
axes[5].plot(res.t, potential_energy)
axes[5].plot(res.t, kinetic_energy)
axes[5].plot(res.t, total_energy)
axes[5].legend([r'$E_p$', r'$E_k$', r'$E$'])
# this graph shows that the total work done to the mass equals the kinetic
# energy at any time
axes[6].plot(res.t, W, res.t, kinetic_energy)
axes[6].legend([r'$W$', r'$E_k$'])
for ax in axes:
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