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Last active August 13, 2019 17:13
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Javascript Classes: es5 versus es6
//old school es5 syntax for creating a class
//advantage: lets you create private functions and state through closure
//disadvantage: looks weird if you learned OO through language like c++/java/ruby, etc. Doesn't support prototypical inheritance.
//constructor function
function MyES5Class(aPrivateVar){
var aontherPrivateVar = "I'm a private variable! You can't access me from the outside."
this.publicVar = "I'm a public variable! You can access me from the outside!"
this.myPublicFunction = function(){
//you can access private variables and functions in here (aPrivateVar, anotherPrivateVar, myPrivateFunction)
console.log("I'm a public function! You can call me from the outside!")
var myPrivateFunction = function(){
console.log("I can only be called from within the instance. I'm private! I work through closure.")
let myES5Object = new MyES5Class("my data")
myES5Object.myPublicFunction() // works
myES5Object.myPrivateFunction() // BLOWS UP! This throws an exception, as myPrivateFunction is hidden from the outside world through closure encapsulation.
//new es6 syntax
//advantage: looks familiar to people who have learned OO through languages like c++/java/ruby, etc. Supports prototypical inheritance.
//disadvantage: doesn't allow for private fields or private methods. Boo!
class MyES6Class{
this.someVar = someVar //you have to make these public :(
this.publicVar = "I'm a public variable! You can access me from the outside!"
console.log("I'm a public function! You can call me from the outside!")
let myES6Object = new MyES6Class("my data")
myES6Object.myPublicFunction() // works
myES6Object.someVar // works, since fields can't be made private in the new class syntax
myES6Object.publicVar // works, since fields can't be made private in the new class syntax
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