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Created February 29, 2020 05:45
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/.s3cfg | grep -Hnri "website_endpoint"
/phpunit.xml | grep -Hnri "<\phpunit"
/nginx.conf | grep -Hnri '/var/run/'
/.vimrc | grep -Hnri 'vim-'
/yarn.lock | grep -Hnri 'yarn lockfile'
/.idea/workspace.xml | grep -Hnri '<project version="4">'
/composer.json | grep -Hnri '"autoload"'
/Homestead.yaml | grep -Hnri 'provider: virtualbox'
/Vagrantfile | grep -Hnri 'VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION'
/.ssh/known_hosts | grep -Hnri 'ssh-rsa'
/web.config | grep -Hnri "<system.webServer>"
/phpinfo.php "phpinfo()"
/.git/config | grep -Hnri "refs/heads/master"
/server-info/ "Apache Server Information"
/trace "timestamp"
/mappings "resourceHandlerMapping"
/actuator "_links"
/.svn/entries grep -Hnri "has-props"
/.DS_Store | grep -Hnri 'Bud1'
/_wpeprivate/config.json | grep -Hnri 'WPE_VENDOR'
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