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Last active January 27, 2019 05:01
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StreamThreads Guide

StreadThreads Manual:


When you are interacting with the extension on the channel for the first time, you will see a list of text posts in a "feed" type of view in the extension. (The list will be empty if this extension was just added to a channel). These posts are called "Threads" and are associated with a user, and contain a title and a body. Threads are unique to a channel, they are not shared across channels. Additionally, they can be "scored" with an upvote or downvote. At the botttom of the list of threads, there are buttons to paginate back and forward to fetch the next page of threads. Threads can be sorted in multiple ways, the default is "Hottest" but other options include, best, worst, and newest! Within a "Thread" are a similar list of posts called "comments" which are replies to the parent thread. Similar to threads, users can vote on comments. Additionally, the extension has configuration options such as enabling/disabling unlinked users and logged out users to post content. We recommend linking your account to the extension as soon as possible so that you are able to create posts as well as vote.

Creating a thread

To create a thread, go to the main panel, and click on the pencil icon on the top right. A new view should be shown. Type a title for the thread, and optionally a body. Click Submit and wait to be directed to your new thread!

Commenting on a thread

Back on the main panel, click the title of any of the thread posts you which to comment on. You should be directed to a new view that shows the thread as well as the current comments on it. On the header section of the view, click on the pencil icon. You should be directed to another view which gives you a form to write a comment. Click submit when you are finished to post the comment.

Voting on a thread/comment

On the right side of a thread or comment is a up and a down arrow. Clicking the up arrow gives the post a score of +1, click the down arrow reduces the post's score by -1. You can undo your vote by clicking again on the previously selected arrow. Voting is disabled for users who are unlinked or logged out.


Each user of the extension has a score. It is shown at the top left of the main panel. It is the sum of all of the points (upvotes - downvotes) for each of the threads/comments that the user has created. The more popular their content, the higher score they will have!

Refreshing the posts

The list of threads in a channel by design do not refresh dynamically like a chat room. Therefore to refresh the lists, a refresh button is provided on the top right part of the main panel.

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