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Using Filament with Spatie Media Library
//Model Brand.php.
namespace App\Models\Admin;
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia;
class Brand extends Model implements HasMedia
use HasFactory, InteractsWithMedia, Sluggable;
protected $fillable = [
public function sluggable(): array
return [
'slug' => [
'source' => 'name',
//With this method i attach a single logo to the model
public function attachLogo($path, $fileName = '') : self
if ($fileName === '')
$extension = Str::afterLast($path, '.');
$fileName = strtolower(str_replace(['#', '/', '\\', ' '], '-', $this->name)).'_'.$this->id.'.'.$extension;
return $this;
public function registerMediaCollections(): void
//Here we define the Form and the Record List of the Resource.
//The only thing of notice is how the logo is showed in the record list using the callback 'getValueUsing => '
namespace App\Filament\Resources\Admin;
use App\Filament\Resources\Admin\BrandResource\Pages;
use App\Filament\Resources\Admin\BrandResource\RelationManagers;
use App\Filament\Roles;
use App\Models\Admin\Brand;
use Filament\Resources\Forms\Components;
use Filament\Resources\Forms\Form;
use Filament\Resources\Resource;
use Filament\Resources\Tables\Columns;
use Filament\Resources\Tables\Filter;
use Filament\Resources\Tables\Table;
class BrandResource extends Resource
public static $icon = 'heroicon-o-collection';
public static $model = Brand::class;
public static $label = 'Marcas';
public static $navigationSort = 1;
public static function form(Form $form)
return $form->schema([
->rules(['required', 'max:100'])
->rules(['required', 'max:6'])
->placeholder('Ingresa una abreviatura para la marca. La abreviatura se usará para generar el SKU de los productos')
->hint('Máximo 6 caracteres'),
public static function table(Table $table)
return $table->columns([
->getValueUsing(function($record) {
return $record->getFirstMediaUrl('brands');
public static function relations()
return [
public static function routes()
return [
Pages\ListBrands::routeTo('/', 'index'),
Pages\CreateBrand::routeTo('/create', 'create'),
Pages\EditBrand::routeTo('/{record}/edit', 'edit'),
namespace App\Filament\Resources\Admin\BrandResource\Pages;
use App\Filament\Resources\Admin\BrandResource;
use Filament\Forms\Components\FileUpload;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\CreateRecord;
class CreateBrand extends CreateRecord
public static $resource = BrandResource::class;
public static $showRoute = 'edit';
//This method gives me the real path of the temporary file that Livewire uploaded to the server. I need this path so i can
//attach the media with my model using Spatie Media Library.
public function getLogoRealPath()
$temporaryUploadedFile = $this->getTemporaryUploadedFile('record.logo'); //Upload File Field named 'logo'
if ($temporaryUploadedFile)
return $temporaryUploadedFile->getRealPath();
return '';
//Overriding the create method of the CreateRecord class
//I had to do this because how the method handles the uploaded file doesn't allowed me to use any hook to intercept the deleting
//of the temporary file. Once the model is created, the temporary file is long time gone, so i don't have how to attach the media
//to my model with the spatie media library.
//All the other methods and hooks are called as the original class in the same order. Only is removed the method that deletes the
//temporary file and it is added the code to attach the media to the model.
public function create($another = false)
$record = static::getModel()::create($this->record);
$logoPath = $this->getLogoRealPath();
if ($logoPath !== '')
if ($another)
$this->redirect($this->getResource()::generateUrl(static::$showRoute, [
'record' => $record,
namespace App\Filament\Resources\Admin\BrandResource\Pages;
use App\Filament\Resources\Admin\BrandResource;
use Filament\Forms\Components\FileUpload;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\EditRecord;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class EditBrand extends EditRecord
public static $resource = BrandResource::class;
public function getLogoRealPath()
$temporaryUploadedFile = $this->getTemporaryUploadedFile('record.logo');
if ($temporaryUploadedFile)
return $temporaryUploadedFile->getRealPath();
return '';
//In the edit feature, the method to override is the save of the EditRecord class. Basically the steps are the same as in create
//Only thing to note, if i tried to use $record->save or $record->update, i didn't find why, it tried to save the 'logo' field in
//the brands table, which obvioulsy don't exist and throwed me an exception. That's why the model's save i handled it with the
//DB facade.
public function save()
$data = $this->validate();
$affectedRows = DB::table('brands')
->where('id', $this->record->id)
'name' => $data['record']['name'],
'abbrv' => $data['record']['abbrv'],
$logoPath = $this->getLogoRealPath();
if ($logoPath !== '')
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