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Last active January 31, 2018 10:46
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using duplicity with hubic to backup home directory on ubuntu linux
# preparations
# ------------
# create a new application in hubic account manager
# visit
# Developers > Add an application
# Name: backup
# Redirection domain: http://localhost/
# copy "Client ID" and "Secret Client", it will be used later
sudo apt-get install librsync-dev libffi-dev python-virtualenv python-swiftclient
# install duplicity
# -----------------
# to avoid having to mess with dependencies, package versions etc,
# just install the latest version of duplicity locally in
# $HOME/.backup
# this version supports hubic, using the pyrax library
mkdir -p $BAKDIR
virtualenv $DUPENV
source ./$DUPENV/bin/activate
pip install lockfile pyrax requests oslo.config netifaces pytz msgpack-python
curl -O -L
tar xfzv duplicity-0.7.02.tar.gz
cd duplicity-0.7.02
./ install
cat > $CREDZ <<END
email =
password = password
client_id = clent id from hubic
client_secret = client secret from hubic
redirect_uri = http://localhost/
chmod og-rwx $CREDZ
# to make a backup (this can be added to crontab)
# -----------------------------------------------
export DUPLICITY="nice $HOME/.backup/dupenv/bin/duplicity"
export PASSPHRASE="secret-backup-password"
export DST="cf+hubic://bak-hostname"
export NAME="hostname-home"
$DUPLICITY --name $NAME --full-if-older-than 4W --volsize 500 --asynchronous-upload --exclude $HOME/.cache $HOME $DST/home
$DUPLICITY --name $NAME remove-older-than 12W $DST/home
$DUPLICITY --name $NAME collection-status $DST/home
# to check the status of the remote repository
# --------------------------------------------
# since files won't show up in the hubic browser we use this script
# which provides ls-like functionality
source ./$DUPENV/bin/activate
cd lib
git clone
pip install -r hubic-wrapper-to-swift/requirements.txt
# this script uses very similar config format as pyrax above,
# the only difference is the use of email vs username
# just provide both keys in the config file
ln -s ~/.hubic_credentials ~/.hubic.cfg
# create a new container
./ --swift -- post bak-hostname
# list all containers
./ --swift -- list --long
# list contents of a container
./ --swift -- list --lh bak-hostname
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