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Last active October 31, 2018 14:35
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Convert OPML file exported from Pocketcasts to YAML format used by
the podcasts-plugin in LMS
Usage: <opml-file> <lms-basedir>
Example podcasts_opml.xml /path/to/lms
import sys
from os.path import join
from pprint import pprint
from yaml import (safe_load as load_yaml,
safe_dump as dump_yaml)
src, lms = sys.argv[1:]
target=join(lms, TARGET)
with open(target) as f:
feeds = load_yaml(f)
print('Loaded {} feeds from squeezeserver'.format(len(feeds['feeds'])))
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.parse(src)
podcasts = [dict(name=elm.get('text'), value=elm.get('xmlUrl'))
for elm in root.findall('.//outline[@type="rss"]')]
result = feeds['feeds'] + podcasts
# transform into dict to remove duplicated by overwriting any feed with same name
result = { feed['name']: feed['value'] for feed in result }
print('Merged into {} feeds'.format(len(result)))
# transform back to list of dicts
result = [dict(name=name, value=value) for name, value in result.items() ]
# sort by name
result = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x['name'])
feeds['feeds'] = result
with open(target, 'w') as f:
dump_yaml(feeds, f, encoding='utf-8', default_flow_style=False)
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