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Last active April 11, 2016 06:52
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ETS: 8 Hrs to Item 2 & submit
// javascript:if(!location.href.match(%2Fetswsso.web.(.*%3F).com.etsp.ets%2F))void(location.href%3D'')%3Bvar%20d%3Ddocument.getElementsByName('contents')%5B0%5D.contentDocument,h%3Dd.getElementsByName('hours001')%5B0%5D,t%3Dd.getElementsByName('ccnsel001')%5B0%5D,e%3Dd.createEvent('HTMLEvents')%3Bh.value%3D8%3Bt.selectedIndex%3D2%3Be.initEvent('change',false,true)%3Bt.dispatchEvent(e)%3Bvoid(d.getElementsByName('lmform')%5B0%5D.submit())
//verify on correct page
if (!location.href.match(/etswsso.web.(.*?).com.etsp.ets/)) void (location.href = 'DESIRED_URL');
// enter 8 hours for activity #2 on ETS
// setup vars for DOM elements and event
var d = document.getElementsByName('contents')[0].contentDocument,
h = d.getElementsByName('hours001')[0],
t = d.getElementsByName('ccnsel001')[0],
e = d.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
// set hours
h.value = 8;
// set actvity type & trigger update via DOM event
t.selectedIndex = 2;
e.initEvent('change', false, true);
// submit form, returning void so it works as bookmarklet
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