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Created January 4, 2021 18:47
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% \details :
% \autor : Simon Burkhardt
% \file : adsb_track_smoothing_filter.m
% \date : 2021-01-04
% \version : 1.0
clear all; close all; clc; format long;
% 1° = 111 km (or 60 nautical miles)
% 0.1° = 11.1 km
% 0.01° = 1.11 km (2 decimals, km accuracy)
% 0.001° =111 m
% 0.0001° = 11.1 m
% 0.00001° = 1.11 m
% 0.000001° = 0.11 m (7 decimals, cm accuracy)
% 1' = 1.85 km (or 1 nautical mile)
% 0.1' = 185 m
% 3" = 90 m
% 1" = 30 m
% 1/3" = 10 m
% 1/27" = 1 m
% data is accurate to 0.00001° = 1.11m
lat = Track(1:2:end);
lon = Track(2:2:end);
% "sample rate" of ADSB is 1Hz (1 position per second)
d1 = designfilt('lowpassfir','FilterOrder',32, ...
lon2 = filtfilt(d1,lon);
lat2 = filtfilt(d1,lat);
lonm = lon./0.00001.*1.11;
latm = lat./0.00001.*1.11;
lon2m = lon2./0.00001.*1.11;
lat2m = lat2./0.00001.*1.11;
lonm = lonm - median(lonm);
latm = latm - median(latm);
lon2m = lon2m - median(lon2m);
lat2m = lat2m - median(lat2m);
% plot in Degrees
plot(lon, lat, '-')
hold on
grid on
axis equal
plot(lon2, lat2, '-')
% plot in meters
plot(lonm, latm, '-')
hold on
grid on
axis equal
plot(lon2m, lat2m, '-', 'LineWidth', 2)
% Error in meters
error_lat = (lat2-lat)./0.00001.*1.11;
error_lon = (lon2-lon)./0.00001.*1.11;
plot(error_lat); hold on
plot(error_lon); grid on
% Estimate if Filter is necessary by using the Spectrum
% snr() does not work as there is no fundamental Frequency
spec_lat = abs(fft(latm));
spec_lat2 = abs(fft(lat2m));
midpoint = floor(length(latm)/2);
plot(20.*log10(spec_lat (1:midpoint))); hold on;
plot(20.*log10(spec_lat2(1:midpoint))); grid on;
snr_lat = snr(latm);
snr_lat2 = snr(lat2m);
legend(num2str(snr_lat), num2str(snr_lat2))
title("Spectrum and SNR of Latitude")
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