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Created August 18, 2021 12:22
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fsdac = 12e9; % sampling rate of DAC system
fnco = 2e9; % carrier frequency
fout = 450e3; % I/Q baseband channel modulated frequency
tsim = 100000e-9; % simulation time
M = 16;
message = 0:M-1;
symbols = qammod(message,M,'bin', 'UnitAveragePower',true, 'PlotConstellation', true);
% oversampling factor in order to get more datapoints / simulate a zero-order-hold at the modulator output
ovs = 5;
t = linspace(0, tsim, fsdac * tsim);
t(end) = []; %
tovs = linspace(0, tsim, fsdac * tsim * ovs + 1 - ovs);
tovs(end) = [];
f = linspace(0, fsdac * ovs, size(tovs, 2));
iqgrid = figure();
% for each symbol
for kfo = 1 : size(symbols, 2)
% baseband I/Q modulation
% QAM is amplitude modulation --> take the amplitude from the symbols and apply it to the baseband frequency
xi = real(symbols(kfo)) * cos( 2*pi*fout*t );
xq = imag(symbols(kfo)) * -sin( 2*pi*fout*t );
% NCO carrier frequency
ncoi = cos( 2*pi*fnco*t );
ncoq = sin( 2*pi*fnco*t );
% I/Q Modulation (single channel output)
outi = xi.*ncoi + xq.*ncoq;
% Quantization of modulated signal
% signed 16 bit mit 14 bit Nachkommastellen
x = storedIntegerToDouble( fi( outi, true, 16, 14) ) ./ (2^14);
% digital to analog: ZOH
xovs = repelem(x,1,ovs);
% digital to analog: Return to Zero / Pulse
% xovs = upsample(x, ovs);
% Nonlinearity (analoge amplifier after DAC)
% tanh shows saturation effect like power amplifiers
k = 1.0;
yovs = tanh(xovs .* k) ./ k;
% yovs(kfo, :) = 20.*log10(abs(fft(xovs) .* (2 / size(tovs, 2)))); %#ok<SAGROW>
specx = 20.*log10(abs(fft(xovs) .* (2 / size(tovs, 2))));
% specy = 20.*log10(abs(fft(yovs) .* (2 / size(tovs, 2))));
% Coordinates on I/Q grid
coord = 1+mod((kfo-1)*sqrt(M),M-1);
if kfo == size(symbols,2)
coord = size(symbols,2);
subplot(sqrt(M),sqrt(M), coord );
if(coord == (M-sqrt(M)+1))
xlabel('Frequency in Hz');
ylabel('Power in dBc');
plot(f, specx);
% plot(f, specy);
axis([fnco - 10e6, fnco + 10e6, -150, 0]);
titlestr = sprintf("I/Q = [%.3f, %.3f]", real(symbols(kfo)), imag(symbols(kfo)));
% titlestr2 = sprintf("QAM-%d Spectrum Simulation with nonlinear Distortion", M);
ylabel(gridax,'Quadrature Amplitude');
xlabel(gridax,'In-phase Amplitude');
titlestr2 = sprintf("QAM-%d Spectrum Simulation", M);
set(gcf, 'Position', [100, 100, 800, 800])
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